Exotic flowers, their name and description

Every gardener wants his greenhouse to be unique. It is not so difficult to do this, exotic flowers can add grace, which by their appearance will remind of distant countries. Of course, it is not so easy to grow exotic on your site, but with proper care it is quite possible. If you succeed, then you will not regret the time spent for a second.

Cannes flowers

Cannes - bright beautiful flowers

Cannes are considered a relative of such a plant as ginger, because it was not for nothing that the Indians used its tubers for food. And here this plant is attractive for gardeners primarily with its beautiful large flowers, which are somewhat reminiscent of gladioli. To please the eye with flowering

Cannes can be from spring until the first frost, after which you can bring it home, where it is will continue to open its buds right up to winter. If you do not want to grow it at home, then the tubers can be dug up and transferred to a warm place, where they will wait for next spring.


Petunia ampelous in the flowerbed

This lovely the flower came to us from America and initially it did not represent any decorative value. However, over time, the beauty of petunia was still considered and began to be used in the design of gardens. This flower is very unpretentious and can bloom from spring to late autumn.

Currently scientists have bred a huge number of decorative petunias in a variety of shades and shapes. The most popular varieties are:

  • Bush
  • Floribunda
  • Ampelny
  • Calibrachoa
  • Cascading
Exotic flowers
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A very capricious, but truly the most beautiful flower is the orchid. In warm countries, they grow on trees, and garlands of flowers hang from their long shoots.

Exists a huge number of orchid species, only in South America there are more than 8000 of them. All of them have different shapes and colors, but no matter how different they may be, all have approximately the same structure - 3 sepals, 3 petals, one of which, the lower one, differs from the other two in shape , and sometimes even color. This petal is also very often called a lip.

The seeds of this flower can only germinate with the help of fungiwhich are derived from the mother plant. Most often, during transportation, these mushrooms die and the seeds cannot germinate. That is why orchids are so expensive, because it takes a lot of effort and time for a plant to bloom.

Phalaenopsis in a flowerbed looks very romanticOrchids were first used in greenhouses about 100 years ago. In those days, they were transported from the jungle, so their cost was simply unimaginable. But, as soon as the first flower was delivered, he immediately became fashionable. This was the beginning of the hunt for this precious plant, because without even being afraid to die in the jungle, the daredevils went in search of the most beautiful of flowers.

If you are not afraid of difficulties, then the orchid can be a wonderful decoration not only for your garden, but also for your home, because it feels great at home... For this, the following varieties are suitable:

  • Phalaenopsis. This species is the most popular for home growing, they are not as whimsical as the rest and bloom for a long time.
  • Dendrobium. This species prefers a cooler place, under good conditions it will bloom for a month.
  • Cattleya. This same orchid, on the contrary, prefers warmth, but not heat.Its peculiarity is flowers that reach 20 cm in diameter.

The photo above shows the Phalaenopsis orchid.


Callas are beautiful both in the flowerbed and in the bouquet

This flower has many fans among professionals and amateurs, and this is not surprising. Growing them does not require any special conditions or skills, you just need a desire and then everything will work out.

Callas were brought to us from South America, and if in natural conditions they bloom in winter, then in our climate they feel great in summer, pleasing the eye with beautiful inflorescences. In nature, white calla lilies are most often found, but species bred for decorative purposes may already be pink, red, yellow or even black.

So that the calla lilies also bloom next year, you need to prepare them for wintering in advance. For this in September need to dig out the bushes and carefully peel the tubers from the soil. Everything must be done very carefully so as not to damage anything, since calla lilies have very fragile roots. The leaves must be left for 2 weeks so that the tubers receive the maximum nutrients and after a while they can be harvested. They need to be stored at a temperature not exceeding 15 degrees.

Amorphophallus giant

Amorphophallus giant - care featuresCompared to other exotic flowers, this one is simply huge, its peduncle can reach a height of 3 meters. Dissolving, the flower shows the underside of red or purple, and in the middle there is a huge ear-inflorescence, which despite its beauty has a not very pleasant smell. Such beauty can be observed for 2 weeks, after which one leaf will stick out of the ground.

However, due to its size and shape from afar it looks like a tree with a very lush crown. During one season, this leaf will live, accumulating nutrients so that such an exotic flower can bloom again the next year. The photo shows how impressive the size of the amorphophallus is.


This is a very rare exotic a flower that can be found in the Asian jungle... Even without even approaching it, you can feel it, because rafflesia exudes the aroma of rotting meat.Rafflesia - unusual flowers in the garden

This exotic plant is impressive in size and can reach 1 meter in diameter. Fleshy red the flower attracts flies with its scentwho pollinate it. Flowering lasts about 3 days, after which a large berry begins to grow. When it is ripe, wild animals will trample it and spread seeds throughout the forest.

However, only that part of the seeds that will enter the tree trunks will germinate. Rafflesia is a parasite flowerthat feeds on the juices of another plant. She will live in this way for 3 years, after it will release a bud, which will grow for another year and a half, until the giant flower blooms again.

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