How tropical Zamioculcas blooms - a flower of celibacy

In 1996, Dutch flora nurseries offered connoisseurs a new guest from South Africa, who has an unusual flower - zamioculcas. Quite quickly, Chinese "home botanists" christened this exotic "golden tree", and in the Slavic countries the name "dollar tree" stuck and zamioculcas became the eighth in a row of indoor plants with the general name "flower of celibacy". In 2007, a dwarf version (cultivar) of this tropical guest was introduced for the first time.

Zamioculcas - female happiness

Why did Zamioculcas get the bad nickname "flower of celibacy" and at the same time "female happiness"? Most likely, because its flower is a little like the inflorescences of Spathiphyllum, which, according to folk signs, on the one hand, belongs to muzhegon plants, and on the other hand, it relieves the mistress of the house from loneliness and guarantees her a faithful companion in life. Looking at the photos of these plants, there is indeed a certain similarity in the structure of flowers.

In order for zamioculcas to become female happiness, a number of conditions must be met:

  • a leaf for self-cultivation must be “stolen” or a potted version of a young plant (from a flower shop) received as a gift;
  • even for a donated plant, you need to give the giver a couple of coins;
  • the plant should not be placed in the bedroom - an office or guest room is ideal;
  • do not sell the leaves of your plant for further cultivation.

However, the main condition for female happiness, as always, is prosaic. Zamioculcas blooms very rarely, and the plant itself needs constant care, grooming and nurturing, and if you do not take care of it, then it begins to die. Indeed, any harmonious relationship, including family, is constant attention and "work". Although, in fact, caring for the "flower of celibacy" is within the power of any, even inexperienced, amateur florist, as well as building a strong family.

And monetary wealth

Flower female happiness zamioculcasit decorative houseplant sometimes confused with the Money Tree - a variety of Kolanchoe. Meanwhile, comparing Zamioculcas (photo 1) and Crassula (photo 2), they can hardly be called twins.

In order for Zamioculcas to begin its magical influence on attracting money to the house in dollar terms, it is necessary do the following:

  1. Hang on origami twigs from dollar bills. The tops of the pyramids in the figures should be directed upwards. Don't forget about a few dime pendants.
  2. Place a large banknote under the pot. Here, it is necessary to protect the dollar "piece of paper" itself from moisture leakage with the help of polyethylene.

If, nevertheless, Zamioculcas begins to wither, then following the signs, it is necessary to place a younger and healthier "relative" next to it.

Zamiocúlcas - ar bore fructu cognoscitur

"They know the tree by its fruit." The beginning of this winged proverb fits this plant as well as possible. After all, it is precisely because Zamioculcas blooms that it is "appreciated".

Botanical description

Zamioculcas is the only species of Zamioculcas zamiifolia (Zamioculcas zamielistny), belonging to the monotypic genus of the Aronnikov family, which includes about 3 thousand monocotyledonous plants... Comes from tropical Africa - Mozambique. It is a herbaceous evergreen plant with a powerful, tuberous rhizome and lanceolate, complex-pinnate leaves with a glossy surface, which is painted in a deep rich dark green color. In a healthy plant, the leaves reach up to 1 m in length.

The flower (inflorescence) is quite peculiar, does not differ in particular beauty, but it is very exotic. Moreover, in indoor conditions Zamioculcas blooms quite rarely - with proper care, only once every 5-6 years. To describe this “flower” as a light cream cob with an incredible texture, pattern and a light green “veil” on a short peduncle is a thankless task. Better to look at the photo of Zamioculkas.


Zamioculcas is ideal for the roomHow to properly care for Zamioculcas in order for it to bloom?

This handsome succulent bloom only in adulthood - the plant should be powerful and well-grown. Although some amateurs, thanks to branded care and many "own, secret" factors very young specimens bloom... Therefore, in order to see a flower, you have to be patient and gain your own experience.

After flowering and pollination at home, even if fruits are formed - small brown berries, their seeds never fully ripen.

At home, Zamioculcas are propagated:

  1. With the help of leaves - a cut of a leaf is abundantly sprinkled with activated carbon, left for 8 hours, and then planted in the ground.
  2. By cuttings - 1 leaf (bottom) and 1 bud should remain on the stem. Before planting, the finished cutting should dry for 1 hour.
  3. By dividing the tuber into parts.

Important! Despite the fact that the plant does not need a special nutritious soil, for self-cultivation it is better to purchase a ready-made soil mixture for cacti and succulents, and pour a layer of expanded clay and sand on the bottom of a bulky pot. The same applies to a guest brought to the house from a flower shop - in the near future the flower needs to be transplanted and fed.

A place for a successful life and flowering

The plant will grow in any home environment, but the location near the south window (or on the windowsill) with diffused lighting is considered optimal. Loves in winter some cooling - optimum +17 ° C... Zamioculcas loves fresh air and does not like high humidity, so it should not be sprayed, but regularly open a window to ventilate the room. Nevertheless, this exotic is neat, and he is especially grateful for periodically wiping down the entire surface of its leaves with a damp sponge.

Watering and feeding

The southern guest likes to be watered rarely, but abundantly. Follow these rules:

  • after watering, in order to avoid root rotting, be sure to pour out the water from the pan;
  • water only with prepared, settled (12 hours) water;
  • a very dry soil in a pot will serve as a signal for watering;
  • underwatering is better than overdrinking;
  • in winter, water 2 times less often than in summer.

Zamioculcas should be fed, precisely following the instructions for fertilizers for succulents, cacti or decorative deciduous plants. In winter, the celibacy flower is not fed at all, but in spring and summer - no more than once every 2 weeks.

Do not worry if the old leaves of the "female happiness" begin to turn yellow - this is a natural process. If young foliage begins to turn yellow, then you should think about and revise the irrigation system - the plant is either under-watered, or too moist. In the latter case, it is necessary to urgently transplant the plant into a pot with a different soil, after allowing the roots to dry out for 1-2 hours.

If dark spots appear on the leaves? It means that the "flower of celibacy" is cold and you are afraid of drafts.

God saves man, who save himself

Flowering period of zamiokulkasAs for prejudice and superstition, this is a purely personal matter. But what really matters is the plant is poisonous... Care must be taken when transplanting, pruning cuttings and leaves, and especially when dividing tubers during propagation. Do not allow Zamioculcas juice to get on the skin and mucous membranes - they cause a very strong burning sensation and require immediate, abundant rinsing with running water. Only work with gloves!

The right place compliance with all the rules of feng shui, careful care, observance of safety measures - and Love will arrive in your home and foreign exchange savings will increase!

Zamioculcas is also an ideal gift for businessmen of any level. It will not be easy to be an excellent omen-barometer for an office or reception area, but it will also perfectly fit into the interior of any business design, especially if you present a couple: Anthurium - "male happiness" and Zamioculcas - "female happiness".

How zamioculcas blooms
The meaning of the flower zamioculcasZamiokulkas flowerDollar tree zamioculcasFlower female happiness zamioculcasVarieties of flower zamioculcasHow to propagate zamioculcasCultivation of zamiokulkasFeatures of care for zamioculcasWatering a flower zamioculcasFlower female happiness zamioculcasHow to propagate zamioculcasPlant variety ZamiokulkasZamioculcas is ideal for the roomCultivation of zamiokulkasZamioculcas flower of celibacyFlower female happiness zamioculcas

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