Spinach: what it is, benefits and harms, product photo

Among all plants, spinach is one of those that do not need much introduction. This is one of the brightest representatives of the Marev family. Surely in childhood, many of us saw a cartoon about the sailor Popeye, who became incredibly strong after eating a can of spinach. This plant was first discovered in the Middle East.

Spinach is different varied leaf shape, which can vary from triangular-drop-shaped to oblong-ovate. Also, depending on the variety, the surface may be changeable, which is smooth or wrinkled. The color of spinach is also varied: there are plant species that can have a wide color palette, ranging from pale green to dark green.

How to choose and store?

To be sure of the quality of spinach, he must be fresh... This can be determined by the firmness of the leaves, their bright green color, and the characteristic crunch they produce when pressed. If during the inspection you find spots, darkening, dry ends or darkened stems, then this means that you have a spoiled plant. Also, do not take risks and purchase spinach, which has soft leaves or they have time to wilt.

Since spinach does not last long, it is not recommended to purchase it for a long time. Having brought home, the leaves of the plant must be placed in a container with water in the refrigerator, where they can be kept for no more than 2 days. You can also use another method to prolong the freshness of spinach - for this plant wrapped in a plastic bag... Don't wash spinach before storing it. Then he will lose more and more useful properties every day. If necessary, spinach can be frozen to extend its shelf life up to 2 months.

Health Benefits of Raw Spinach

Spinach propertiesMany consumers value spinach because of its many different vitamins and minerals that the human body needs throughout its life. People whose menu is constantly present with this plant, note an improvement in the functioning of the nervous system. They are also for a long time get rid of insomnia, fatigue and stress... People suffering from hypertension, anemia and diabetes can feel relief from regular consumption of spinach.

This plant is very rich in protein, which avoids the development of blindness and has a positive effect on the functioning of the body. It also contains iron, which is especially needed by people with blood problems and anemia. This element allows you to restore the process of hematopoiesis and improves blood quality.

The benefits of spinach

Most photos of this plant are not able to arouse high interest in it. After all, few people know what positive properties spinach has. Moreover, the latter are associated with the vitamins present in its composition:

  • Vitamin K. It makes bone tissue stronger.
  • Vitamin A.It has a positive effect on the functioning of the eyes, and also serves as a material for the production of collagen, which the skin requires. Also its positive property is the ability to slow down the aging process.
  • Vitamin C. It is necessary to maintain a high level of the body's immunity, has a positive effect on the brain, and vitamin C is also needed for the proper implementation of many processes in the body.
  • Vitamin E. Among specialists, it is known as the vitamin of beauty, which is not surprising, since it is necessary for tissue repair and provides the necessary nutrition for the cell.
  • Vitamins of group B. Without it, the process of restoring muscle tissue is impossible, therefore, it must be present in the body of people leading an active lifestyle. In addition, it has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, reproductive function and heart.
  • Vitamin H. It is essential for maintaining optimal blood sugar levels, so it must be present in the body of diabetics.

Among other beneficial elements, spinach also contains chlorophyll, which is essential for preventing the development of cancer and heart attacks. Also, the plant is rich in copper, the benefits of which are to increase immunity, as well as the body's resistance to ultraviolet rays.

Spinach will be appreciated by people who pay special attention to their figure, because this is one from popular low-calorie foods... Spinach contains potassium, which, in addition to improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system, removes excess fluid from the body, and this ensures the prevention of edema and cellulite. It also contains lutein, which is beneficial in slowing down the aging process. Spinach must be present in the menu of people who have undergone surgery or a serious illness.

Spinach harm and contraindications

People who know what spinach looks like should be careful. Although this plant has many beneficial properties, however it may not be safe for everyone.

  • The benefits and harms of spinach.to exclude it from the diet will have to people who have problems with the kidneys and gallbladder;
  • also to refuse to use it in large quantities should be people who have impaired salt metabolism;
  • deterioration in well-being can be observed in people who have blood clotting disorders, as well as those who take anticoagulants;
  • also spinach should be absent from the menu and those people who have a disrupted thyroid gland.

Particular attention should be paid to the storage of dishes prepared from this plant. You can keep them in the refrigerator no more than a day... Subsequently, nitrous acid salts are formed in them, which can lead to certain health problems. In some cases, if you taste such a dish, a person may be poisoned.

Use in cosmetology

How spinach is used in cosmeticsSpinach is known not only as a product with medicinal properties, but can be used for cosmetic purposes. He especially has a pronounced anti-aging effect. This plant has a tonic, moisturizing effect, it can make the skin more elastic, smooth and clean. This culture is often used as one of the components for preparing lotions, toners and face masks.

Other features worth noting are the whitening effect. You can get acquainted with this property from personal experience by preparing the following mask: it will require one tablespoon of spinach, the same amount of sorrel and kefir. All components are mixed in a blender until smooth. Then they cover the face and neck with it and leave for 20 minutes. After the specified time, the mask is washed off with milk.


Also, spinach is known as one of the means used in traditional medicine. The plant stands out for its anti-inflammatory properties. It also has a laxative and diuretic effect. Leaves, seeds and roots have healing properties.Cooked infusions and decoctions from this raw material help to eliminate problems of the blood, lungs and gastrointestinal tract. Often, spinach is prescribed for people suffering from hypertension, hemorrhoids, constipation and other problems.

The presence of mineral salts in spinach makes it possible to prepare a fairly effective broth from it. With its regular use, it is possible to prevent and even cure such serious diseases as tuberculosis, oncological diseases, and it is also useful for lowered immunity. Spinach gruel can provide relief from cramps.

Cooking use

Food is alive and deadIt is no coincidence that this plant bears the title of "the king of greenery", because it can be found in recipes of different cuisines of the world. It can be consumed both raw and processed. Therefore, it gives an unusual taste to boiled, stewed and baked dishes. Spinach can also be used as additives in salads, first courses and side dishes. It is often used to make sauces, seasonings and as an addition to meat dishes. There are quite a few spinach lovers who use it as a filling for baked goods.

Bacon, tomatoes, cheese, and nuts all taste even better when served with spinach. The juice of this plant is also used, which replaces many chemical dyes in the preparation of ice cream, creams, dough, etc.

Useful Tips

If you have the opportunity to purchase spinach on the market, then you will probably be useful the following tips for using it:

  • To cut spinach, you need to take its leaves, fold it in half, and then cut off the roots. However, they should not be thrown away as they can be added to the broth.
  • A slightly different way to wash spinach than most foods. To do this, you will have to collect water in a suitable container. First, you just need to rinse the leaves, which will help clear them of the sand. Then they are put in a colander and allowed to drain.
  • If you want to cut the plant in the form of narrow strips, then you need to take 5 leaves, roll them into a tube, and then you can easily cut them across.
  • If you need to boil spinach, then you need a deep container with a little water, which is put on the fire and brought to a boil. Then the leaves are laid in a thin layer. Leaves should be allowed to simmer for 2 minutes. Then the lid is opened, the spinach is stirred and left for one more minute. Then the leaves need to be pulled out and put in a colander to remove all the liquid from it. Then add one teaspoon of vegetable oil, 0.5 teaspoon of salt and 1/4 teaspoon of black pepper to them.

Growing spinach

Growing spinachSpinach is a cold-resistant crop. The minimum for seed germination is temperature 3-4 degrees... And although the homeland of the plant is the southern country, its sunrises do not perish even with frosts down to -5 degrees Celsius. Fully formed outlets can be planted in the fall. Thanks to the snow cover, they will calmly endure the winter.

Many people grow spinach for their first crop before planting heat-loving crops, as well as after harvesting green ones. Also, for many, it simply serves as a seal. Moreover, in this capacity, it can be used in every vegetable garden, since it perfectly coexists with any plants.

It grows best on fertile soils rich in organic matter... It is very important that they retain moisture well. Throughout the growing season, plants need constant loosening. You can get a good harvest of this crop only if you provide them with watering. In this regard, caring for spinach is easy, since it can be watered two to three times a week, using 3 liters of water per running meter of a row. If you maintain optimal soil moisture, this will help prevent plantings from stalking.


Spinach is one of the popular crops that many people know. This plant is valued not only for its beneficial properties, but also because of the healing effectstherefore it is often used in medicine. Therefore, it is not surprising that many people are trying to plant this crop on their site. Moreover, in this regard, it will meet expectations, since it does not create problems in leaving. Once planted, spinach can withstand light frosts, so you can get juicy spinach stalks even before the first crop wave.

Healthy product spinach
Spinach juiceSpinach and harm from itSpinach juiceHow spinach growsProduct benefits.Is spinach harmful?How to properly care for spinachSpinach in cookingHow to cook spinachHow to take spinachWhat is the apolsa of spinachUsing spinachIs spinach harmfulHow to grow spinachWhere is spinach used

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