Why calla is called the flower of death

Florists who grow flowers at home know very well this plant belonging to the aroid group. Sometimes you can hear the name of the flower - calla. This is how calla is called among the people.

There are a lot of all kinds of speculations about this house plant. He is considered a harbinger of death. The fact is that these flowers are very often brought to the cemetery and placed on the grave.

Can it really be that homemade calla lilies, which are very easy to care for at home, can be called a flower of sorrow? Take a look at the photo of these flowers, you will not find anything terrible or magical. Yes, the appearance of a white flower is unusual, some even find mystical features in it.

Domestic calla lilies, the cultivation of which does not require special care and conditions, are not to everyone's liking, most believe that these flowers attract death... That is why many are simply afraid to start growing a plant in a room. In their opinion, it should not be in the house.

In principle, calla is the same "harbinger" of death, like other ordinary flowers. More precisely, it is a plant that brings prosperity to the house, not death. What is the reason for this?

What are calla lilies associated with?

Calla flower meaningThese beautiful flowers in the photo speak of a person's innocence and purity. In most cases, a snow-white bouquet is presented to young girls. Sometimes it is presented to women of Balzac age.

For a long time, domestic calla lilies, the cultivation of which does not require special conditions and special care, associated with a variety of concepts... A gorgeous white flower, a photo of which can be seen on the Internet, in its appearance strongly resembles expensive royal clothes. It seems to cover the golden core, very similar to a wand. The plant, as it were, emphasizes the importance of royal nobility. Bouquets of these flowers are given most often to those who hold high positions in society.

Donated home flowers emphasize the importance of this person in the life of the donor. If you came to celebrate the anniversary of a very worthy person, known in society for his positive deeds, then just such a bouquet can be presented to the hero of the day. These luxurious flowers will emphasize your respect for this person. Highly they are often given to women, as they are associated with unique beauty.

I must say that these plants also have an impact on human well-being. They are used as an excellent snakebite antidote. A person's immune system improves, the plant calms the nervous system, charges a person with additional energy.

Flower history

A long time ago, in a deep forest there lived a village, which was completely attacked by a strong tribe. The leader of this tribe was struck by the beauty of the young girl. Her skin was silky white, her huge eyes spoke of unspent love.

The leader decided that this girl would become his wife. He set a condition that the tribe will live if the girl marries him.

There was not a single person who wanted to protect the beauty. When the forced wedding day came, the young girl was dressed in a beautiful white wedding dress. The procession went to the chief.

On the road to the poor bride met a ritual bonfire... She made the decision to throw herself into the burning flame. However, as soon as she ran towards the fire, the girl froze in place.It turned into a very beautiful white flower. Thus, heaven protected the young lady from the cruel leader. After that, the grateful beauty, who has become a beautiful plant, is considered a symbol of purity. From the photo, a luxurious plant looks at us, which has become a talisman for many women, protecting a family where love and mutual understanding reign.

What is a calla lily?

What is another calla flower calledSome believe that calla lilies can be a great talisman, while others talk about eternal damnation. Any plant, including calla, has no sense organs. Therefore, she is not able to attract death. However, as strange as it may sound, calla can sense her approach.

According to esotericists, plants grow on the earth that correspond to the energy background of their location. They react very quickly to the smallest changes.

Calla lilies also belong to such plants. When she grows up in the house, he becomes an inanimate part of the family. Calla shows what the state of each family member is. In fact, this is a plant can be called a live indicator.

People who are able to sense energy fields, looking at this beautiful plant, can immediately feel the change in the energy field. In some cases, they are even able to fix it.

When many times the plant predicted the onset of imminent death, the owners of the flower seek to throw it away. You don't need to do this. It is better to try to understand how valuable such a talisman is. After all, it shows the future, you just need to learn to understand this flower and communicate with it correctly.

Why calla lilies began to treat the colors of death

This is due to the custom in European countries to bring white flowers to the funeral, sometimes calla lilies. These plants are planted on the grave of a deceased loved one.

Callas should not be given to women of advanced age. It looks like a hint of their imminent departure from life. There is also an opinion that calla lilies resemble wax figures, they are completely unlike natural flowers.

What florists say

About calla flowerAccording to these experts, calla belongs to unpretentious plants that do well in the garden, or in the room on the windowsill, planted in a flower pot. The properties of this flower include:

  • Increased immunity;
  • Calming the nervous system;
  • Ending quarrels;
  • Restoring family peace.
  • Do not allow a melancholy mood;
  • Protect from discouragement.

Calla, which is easy to take care of at home, helps to predict the weather.

When the calla lilies in the vase are fully unfolded, a nice sunny day with no rain can be expected. If the calla lilies together with the head pressed against the stem, it means that it will rain, a heavy fog is possible.

Why calla lilies began to be considered the flowers of death

The reason was the customs of many European countries, when you need to come to the funeral with white flowers. Calla lilies are most often brought in. These unassuming plants bloom beautifully on the grave of the deceased.

Calla lilies are forbidden to give to women who have reached old age. They can take this as a hint of an early departure, that they will soon leave this mortal world. It is believed that such beautiful calla lilies are very similar to figures made from wax. They are completely unlike real flowers.


No need to believe the scandalous! These plants adorn gardens, they worthy of many epithets:

  1. Delicate;
  2. Luxurious;
  3. Strict;
  4. Elegant;
  5. Solemn;
  6. Self-sufficient.

These flowers, which are easy to care for and grow, are admired and always adorn the home garden. They can give one by one, you can make a bouquet together with other flowers, or create a bouquet of calla lilies of different colors.

This plant has never been associated with death. It symbolizes love and admiration. The claim that these flowers symbolize death is absolutely groundless.

Calla flower of death
What is a calla flowerHow to care for calla liliesHow to care for calla flowersWhite callaHow to create conditions for calla liliesHow the calla flower growsCalla lilies or calla liliesBouquet of multicolored calla liliesWhite callaCalla lilies are always popularGraceful calla flowerCalla liliesHow to care for calla flowersBlooming callaCalla flower varietiesHow to grow a calla flowerWhat can calla flower meanCalla flowersCalla in paintingCalla flower meaningHow to care for calla flowers

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    1. AvatarNovel

      Can you give your mother-in-law ???

    2. AvatarNikolay

      Kala is one of the three names for death !!! Kala, Mara, Mret, that's all

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