Dollar tree: flowering zamiokulkas, home care

Over the past few years, the dollar tree has become one of the most popular plants among flower growers. According to Feng Shui practice, this flower promises prosperity and wealth to its owners. That is why it has become fashionable to give zamioculcas for birthdays and housewarming. The second reason for the great popularity of the dollar tree is that it is very easy to care for. Growing a plant at home does not require much attention.

Dollar tree: photo, description of the flower

The plant got its name from its green, glossy, beautiful leaves. One fleshy leaf contains about ten feathers. The height of the tree, with good care, can reach more than one meter... Its tuberous root stores water, which the plant needs during periods of drought. In terms of its properties, zamiokulkas is similar to crassula or money tree.

A home-grown dollar plant rarely blooms. A dollar flower is an ear of light pink, light yellow or white, covered from the outside with a large leaf. In length, it reaches 8 cm. It does not differ in particular decorativeness, and is a bit like a spathiphyllum flower.

In order for the zamioculcas to bloom, he certain conditions are necessary:

  • moderate watering;
  • warm habitat;
  • good lighting.

Subject to all conditions, the flowering of the dollar tree can be obtained already at a young age.

Features of growing zamioculcas

It is not difficult to care for a dollar tree at home. However, there are still some nuances in plant care.


Caring for the money tree at homeZamioculcas is light-requiring, so he needs to choose a well-lit place. However, for the first few days, the flower must adapt to new conditions, so it needs to find a place with partial shade.

In the future, the plant can put on the windowsillshading it from direct sunlight. Otherwise, the leaves may burn and become covered with yellow spots.

Temperature regime

The dollar tree will grow well and bloom in the summer at an indoor temperature of + 25C.

In winter, the flower needs a lower temperature at which it will gain strength for active growth in the summer. Florists recommend keeping the plant at a temperature of no more than + 16C. You can even take out the pot with zamiokulkas to the insulated loggia, if the temperature there does not drop below + 12C.

Air humidity

The flower needs a humid climate, which can be achieved in two ways:

  1. Spray the leaves of the plant every day with settled water at room temperature.
  2. Place the flower pot on a pallet filled with damp moss, drainage, or peat.

Since the leaves of the dollar tree are fleshy, the plant will not suffer from a lack of moisture. The plant installed on the windowsill will feel bad during the heating season.Therefore, under such conditions, it is recommended to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.

Watering and feeding rules

Dollar tree plant pestsThe correct watering regime is key when caring for a dollar tree. The plant can do without moisture for more than a week. Therefore, zamioculcas is perfect for those who often or for a long time leave their apartment.

Water the plant abundantly, but only after the soil in the pot has completely dried. Too often it is impossible to water the zamiokulkas, since it the tuber may start to rot... That is why there should be no stagnation of water on the surface of the soil and in the sump. Overflow for a dollar tree is much more terrible than overdrying the soil.

During the period of active growth, the plant requires nutrients. Therefore, once every two weeks, zamioculcas needs to be fed. For this, fertilizers for cacti or succulents sold in specialized stores are used.

In winter, if the plant is kept in a cool room, watering and feeding is stopped.

Dollar tree - transplant

The root system of the plant consists of dense tubers that are quite vulnerable. If transplanted carelessly, they can be damaged, which often leads to the death of the flower. Therefore, zamioculcas should be transplanted slowly and very carefully.

The dollar tree is transplanted in three cases:

  1. A few days after purchase, because in stores the plants are sold in transport pots with peat. It is not recommended to do a transplant immediately. The plant must adapt to new conditions.
  2. The young plant is replanted annually. The pot is chosen a little larger.
  3. Adult plants are transplanted only after the roots fill the entire earthen ball and begin to bulge out of the pot. Spring is considered the best time for transplanting.

For zamiokulkas it is better to choose a clay or ceramic pot. The roots of the plant, growing, can easily break the plastic container.

At the bottom of the pot, be sure need to put drainage... The soil can be purchased at the store. You should choose an earthy mixture intended for cacti. For good air permeability, it is recommended to add expanded clay to the soil, which should be fine-grained.

In order not to damage the roots, the transplant is carried out by the transshipment method. The flower, together with the earthen lump, is taken out of the old pot, and carefully placed in a previously prepared new container. In this case, you need to ensure that the upper tubers remain bare by about one centimeter. You cannot completely cover them with earth.

Dollar tree sap is poisonous and can cause burning and itching if it comes into contact with the skin. Therefore, it is imperative to transplant the plant with rubber gloves.

Reproduction of the dollar tree

At home, zamioculcas can be propagated in three ways:

  • cuttings;
  • dividing the tuber;
  • sheet.


In this way, the tree propagates in the event that the plant is already mature. The stalk is cut from a branch bared from below, on which a small kidney formed.

  1. How to properly water a zamioculcas flowerUsing a sharp knife, the stem is cut and shortened. You should get a small stalk with a bud and a leaf.
  2. The cut is sprinkled with activated carbon.
  3. Within a few hours, the cutting is dried.
  4. The handle is slightly deepened into the container filled with vermiculite.

The roots should appear in 2-4 weeks. Caring for the cuttings at this time consists in constantly moisturizing the substrate.

Tuber division

The dollar tree root system can be easily divided and planted in pots. This can be done when transplanting an adult plant.

Each cut should be planted in a pot that is about 3-4 cm in diameter wider than the rhizome. The container for planting young plants should not be very deep.

Leaf propagation

This is the easiest and at the same time long way of breeding dollar tree.

  1. A small leaf is separated from the branch of the plant, and goes deeper into the loose substrate or peat.
  2. The earthy mixture is slightly moistened.
  3. It is best to plant several leaves in a container at once.
  4. Place the container with seedlings in a well-lit place.

The tuber on such leaves can ripen for several months. To speed up this process, you can cover the container with polyethylene, creating greenhouse conditions for the seedlings.

Possible problems when caring for zamiokulkas

Growing a dollar tree is generally not difficult, but still in the process of caring for it some problems may arise.

  1. Zamioculcas flowerIf the tree loses its natural color and stretches, it means that it lacks lighting. The plant urgently needs to be rearranged to a brighter place.
  2. Spots on leaves and roots rising to the surface indicate that the flower does not have enough space in the pot. The plant is recommended to be transplanted.
  3. If the leaves of zamiokulkas turn yellow, this may mean that the root system is rotting. In this case, the plant must be removed from the pot, the decaying roots must be removed, and the rest must be sprinkled with activated carbon. Then the plant should be dried for several days and planted back into the pot.
  4. Leaves on a plant can also turn yellow for natural reasons. This can happen during the growth of young leaves. Therefore, if the leaves are yellow on old branches, but new branches with leaves appear, you should not worry.
  5. Spots on the leaves and stems may indicate a fungus infection of the flower. In this case, you need to use antifungal drugs. There is no need to feed the plant at this time, and the rest of the care remains the same.

Though dollar tree bloom is very rare and does not differ in beauty, this does not prevent him from remaining one of the most beautiful indoor plants. Zamiokulkas can decorate any home or office with its spectacular waxy leaves.

Dollar tree
Zamioculcas plantZamiokulkas careHow to care for a dollar treeFeatures of planting a plant zamioculcasEvergreen dollar treePlant nameDollar tree in the houseThe appearance of the plant zamioculcasDollar tree at homeHow the dollar tree growsPlanting and caring for zamiokulkasHow to care for the dollar treeHow to transplant zamioculcasSo zamioculcas bloomsThe appearance of zamiokulkas

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    2. AvatarMaria Cheremokhova

      Tell me, is it possible to transplant a flower from a transport pot during the release of a flower arrow?

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