Flowers are most often presented in the form of bouquets. Since the era of the Ancient World, much attention has been paid to the design and gift ceremony of these bouquets. The combination of callas was not only a beautiful composition, but also a meaningful message, because each variety and color of the plant had its own meaning.
Floriography, which means "Language of flowers”, Developed in the Middle Ages, when ladies had to secretly communicate with their beloved. Perhaps this topic is too vast and multifaceted, so it is advisable to limit ourselves to one flower.
Legends of calla flowers
The cruel and merciless leader decided to marry a girl from a neighboring tribe. Not accepting her refusal, he attacked the village, wanting to reach his goal by force. Capturing the unfortunate, the leader began the wedding ceremony.
The bride in a beautiful white dress tried to throw herself into the fire, but the gods spared her and turned into a wonderful flower. Since then, according to this legend, the calla flower protects girls and helps them to be strong and determined in the struggle for their happiness.
Once the daughter of one of the gods fell in love with a young man of an Indian tribe. The divine parent made the girl invisible, but could not prevent the meetings of her lovers.
The young man felt the presence of his friend at meetings and once gave her a blanket made of beautiful flowers. The father took pity on the hearts of the lovers and returned the visibility of his daughter. Calla lilies were born from a flower blanket that fell to the ground.
Description of the plant
The name of the flower means "beautiful" in Greek. Simple and pure beauty - an elegant petal wraps around a yellow pyramid or, if you prefer, a candle.
Combined with the delicate aroma of vanilla, this evokes a sense of rapturous admiration that reaches the point of admiration. The purity of the lines and the shape of the buds is amazing.
Callus, or in other words calla, is a plant of the aroid family... It grows in the wild in the shade near marshy shores. Originally from Africa, it came to Europe, where it has been grown for two hundred years.
White flowers come from the Ethiopian variety, which grows up to one meter in height. Other colors come from other species growing to half-meter plants.
These plants are unpretentious. By changing the water in the vase every day, you can prevent the withering of this flower for a long time. Planted in pots, these flowers only require moisture.
Plant varieties:
- Calla.
- Calla (Ethiopian).
- Zantedeschia.
- Richardia.
In total, there are about 28 species.
Despite the apparent simplicity, this is a completely difficult plant. Among the people, it is endowed with magical properties:
It is believed that not only the flower is endowed with special power, but also its image. So, calla protects the house from the "evil eye", helps to cope with stress and despondency.
- It is generally believed that this is a symbol of self-control and building relationships. It is believed, for example, that if there is no sweetness in a house with children, then it will be useful to put this plant in their room. It will have a beneficial effect on the child.
- They also think that the flower has a good effect on human health, protects it from all kinds of diseases. By the way, a bouquet of this plant, presented to a person suffering from a serious illness, will give him vigor and strengthen hope for a speedy recovery.
Bouquets, especially wedding bouquets, or for celebrating anniversaries, are very noble and refined... A bouquet of this plant means a lot as an offering to your girlfriend.
But here we must take into account the fact that some people associate callas with death. Bouquets of these flowers are not uncommon at funerals. Although they are no more flowers of death than any other plant.
Rather, at mourning events, they symbolize the hope of rebirth in the higher heavenly realms amid purity and peace.
Now about bouquets for men. It is recommended to select large white flowers and combine them with other varieties of flora representatives, design bulky and huge bouquets with a large number of green components.
The values
Callas can help two hearts connect. How? A bouquet of elegant white flowers in hand will surely attract the eyes of other people, among whom may be the future chosen one or the chosen one.
One of the roles of these plants is that they serve as talismansprotecting family happiness in the house. In the bride's bouquet, they are symbols of a strong and happy marriage. They also personify the femininity and beauty of youth.
A bouquet made of calla lilies alone or containing them in combination with other flowers is a truly royal gift. He emphasizes the beauty of a woman or the nobility of the hero of the day, to whom it is presented on special occasions. For the petal of this plant looks like a royal robe wrapped around a golden crown in the middle of the inflorescence.
Plants growing in pots on the windowsill fill the room with an atmosphere of pleasant warmth and tranquility. No wonder they, among other things, are symbols of well-being... In the distant past, it was generally believed that they would save the family from quarrels.
Another meaning of these plants: according to legends, they will save young girls from gossip and the evil eye. Often, wonderful abilities were attributed not only to the flowers themselves, but also to their images. On walls, curtains, curtains, countertops, vases, jugs, caskets.
These plants increase immunity, give antidote to snake venom... At the same time, they serve as a supplier of raw materials, which are one of the main elements of various poisons!
One of the practical properties is weather forecast... Preparing to collect moisture, the plant opens up its luxurious petal to the maximum. Before hot dry weather, the petal coils tightly around the central candle.
Popular beliefs
Quite a large number of people consider calla lilies to be flowers of sorrow, they are often brought to funerals. In Great Britain, for example, it is not even customary to give them to living people.
But this is just one of the beliefs that you do not have to adhere to, just white is not only a symbol of innocence and purity, but also sign of mourning and sorrow... And while white is good for expressing grief, it doesn't draw it into your home.
By the way, some people adhere to the prohibition to give white to elderly women, since such a gift, in their opinion, is a herald of death. But strictly speaking, it is calla lilies that have nothing to do with it, since such a prohibition, in the form of omens or beliefs, applies to absolutely any white flowers, be it roses, chrysanthemums or other varieties.
Another sign is curious: these flowers can be given as a couple, for they are considered an exception to the rule that a bouquet for a gift to a living person must contain an odd number of flowers. The couple, presented as a bouquet, personifies the symbol of the family. Strong, united and happy.
So basically the whole range of flower meanings is dual character... On the one hand, purity, youth, family happiness, admiration. On the other, there are notes of mourning.
If someone is afraid, then, of course, he should not give or receive a bouquet of these flowers. But the rest should remember that callas, even used in mourning ceremonies, are by no means the flowers of death. Moreover, other flowers can also accompany people on their last journey.
But no one rejects roses, chrysanthemums and lilies on this basis. Therefore, calla lilies do not deserve oblivion and neglect. And they are very appropriate for special occasions (weddings, anniversaries, celebrations and official meetings). And these same flowers should serve good gift to a loved one on a romantic date.