Cauliflower: the best varieties for different regions, reliable seed producers

Cauliflower is one of the best representatives of a large vegetable family. It has more protein and ascorbic acid than a white-headed relative. It retains nutrients better than tender broccoli. Dishes from it are recommended to be included in the children's and diet menus. However, cauliflower occupies a very modest place in our summer cottages and backyards. Russian gardeners prefer her usual white cabbage. And the super-useful color is still considered exotic, as in the 18th century. Meanwhile, there are many fruitful and unpretentious varieties of this crop, suitable for regions with different climates. Let's consider the most productive ones.

Cauliflower: cultural history, plant features, composition and methods of application

Cauliflower is an annual vegetable crop. The first information about its cultivation dates back to the XI century. Arabian farmers began to cultivate this type of cabbage, so for a long time it was called Syrian. The progenitor of modern varieties gave medium-sized greenish-white heads, their taste was with bitterness. But even then, healers noticed how useful this vegetable is. The famous scientist Ali ibn Sina (known in Europe as Avicenna) advised his patients to eat cauliflower to promote health in winter.

Cauliflower in the garden

People have been growing cauliflower for ten centuries.

Syrian cabbage hit the tables of Europeans in the 12th century. But it was fully appreciated only three centuries later. Then the first European varieties began to appear. In Russia, cauliflower was a delicacy. It was grown only on the farms of wealthy people. The seeds brought from abroad were very expensive. In addition, the vegetable grew reluctantly under the northern sun. Only when varieties of Russian selection were bred did cauliflower become more popular.

Different varieties of cauliflower

Cauliflower is more popular abroad than in Russia

But even now this delicious and wholesome vegetable is inferior to white heads of cabbage in the beds. According to some reports, only 1/100 of the sown area in the gardens of Russians is given to cauliflower. And in European countries it is grown 10 times more.

Description of the plant

Cauliflower has a powerful rod-shaped stem, the length of which can reach 70 cm. The leaf plates are perpendicular to it or slightly upward.The shape of the bluish-green leaves (oval, feathery, lanceolate) and the size of the petioles (from 5 to 40 cm) depend on the variety. By the time of ripening, a head of undeveloped peduncles is formed at the top of the stem, it is this part that is eaten. Her color can be snow white, cream, yellowish, green or beetroot pink. If the crop is not cut, a flower panicle will rise above the head. From small yellow flowers, after pollination, leguminous fruits are formed, characteristic of all cruciferous plants. Each pod contains up to 10 ball-shaped seeds.

Cabbage with harvested leaves

In order for the cauliflower head to develop well, gardeners cover it with leaves.

The roots of cauliflower are located near the surface of the earth, they are weaker and more sensitive than those of white cabbage. Therefore, the culture is more whimsical about the composition of the soil and watering.

Video: the secrets of growing the healthiest cabbage

What is the value of this vegetable, the medicinal use of cauliflower

This vegetable has earned fame as one of the healthiest. Usually, cauliflower is compared to white cabbage. And in almost all positions it takes the first place. There are twice as many protein compounds in colored, and three times ascorbic acid. And it also contains a lot of carotene, folic acid, thiamine, choline and riboflavin (these are B vitamins), as well as minerals. Among them, the leaders are potassium, zinc, manganese and phosphorus. In addition to the richest chemical composition, cauliflower has one advantage important for dietary nutrition - low calorie content. 100 grams contains only 30 kcal. It is an ideal product for those who are trying to lose weight or follow a healthy diet.

Different types of cabbage

Cauliflower is considered the most beneficial compared to other types

Cauliflower is an excellent source of plant fiber. There is a lot of coarse fiber in other types of cabbage, so it is not recommended to include it in the diet for severe diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. But colored fiber is much softer, easier to digest. And it can be used without restrictions in baby and medical food.

Cauliflower on the table

Cauliflower is an indispensable component of dietary nutrition

Doctors advise eating this vegetable more often, especially with a tendency to constipation, problems with the liver and bile excretory system, cardiovascular pathologies, to increase immunity. In addition, the researchers found that cauliflower was able to inhibit the growth of neoplasms.

The only disease in which cauliflower is harmful is gout. The course of the disease can be negatively affected by the purine compounds contained in the vegetable.

Baked cauliflower

Cauliflower can be used to make many delicious dishes

Video: why you need to love cauliflower

How to choose the right cauliflower variety for different regions

When choosing cauliflower seeds, be sure to consider the climatic characteristics of your region. For northern latitudes with short and often humid summers (Leningrad Region, Perm Territory, Urals, Siberia), early varieties are suitable. Such vegetables are guaranteed to have time to ripen before the arrival of cold weather. In central Russia, including in the Moscow region, as well as in the Volga region, you can plant cabbage with medium ripening periods, however, early cabbage is also a good choice. Gardeners living in the southern regions (Rostov region, Krasnodar, Stavropol Territory) can grow late varieties. But other varieties of cabbage will delight them with a harvest if sufficient watering is provided in the heat.

Cabbage in the garden

Choosing the right seeds to harvest a good cauliflower crop

In addition, attention should be paid to the origin of the seeds. Untested cabbage of foreign selection may not give the expected result on Russian soil. It is better to choose varieties obtained by domestic vegetable growers. Or those that have already passed experimental tests in Russia, acclimatized and entered into the State Register of Breeding Achievements.

More reliable will be seeds directly from a breeder, an experimental farm or a company that itself tests vegetable crops. For example, Robert's cauliflower was bred by the specialists of the SeDeK company, which also sells seeds. Or the Snezhana variety, obtained by breeders of the Aelita agricultural firm, one of the largest sellers of seeds on the Russian market. Agroholding "Poisk" offers gardeners original seeds of cauliflower, among such varieties - Alpha and Dachnitsa. The breeding firm "Gavrish" owns several varieties included in the State Register: Clara Corals, Purple, Emerald Cup.

Assorted cauliflower in a basket

To understand which cabbage you like best, choose seeds of different varieties and producers.

If you're just starting out with cauliflower, don't be limited to one cultivar and seed producer. Plant vegetables with different ripening times from multiple suppliers... Even a variety that is suitable for the description can grow poorly in your area. And seeds from a trusted company could, for example, be stored incorrectly, then the germination rate will be low. Only empirically you can understand how high-quality seeds a particular company sells and whether this variety is right for you.

But this does not mean that cabbage seeds from other sellers will definitely be worse. For example, "Russian Garden", according to the reviews, also offers high-quality material for crops. The company from St. Petersburg "Sortsemovoshch", which sells under the brand "House of Seeds", offers varieties, zoned in the Russian north and northwest. You can buy seed and in foreign companies. But then the timing of planting and harvesting, the peculiarities of caring for cabbage must be adjusted taking into account the local climate.

Different types of cabbage are almost impossible to distinguish at the seedling stage. The characteristic signs appear much later. Therefore, when buying planting material, it is easy to make a mistake. This incident happened to me. I planted the Snezhnyi cauliflower variety bought at the market and waited for its heads to turn white. They increased in size, but stubbornly remained green. And only when yellow flowers appeared on one of them, I realized that I was not growing cauliflower, but broccoli.

The best varieties of cauliflower for different regions: ripening time, description and other characteristics

More than 150 varieties of cauliflower are listed in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of Russia. The elders of the list are varieties bred by Soviet breeders: Early Gribovskaya (1943), Otechestvennaya (1953), Guarantee (1968), Movir 74 (1969). The most recent, in 2017, were added to the register of the French varieties Karnak, Castor, Trident, Flirt, as well as Ormond from the Netherlands and the Russian Butterhead from Gavrish. Judging by how the list is replenished, this culture is still surrounded by the attention of breeders. But in the last century, early varieties were of particular interest, now more than half of the newcomers give a late harvest.

Cabbage on a cutting board

Early varieties of cauliflower are suitable for growing in all regions

As already mentioned, ripening time is the main criterion for choosing a cauliflower variety for growing in a particular area. Let's characterize the representatives of each group of the most popular among Russian gardeners.

Video: an overview of varieties

Early varieties

Cauliflower varieties that yield in a short time form the largest group. There is nothing strange about this. Early vegetables are versatile and can be successfully grown in different climatic zones. And in the northern regions, only early cauliflower can be cultivated in the open field. From sowing seeds to the formation of a full-fledged head, it will take no more than 90 days, and some of the earliest varieties need even less time.

Cauliflower has many enemies. More than once I had to repel the attacks of the cabbage flea, which, without pity, perforates the leaves, bringing them to dryness. Once, in a rainy summer, a colony of slugs settled in one of the heads of cabbage. The rest of the copies were saved. We erected protective structures around the plants: we dug grooves, and then covered them with charcoal mixed with eggshells.The slugs did not overcome the obstacle. But after a few days, strange holes appeared on the cabbage leaves. The pest was not immediately detected. But our dogs suddenly became interested in cabbage. And the next morning they noisily drove the fat mouse out of the garden.

However, early cabbage has significant drawbacks. Most varieties do not form very large heads. And they are not stored very long. True, this problem can be solved by canning or freezing the crop. After defrosting, cauliflower does not lose its presentation or useful properties.

Movir 74

This is one of the most tested early varieties of Russian bred cauliflower. From the appearance of the first leaves to full ripeness, it usually takes about 2 months. In a southern climate, some gardeners take two crops of Movir 74. For full development they need space, so they plant seedlings using a 50 x 30 cm scheme. White or yellowish heads of this cabbage weigh 0.5-1.3 kg each. They are dense and taste good. About 3 kg of cabbage is harvested from each square meter under good conditions.

Cabbage Movir 74

Movir 74 is one of the oldest Soviet cauliflower varieties, which is still popular today.

This variety tolerates heat and coolness patiently, likes abundant watering, but can be susceptible to bacteriosis.

I can't help but tell you about a wonderful variety of cauliflower, Movir 74, from Aelita. The seeds of the Aelita company always (no matter how much they took) are distinguished by excellent germination and quality. This variety is distinguished by early ripening periods, excellent appearance, high productivity (individual heads of cabbage weigh more than 1 kg). The variety is neither hot nor cold. Matures in any climate. The only thing I want to add is that cabbage is not a cactus, it loves watering.


Movir 2009

The namesake of the Soviet variety was bred and patented by the staff of the All-Russian Institute of Selection and Technology of Horticulture quite recently. Movir 2009 is also distinguished by its early ripening. But his "heads" are slightly larger than those of their predecessor. The average weight is 0.9 kg, and the yield is up to 3 kg per square meter. The white cabbage head is slightly covered with gray-green leaves. The pulp is tender and tasty.

Cabbage variety Movir 2009

Modern Movir is slightly larger than its predecessor and is less sick

The variety is recommended for growing in personal plots and dachas. The new hybrid is more resistant to disease than Movir 74.


This is a relatively new variety of cauliflower, developed jointly by the specialists of the Poisk agrofirm and the All-Russian Research Institute of Vegetable Growing. It is perfect for growing in the Moscow region and more northern regions. No more than 90 days pass from germination to harvest. The large heads are snow-white, slightly flattened, weighing more than 1 kg. The pulp is firm, with a pleasant taste. It is possible to harvest up to 3.5 kg of the crop from one square meter.

Alpha Cabbage Seed Paktik

Agrofirm "Poisk" is the author of this variety, so such seeds will be more reliable

Alfa cabbage rarely gets sick. It is great for canning, freezing and fresh consumption.

This year I have colored and broccoli - a success. I planted more than usual, accustomed to the fact that it was bad before. And this year, every one of them started: already full, freezing and still lying on the balcony. Today I cut off the remnants (we promise snow). I put Alpha (as usual) and Snezhana F1. Alpha is all large and earlier. Snezhana - up to 15 cm.


I sow Alfa cabbage immediately into the ground in the month of May, sometimes I make seedlings and plant a two-week one. But, unfortunately, she does not tolerate transplantation, then it grows for a very long time and is difficult. Beautiful cabbage grows, powerful foliage, and a beautiful cream-colored head of cabbage inside.


Express MS

The variety, obtained and tested in a private farm, took its place in the State Register in 1998. Express MS is recommended for gardeners and farmers for cultivation in the Central District. It takes about 100 days for cabbage to fully ripen. Creamy white heads are round and small (up to 500 g).The pulp with a high content of vitamin C. The taste of Express MS cabbage was assessed by experts as excellent. In addition, it was noted that this variety resists bacteriosis well.

Cabbage Express MS

The Express variety is distinguished by creamy heads with excellent taste.

However, summer residents advise: in the northern regions to grow this cabbage under a film shelter. So the harvest will be higher.

I sow cauliflower at the end of April at the dacha in a mini greenhouse under the covering material. In May, to a permanent place, my seedlings are always small, the purchased ones are inferior, but then they catch up (I compare them with the neighboring ones). Of course I sow late, but the harvest is good. I always plant one variety of flowers, I really like it - Express MS (early maturing) from Aelita.


Freedom F1

This cauliflower was obtained by Dutch specialists, but successfully tested in Russia. The hybrid Freedom was included in the State Register in 2010 and classified as medium early varieties. It will take an average of 2.5 months to ripen. Freedom cabbage forms yellowish-white rather large heads, the average weight is 1.8 kg. With good care and a favorable temperature, it is possible to harvest 3 kg of the crop per square meter.

Freedom cabbage

Freedom cauliflower is demanding on growing conditions

I didn't plan on this year, but took three hybrids out of hand just for fun: the Freedom F1 from Seminis, the Clarify F1 from Syngenta and the Santa Maria F1 from Rijk Zwaan. Freedom F1 - I didn't like it. Complete crumbling with yellowness. Marketability is approaching zero. It is worth saying that she is the earliest of the three and got into the very heat. Clarifie F1 is a solid 4 in all respects. Santa Maria F1 - 5 points. And in terms of size and marketability.


Goat dereza

The variety was bred in the current century by breeders from St. Petersburg (Association "Biotekhnika"). This cabbage takes two months or more to ripen. Variety Koza-Dereza gives heads of medium size (0.8-1 kg), pure white. The pulp has a high density and a pleasant taste. The yield is slightly above average - over 3 kg / sq.m.

Seeds of Cabbage Goat Dereza

It is better to buy the seeds of this cabbage from the Biotekhnika company, which developed the variety

For several years now I have been growing cauliflower on my plot of land. I tried many varieties. Most of all I liked the cabbage variety from Biotekhnika Cauliflower "Goat-Dereza". I plant these seeds with seedlings. First, I wait for shoots on the windowsill. When the plants grow up a little, I transfer them to the greenhouse. And when the ground thaws and the beds are ready, I plant them in the ground. Plant transplant is very well tolerated. For the entire season, I scoop up the soil to the plant only once. The stalk of cabbage is quite thick, so it can perfectly support its weight. When a plant forms a lot of leaves, I remove the extra ones. Then the tying of the head of cabbage itself occurs faster. The upper leaves perfectly cover the fruit from external influences and it does not turn yellow. Heads of cabbage grow large and juicy. It is great to cook any dish from them. They are suitable for canning. I divide them into inflorescences and freeze them for the winter. The variety tolerates frost well. Therefore, ripe cabbage is in my garden until frost, so they are better preserved. I really like this variety!


I hasten to share with you information about the excellent variety of cauliflower "Koza-dereza" TM Biotekhnika. I bought these seeds on the advice of the seller from "Semyon", as the variety is early, fruitful and with excellent taste. Sowed all the seeds in the greenhouse according to the dates on the back of the package. The germination rate was excellent! By the time of planting, the seedlings were strong, dark green in color. It turned out so much that it was necessary to distribute it to three more families-gardeners and more than 25 pieces remained for ourselves. What was my delight when acquaintances began to boast of their harvest, which grew out of my seedlings! A little later we started harvesting. Indeed, the cabbage has grown to fame, just like on the package. The forks are large, white, firm, without leaves from the inside. The taste of the cabbage also turned out to be excellent! It is surprising that the cabbage did not start all at once, but gradually we had it until late autumn.What we just did not do from it: we boiled it, fried it in batter, made a casserole, put some in the freezer for the first complementary food for the baby. In conclusion, I can say that we have never had such a harvest of cauliflower. Therefore, I recommend 100% for cultivation! Success is guaranteed!



A hybrid from Holland has settled well on Russian soil. Vinson will delight you with tasty and large heads for early cabbage, their average weight is 2 kg. Thanks to this, the yield of the variety is also higher than average, about 6 kg / sq.m. Snow-white cabbage heads ripen in about 2 months. In the southern regions, you can get two crops of Vinson cabbage per season.

Vinson cabbage

With regular feeding, the Vinson variety produces very large heads of cabbage

Vinson F1 grows as standard from 3.5 to 4.5 kg - in the fall he collected 20 pieces. Grows snow-white and dense. Experimentally, I found that it is better to feed with small doses of fertilizers by introducing them when watering and spraying. (Great saving of fertilizers).


Snowball 123

The variety, bred in France, has been grown by Russian gardeners for over 20 years. This hybrid belongs to the early middle. Cabbage heads ripen up to 90–100 days. They should be bright white, round and firm by the time they are harvested. Average weight 1 kg. The taste is excellent.

Snowball cabbage on scales

Snowball can produce heads heavier than 1 kg

Snowball 123 provides not the heaviest, but stable yield. This variety is resistant to major cabbage diseases.

I grow cauliflower Snowball 124 for the second year. The cabbage is tasty, the heads are medium. That year I bought this cabbage as seedlings, planted it in mid-May, the harvest was harvested in mid-August. This variety is medium-early, so it ripens well, I practically do not plant late varieties, sometimes it does not ripen until frost.

Tanya n

Goodman (or Goodman)

The Dutch mid-early variety is well known to Russian vegetable growers. This cauliflower forms small (up to 900 g) yellowish-white heads, but gives a good yield, about 5 kg / m2. Therefore, the variety is recommended for growing not only on personal households, but also on farms. Rapid growth makes it possible to successfully cultivate Goodman cabbage in the Moscow region, central and north-western regions of Russia.

Goodman cauliflower

Dutch variety Goodman took root well in Russian soil

And I planted early Goodman cauliflower, you don't need to break its leaves, everything was provided by nature. The heads of cabbage turned out to be white, the main thing is not to overexpose on the bush. Many such hybrid varieties have appeared on the market.

Duchess Olga

Video: growing seedlings of early varieties

Mid-season cauliflower

Medium-ripening cabbage is harvested about 3 months after germination. For the growth and formation of full-fledged heads, these varieties require not only time, but also a sufficiently high temperature, at least +20. Therefore, the colder the summer, the worse the cauliflower will grow. Mid-season varieties are guaranteed to give good results in a warm climate in southern Russia. The advantage of these varieties is a longer storage period than earlier varieties. And, by the way, it is among the cabbage of the middle ripening period that there is truly cauliflower: purple and emerald.

Summer resident

The variety was bred and tested in the agrofirm "Poisk" and recommended in 2004 for cultivation in dachas and farms. The main difference between Dachnitsa cabbage is extended ripening. Harvesting can take place all summer and autumn, it is convenient: it does not have to be stored for a long time. The heads can be of different colors: white, cream or beige. Weight ranges from 600 g to 1 kg. The harvest is usually 3 kg per meter.

Dachnitsa cut cabbage

This cabbage can be harvested gradually

The Dachnitsa variety tolerates temperature drops and high humidity well. The plant is not susceptible to disease.

I liked the cauliflower Summer resident with an extended period of fruiting. Earlier color. cabbage did not always work out, but this one started all over and without much care.


The seeds of the Dachnitsa variety are small, like all cabbage varieties. They are dark in color, dry, rounded. The package contains half a gram of seeds, but there are a lot of them in terms of quantity. I sowed the seeds directly into the garden bed in the open field. How many seeds I sowed, so many sprouted. The seedlings grew quickly and amicably. After the late frosts in our region passed, I planted the seedlings in the holes and watered them, fought the weeds. in mid-August, one plant already has a fruit. It has a white, rounded, fine-grained surface. The head of cabbage is not very large yet, about 400 grams.



Another variety from the Poisk firm. This cabbage gives dense and large (up to 2 kg) snow-white heads. It takes about 4 months from germination to harvest. The Parisianka variety easily tolerates the first autumn cold. This cabbage is perfect for fresh consumption, processing and freezing.

Parisianka Cabbage Seed Pack

The Parisianka variety is successfully grown both in the south of Siberia and in the Crimea.

In recent years, I began to buy more seeds from Siberian firms and there are very successful finds. To them I can attribute the cauliflower Parisian from the company of Seeds of Altai. I've been planting it for three years. Before that, I bought seedlings in the market and often grew devil, and sometimes just nothing. Now I am always with cauliflower in early August and before frost. I sow seedlings at the end of April, cover them with a covering material, and at the end of May I plant them in a permanent place. This year all the seeds have sprouted, half of the seedlings had to be distributed to neighbors. Care is simple, watering, and several times watered with a solution of gummat. Next to the cabbage, I plant marigolds and do not process all the cabbage with any chemicals.



This variety has not yet been included in the State Register, but has already been noticed by gardeners. For 115–120 days, cabbage forms an elastic, rather large head (average weight 1 kg). Its flesh is dense, pleasant to the taste. The Snow Globe variety safely tolerates a cold snap in autumn. Therefore, there is no need to rush to harvest.

Cabbage Snow Globe

As gardeners write, the Snow Globe cabbage harvest depends on the quality of the seeds

I always take cauliflower seeds. From the variety I prefer the Snow Globe. I sow on seedlings in early April, right on the garden, in the ground, cover well with a film. I plant seedlings in the garden in early June. The harvest is almost always excellent, although much depends on the seeds.


This year we bought a dacha and now there was a choice of crops that they decided to plant. We bought the seeds of Agrovest "Snow Globe" cauliflower and none of it sprung up, there was hope that maybe at least something would come up, but alas, nothing at all. in general, money and time thrown into the wind.



The Russian variety, the authors of which by the breeding company "Gavrish" and the Research Institute of Vegetable Growing in Protected Ground, appeared in the State Reyestra just 5 years ago. This cabbage is not only tasty, but also very decorative. It forms massive (1.5 kg) heads of purple color. The yield is 4 kg / sq.m. But in the northern regions, Purple may need shelter.

Cabbage variety Purple

Manufacturer's Purple Cabbage Seeds Do Not Disappoint Gardeners

We plant cauliflower with my mother every year, but I saw Purple seeds for the first time in the spring of 2016 and decided to try planting for fun. I bought the last packet, there were a lot of seeds, germination is good. The seeds were germinated in a container, and after the threat of frost had passed, the seedlings were planted in a permanent place after 40 centimeters. The plants grow vigorous, with long leaves, but the heads of cabbage are loose, not as dense as those of the white. Cauliflower grew at an average weight of 500 grams. The taste is excellent. The unusual color attracted the attention of all neighbors.


Purple ball

A new variety of healthy cabbage that will decorate the garden. It was brought out by the specialists of the agrofirm "Aelita"For 120 days, the plant forms edible lilac balls with a small hilly structure, which are framed by bluish-green leaves. The weight of each reaches 900 g. And from each square meter it is possible to harvest about 3 kg.

Cabbage Purple ball

The rich purple color of cabbage is lost during heat treatment

This year I decided to experiment and planted a purple ball cauliflower. Cabbage looks beautiful. It will become a decoration for any garden. The taste of the head is specific. Such cabbage is mainly eaten boiled.


The vegetable garden should not only be productive, but also beautiful. For example, it is better to alternate rows of tomatoes: red, yellow, orange and even chocolate. Every season I try to plant both proven vegetables and something exotic. Once the attention was attracted by the variety of cauliflower Lilac ball, it is very good in the photo. The bright purple "heads" grew of medium size, it was pleasant to collect them. But their beauty was fleeting. After dipping vegetables in boiling water, the water acquired a not very appetizing, burgundy-brownish color. And the cabbage turned green. True, this did not affect the taste. Attempts to preserve beauty were also unsuccessful. The brine has acquired a pinkish tint, and the vegetable has shed heavily. Maybe you should have tried steaming lilac cabbage? But there weren't many exotic seedlings, so the experiment did not take place.

Video: caring for cabbage planted in the ground

Late varieties

It takes 3-4 months for the late varieties of cauliflower to ripen. But the long wait will not be in vain. The harvest most often grows weighty. Each cabbage head pulls one and a half to two kilograms. In addition, they are stored longer than the early varieties.

However, late cauliflower cannot be grown outdoors, not only in northern Russia, but also in the middle lane. You will need a greenhouse for her. But in the south, seeds of late-ripening varieties are recommended to be sown before winter, right in the garden. Then, with the arrival of spring heat, the cabbage will immediately begin to grow and is guaranteed to ripen in the fall.


A hybrid of Dutch origin was acclimatized in Russia. This variety is recommended to grow to summer residents and farmers. It provides a stable yield, and cabbage heads are often larger than average, up to 2 kg and larger. The more fertile the soil, the more significant the harvest will be. Heads of cabbage keep well. Their white, firm flesh remains tasty after freezing.

Kores cabbage

Hybrid Cortez loves fertile soil

But the Cortes variety is picky about the quality of the soil. In areas with poor soil, it is not possible to grow a decent crop unless fertilization is applied.

Cortez is a very good hybrid. He shelters himself and he does not need any helpers. He persists for a long time. He is considered one of the best in our wholesaler.



This is another late variety of Dutch cauliflower. It has been grown in Russian gardens for almost 20 years. The experts gave the highest rating to the taste of Amerigo. In addition, its sugar-white heads grow to a considerable size. The average weight is one and a half kilograms, and the maximum weight is up to 2.5 kg. From one square meter it is possible to harvest up to 5 kg of Amerigo cauliflower crop. Moreover, there is no need to rush to harvest, this variety tolerates a drop in temperature well.

Amerigo cabbage

The cold-resistant variety Amerigo produces large heads of cabbage


The new Russian variety, bred at the Vavilov Institute, is recommended for cultivation in the southern regions as a winter crop. This cabbage forms a white head with slight bumps and a delicate texture. Each weighs about one and a half kilograms.

Agnia cabbage

Agnia is a variety recommended for planting in the fall

Green snowdrift

This variety can be considered the newest. It appeared in the State Register only in 2015. So far, the Green Snowdrift has not gained great popularity, but it is worth paying attention to those who love beautiful vegetables. This variety has a pale green head framed and slightly covered with darker leaves.The yield is low (just over 2 kg / sq.m), but the taste of the cabbage is exquisite, and the properties are dietary.

Cabbage seed package Green snowdrift

The late Green Snowdrift variety has just begun to gain fans

Clara's corals

Another newcomer to the State Register is worthy of the attention of lovers of unusual plants. The variety was bred by the breeders of the Gavrish company. This is a late cabbage with miniature (their weight is only 250 g) heads of a bright purple-burgundy color, surrounded by light green leaves. That is, Clara's Corals are an edible flower. The taste, according to experts, is excellent. Of course, farmers will not grow such an unproductive exoticism. But for the soul and beauty - this is a godsend.

Coral Clara Cabbage Seeds

The coral novelty from the Gavrish firm has just recently appeared on the market

Video: a secret that will increase the yield of cauliflower

What else do gardeners write about cauliflower

Cauliflower is a very capricious crop in cultivation, but I will gladly tell you how I do it. So I'll start from the very beginning:

1. I have been preparing the garden in the fall. Ts. Cabbage loves oily, neutral soil. Therefore, if the soil is acidic, lime must be added.

2. Seeds. Early Dutch varieties that tie heads well in hot weather. I haven’t decided on the name yet.

3. The key to a good harvest is a good seedling with a well-developed root system. I will sow in March in cassettes. They perfectly make it possible to grow just such seedlings. Seedlings should be hardened, not overgrown with 5–6 dark green leaves.

4. Planting as early as possible. Plant in dense soil, do not dig the garden bed. Plant at soil level. I plant in dry ground, water and mulch only later. seedlings from cassettes take root well and do not get sick even in the hottest weather.

5. To get a good head, you need to grow at least 10-15 leaves. Ts. Cabbage is a glutton and water bread, and it also loves high air humidity. Therefore, with each watering, small fertilizing with nitrogen and in hot weather, showers throughout the day, if possible. I’m sprinkling her business from a watering can.

6. As soon as the seedlings are planted - heat! (we have it) And immediately thousands of cruciferous flea beetles. This is the most crucial moment. Since the cabbage has not yet gained strength, and the flea depresses it. The flea does not like dampness and ash. During the day, I spray the cabbage with water and dust it with ash. While the cabbage is wet, the flea does not sit on it.

7. The second serious enemy in early spring is the cabbage fly. Constant loosening helps well, especially around the cabbage itself, and after 2-3 weeks high hilling. Butterflies do not yet exist at this time, and when they appear, the cabbage is already

8. For better head tying, spray 1-2 times with boron.


Yes, of course, growing cauliflower is much more difficult, but it's worth it - it's very tasty and healthy. I freeze for the winter, it is perfectly preserved. I noticed that cauliflower grows better when you plant it more closely, close to each other.

Julia Aksakova D0% B0% D0% BF% D1% 83% D1% 81% D1% 82% D0% B0 /

When the inflorescences appear, I cover the cauliflower with a leaf torn from the bush. I water every evening if the summer is dry. It grows well, the only trouble is the slugs, which I constantly struggle with.

nika D0% B0% D0% BF% D1% 83% D1% 81% D1% 82% D0% B0 /

To get a good harvest, you need to choose the right variety of cauliflower.Some varieties form more than one inflorescence, so you should leave the largest one and remove the rest. I only plant early cauliflower, usually it turns out well, but sometimes the aphids get stuck, as, indeed, all other varieties of cabbage.

Elena Ivolgina D0% B0% D0% BF% D1% 83% D1% 81% D1% 82% D0% B0 /

Cauliflower is a delicious vegetable ideal for a diet. It will be especially useful if grown in its own garden. However, amateur gardeners do not always cope with this crop. Success depends on many factors. One of the most important is the correct choice of the variety.For example, not all are suitable for cultivation in cool climates. In addition, you need to pay attention to the company that produces the seeds. The best producers have their own experimental farms, where they grow original varieties. And, of course, you need to follow agricultural techniques. Then the cauliflower will thank you for taking care of an excellent harvest.

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