Flower horoscope: flower by zodiac sign and date of birth

Flower horoscopeMany people know that there is a horoscope of the Celts - after all, not only heavenly bodies, but also beautiful creatures of nature, flowers, plants give us their protection. It will be great if the patronizing flower is always there for protection on the path of life. Such a plant can always be grown at home or in the garden, put in a vase, or simply dried and carried with you.

All plants and flowers have their own character and disposition, because of this there is a horoscope of flowers. Many noticed this, especially in the field of comparing people and flowers were successful. druids and magi.

Each zodiac sign is unique in its own way, so what new can you learn from the flower horoscope about the character of a person born in a certain period of time?

Color horoscope for March

  1. Zodiac signs and flowersPoppy (1-10 / 03)... According to the horoscope, it is very easy to succumb to the charm of the poppy, it is not possible to avoid its influence. Poppy finds friends everywhere, leads people, achieves its goals. He has no desire to attract attention to himself, since this is not an indicator that the person is the most important in the company. Mack possesses diplomatic skills. However, sometimes he lacks confidence. Mac likes to rely on fate, which often leads him to gambling and questionable deals. A person with this zodiac sign just needs to set a clear goal for himself and then he will definitely achieve it. Also, poppies need to monitor their diet, which will have a good effect on health.
  2. Lily (11–20/03)... People under the auspices of this flower clearly know what they need and may well achieve it. At first glance, the lily is shy and modest, but at the moment when she needs it, she will be able to shock her with her beauty and elegance. Lily does not reveal her life secrets to anyone, she always speaks mysteriously and hides everything that is important to her. It is impossible to get closer to Lilia than she wants, but it will also not work to leave without her permission. A person who is patronized by this flower is interested in everything unusual, anomalous, supernatural. Despite all this, the lily is truly refined in nature.
  3. Digitalis (21–31 / 03)... People born under the auspices of this flower are always prudent, attentive and persistent. Their minds work as quickly and accurately as a modern computer, solving complex problems. Such people are not afraid of difficulties, they always go to the end and win victory after victory. And all this thanks to a special inner core that supports at the right moments in life, although sometimes the nerves fail. Such a person has almost no friends, emotions are few and always strictly controlled. People who are patronized by this flower are very mobile. They move a lot, change their fields of activity with ease. The foxglove is often highly respected, but very rarely loved, which does not really bother her.

Flower horoscope for April

  1. Flower by horoscopeMagnolia (1-10/04)... People under the sign of magnolia are very conceited and often tend to rise above the rest. Success for such people is obtained by long work and patience, relying on faithful friends. Magnolia has a unique ability to see good deals and lucrative projects.People, under the auspices of magnolia, spend money always deliberately, albeit easily. They really like to see how others are jealous. In difficult moments Magnolia can help, take care, but after solving the problem, it is better to take than give. Magnolia people always judge people by themselves. In their eyes, people who don't work or get sick are lazy people, pretenders and hypocrites.
  2. Hydrangea (11–20/04)... A person under this sign is always bright, cheerful, seductive, but, unfortunately, alone. He is easily interested, but he cools down even more easily towards people and only interest in his own person is endless. Hortense loves pleasures of all stripes too much - these are club fun, feasts, walks, shopping. She never denies herself anything, is frivolous towards those who care about her, changeable in mood. Because of her broad soul, Hortense often suffers from enemies and greedy people who take advantage of it. People under the sign of hydrangea always find it easy to take their place in secular society.
  3. Dahlia (21-30 / 04)... These people are always showing themselves off. Their pride just goes off scale and they just need to get a decent assessment of their qualities. Also, such people like to receive compliments in their favor. People under the sign of Dahlia, in most cases, rely on the will of fate, and do not make plans in advance. In their career, Dahlias demand a lot from themselves and others.

Flower horoscope for those born in May

  1. May horoscope by colorLily of the valley (1-10 / 05)... According to the flower horoscope, these flowers are easy to hurt. If a person under this sign has any feelings for someone, then they are very strong and sincere. Lilies of the valley are also very generous and hard-working, which in total makes them the best companions and colleagues. If such people rise high on the career ladder, they often invest in charity, although they themselves are modest.
  2. Purslane (11-21 / 05)... Purslane in his life is always prudent and attentive. He checks and thinks everything over several times. Moreover, people born under this sign are extremely suspicious and do not trust almost anyone. It takes a lot of effort to gain the trust of such a person. This trait of these people is due to the fact that they perceive the troubles of their relatives very closely. They are ready to give absolutely everything to the one whom they love.
  3. Chamomile (22-31 / 05)... It is impossible not to notice the beauty and attractiveness of these flowers. But the horoscope of flowers warns to be vigilant with Daisies, since people under this sign often depict the joy of life and simplicity, and then come into trust in people in order to use them for their own purposes. Also, the flower horoscope suggests that Chamomiles are often silent about many facts.

Summer flower horoscope

  1. Bell (1-11 / 06)... These flowers are consistency itself. Even minor changes make them uncomfortable. People under the sign of this flower are often engaged in collecting various old things and the decision to throw something away is not easy. They like to do everything on their own, and not with the help of technology. The bell is an extreme monogamous person. If the relationship does not work out with your beloved person, you may be left alone for the rest of your life.
  2. Daisy (12-21 / 06)... These flowers are characterized by strong shyness and modesty. However, if need be, they can do something crazy. The flower horoscope also suggests that people under this sign love stability, but not without bright events. They like to have fun at shows, concerts. Communication of these people takes place for the most part in a limited circle.
  3. Tulip (22 / 06-1 / 07)... These flowers love freedom and do not accept dependence on someone, which can lead to a long single life. In their language, they always have what is in their heads. They cannot stand lies and hypocrisy. They try to make sure that there are as many unusual aspects in their life as possible. According to the flower horoscope, Tulips are extremely lucky.
  4. Water Lily (2-12 / 07)... By date of birth, these flowers are real opportunists, they can always adapt to any conditions. Difficulties are not a hindrance to them. According to the horoscope, the character of Water Lilies is extremely versatile. They always have many friends with different hobbies and personalities.
  5. Color horoscope by date of birthViolets (13-23 / 07)... One of the most spoiled colors in the horoscope. They require constant attention to their person, from the lack of which they can even become depressed. In love, they can sacrifice a lot.
  6. Rosehip (24 / 07-2 / 08)... According to the flower horoscope, rose hips are overly closed, and always surround themselves with thorns, which makes it impossible to touch them. To many, these flowers are aggressive, although this is just a method of protection. Never listen to the prompts of others. With loved ones, people of this flower are always sincere and hate lies.
  7. Sunflower (3-12 / 08)... According to the flower horoscope, sunflowers begin to make progress in their careers early, which is why they occupy a good position in society in a short time. They go through life with their own views and do not listen to others. The family of sunflowers is usually numerous.
  8. Rose (13-23 / 08)... Judging by the statement of the horoscope, by the date of birth, Roses are inaccessible and beautiful. When climbing the career ladder, they always achieve their goals, but they work to wear and tear, harming their health. If someone manages to prove that he is worthy of Rose's love, then he will not be left without attention.

There are also a number of autumn and winter flower horoscope signs that are just as interesting. Autumn ones are delphinium, carnation, aster, heather, camellia, lilac, freesia, orchid, peony, gladiolus. Winter ones are dandelion, lotus, edelweiss, gentian, thistle, immortelle, mistletoe, belladonna, mimosa. All these signs of the zodiac are interesting and unique in their own way, and each of them is worthy of attention.

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