Such a houseplant as zamioculcas is popularly known as “dollar tree". It is quite simple to grow and care for it, which is why it is very popular among novice florists. The only difficulty that can be faced is its transplant. The plant has a voluminous root system, therefore, during transplantation, you need to be extremely careful not to damage it.
In order for the zamioculcas to take root at home, this process must go by all the rules and at a certain time. The composition of the soil is also of great importance, as well as the correctly selected pot.
When is it necessary to transplant zamioculcas?
Transfer after purchase
This exotic plant comes to us from other countries and the containers in which it is transported are filled with a special transporting substrate intended for temporary "residence". If the flower is not transplanted in time after purchase, it may die. Therefore, once in a new fertilized soil, the plant will delight with its presence for a long time.
Regular transplant
When is Zamiokulkas transplant still required? At home, it grows very slowly, so young plants are subjected to this procedure every year as the roots grow. More mature flowers transplanted every 2 - 4 years... If the root system has grown very much, it must be done immediately.
Secrets of a successful zamiokulkas transplant
To transplant zamiokulkas at home was less traumatic for him, you should adhere to certain rules:
Since the root system of the plant is very sensitive, the procedure for moving it to another pot should be carried out by the transfer method.
- In order to less painfully separate the roots from the container, it should be slightly wrinkled with your hands, after which the plant itself is removed.
- In no case should the roots be freed from the old earth. This contributes to their damage and disease. Therefore, the transplantation of zamiokulkas should be carried out in such a way that the root system is not affected and the earth does not change.
- The flower does not tolerate excess moisture, which can destroy it. Before transplanting it into another pot, you should prepare high-quality drainage. In this case, the bottom of the new container is covered with a layer of expanded clay 3 cm high, and earth is poured over it.
- The resulting voids after moving the plant to another pot must be filled with soil. It is not necessary to deepen the roots completely into the soil - they should be slightly visible above its surface. After transplanting, it is not necessary to water the zamioculcas; it is recommended to do this a week after that.
If during transplantation something fell off from a common coma or a leaf broke off - do not be discouraged, but try to propagate the plant:
How to choose the right pot?
When choosing a new pot for an exotic plant, you must remember that its size should not be much larger than the root system of the flower. The ground part of the zamiokulkas will not develop until the roots completely fill the soil. Therefore, the new capacity should be 10 - 15% more than the previous one and be sure to have drainage holes.
What material to choose a pot from - the owner must decide exotic flower... In clay, the soil dries out much faster, which has a beneficial effect on the root system, and in plastic conveyors it is easier to determine when the plant needs to be replanted. In addition, it is much easier to remove it from such a container.
Let's consider in more detail the process of transplanting a plant at home.
Transplanting zamiokulkas
The plant should be moved to a new place at the most favorable season for this, which is considered April. The first time after such a procedure at home, the flower will not grow, but this is considered normal, because it gets used to the new soil, which should be rich in humus. To prepare it, they take forest and garden land in equal proportions and add a little sand and humus to it.
In a pot it is necessary there must be drainagewhich is used to drain excess water and improve aeration. They fill about a quarter of the container with it.
Used as drainage:
- expanded clay;
- gravel;
- vermiculite.
The latter is able not only to absorb moisture, but also at a certain moment to return it to the root system.
Detailed material on the benefits of using vermiculite in indoor gardening:
As soon as all the materials are prepared, they begin to transplant the plant into a new pot. First, the zamioculcas is carefully removed from the pot. To keep the roots intact, use the transshipment method.
Drainage is placed in a pre-prepared pot, a soil mixture is poured on top, after which a plant is placed in it. The remaining space is filled with soil. It is necessary to transplant zamioculcas to the same depth as in the old pot... After the completion of the procedure, the flower is removed in partial shade.
Since the plant contains poisonous sap, rubber gloves must be used when handling it. At home, it should be kept as far away from children and adults as possible.
Plant care after transplant
After carrying out such a procedure, the zamioculcas must be left alone for a while so that it takes root in the new soil and adapts to it. After that, he is taken care of, which is as follows:
- regular watering;
- comfortable temperature;
- feeding.
Zamioculcas refers to a type of plant that do not like excessive moisture... It should be watered in spring and summer in moderation, and in winter this process is minimized. It is important to ensure that the earthen lump dries out completely between waterings. Since moisture evaporates at home rather slowly, excess water begins to stagnate in the pot, causing the appearance of various diseases.
How to care for a dollar tree at home:
This exotic plant feels comfortable at temperatures from +15 to +24 degrees. The main thing is to avoid sudden temperature changes.
The soil must be enriched with fertilizers. They should be introduced from spring to autumn, that is, during the growing season. In winter, the flower rests, therefore he does not need feeding.
Thus, we have figured out when and under what conditions such an exotic plant as zamiokulkas should be transplanted. This is necessary for its normal growth and development. It does not require any special care, it grows well at room temperature, delighting the owner with its beautiful appearance.