Okra (okra): what it is, benefits and contraindications

I would like to start my acquaintance with this plant with the fact that it has many names. However, the most famous are gombo and okra. It is also often called ladies' fingers, which is quite logical, given the oblong shape of this plant.

Therefore, upon hearing any of these names, know that we are talking about okra. It is a Malvaceae family with many beneficial properties.

A characteristic description of the okra plant

The history of the appearance of the okra plantUntil now, it has not been possible to obtain reliable data on the homeland of this vegetable. However, it can be found more often in Africa and North America, in India, as well as in tropical and hot latitudes.

In search of an answer to this question, scientists cited okra as one of the likely places of origin West Africa and Indian expanses... They were prompted to this idea by the fact that it is in these places that the vegetable is presented in the greatest quantity. However, okra can also be found in European countries.

Its spread to this region was facilitated by the Arabs, thanks to whose efforts the plant got here. Considering that in recent years the climate in our country has become warmer, every gardener has the opportunity grow okra in a summer cottage.

Many residents of Ukraine have already been able to get the first experience of growing this plant. She feels especially good in the southern regions of the country. All these facts only clearly show that interest in okra is only increasing.

Features and type of okra plant
Features of the growth of okraCharacteristics of the appearance of okra okraDescription of okra fruitThe nuances of growing okraBenefits and advantages of okra

Okra is a classic annual that can grow up to 40 cm. However, there are also larger specimens, the height of which can reach two m. During its development, okra forms a thick and branched stem.

It is decorated with green, light green leaves, which are located downward and directed towards the ground. Usually near okra large leaves grow heptagonal, but there are also varieties in which the leaves are pentagonal.

This plant transforms when it enters the flowering phase: at this time, yellow or cream flowers open up. They grow at the junction of the leaf with the stem.

Then, after flowering, fruits begin to form, presented in the form of boxes with seeds. Moreover, they can be very different in shape: it can be four and octagonal.

Okra is accustomed to warm climates, so it will grow well only at a stable positive temperature. The most suitable place for okra cultivation is southern regions of the country... However, even in colder regions, you can grow it if you build greenhouses.

How to choose okra fruit

Rules for choosing okra fruitsA photo of a plant can make many people want to try it. If you want to buy good quality fruit, the first step is to pay attention on their appearance.

The fact is that you will acquire an exotic plant that has traveled many kilometers, so it is possible to grow it using special means.

  1. When examining a plant, you need to pay attention to its pods, which should have a length of about 10 cm. They grow like that in natural conditions. For planting, it is best to choose shorter fruits of a bright green color, which should not have external damage.
  2. Make sure there are no mold or dry spots on the surface of the fruit.
  3. If you are looking for the most delicious fruits, then it is recommended to choose young specimens. They not only have a delicate taste, but also a pleasant texture. It will be easier for you to identify them if you look at the rind, which should be firm.
  4. It is also useful to pick them up before buying: holding juicy fruits, you will feel their roughness. Although in some cases you may be offered on the market less common varieties that may have a different color. The flower may be darker with a reddish tint.
  5. If you come across tough and overly fibrous fruits, then you are being offered overripe fruits. It is by no means recommended to buy them, since you will only spoil the taste of the dish to which you are going to add them.

The composition and useful properties of okra

Useful properties of okraUseful properties and contraindications were known to man at the beginning of the last century. In those days, this vegetable was grown almost everywhere. Among the outstanding personalities who were familiar with this vegetable, it is worth highlighting Anton Pavlovich Chekhov.

The information available at that time described okra as a vegetable that had more than just beneficial properties. Even then she was recognized low-calorie dietary product... This is confirmed by the following data: per 100 grams of this vegetable there are 31 kcal, 2 grams of proteins, 0.1 grams of fat, 3.8 grams of carbohydrates, 0.7 grams of ash, 90.1 grams of water.

This proves once again that it is no coincidence that people who try to keep themselves in good shape regularly use okra.

In addition to this, the vegetable is rich in many valuable vitamins and microelements... And today he has few worthy competitors in terms of composition.

Most of us are probably not aware that okra has another name - "the vegetarian's dream." It is explained very simply. The plant contains many useful and nutrients:

  • Iron.
  • Protein.
  • Vitamins C, A, K, B6.
  • Calcium.

The health benefits of okra

Description of the health benefits of okraOkra, according to doctors, must be included in your diet pregnant women... The fact is that the product is very rich in folic acid, which is necessary for the correct formation of the nervous system of the fetus in the first weeks of pregnancy.

With regular use of the fruit, you can restore blood sugar... The plant mucus and dietary fibers present in it are an excellent nutrient medium for the human body.

This plant is of greatest interest for people who are concerned about diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This is explained by the fact that the vegetable is perfectly absorbed by the body, removes toxins from it and harmful deposits and is absorbed without residue by the small intestine.

Okra will appeal to those trying different diets. As a low-calorie food, this plant in a positive way affects health, helping the body to quickly cope with angina, depression and chronic fatigue.

There is information that the vegetable is effective in treating asthma attacks, preventing atherosclerosis, strengthening the walls of the capillaries... Fruits quite effectively remove harmful substances from the body:

  • cholesterol;
  • toxins;
  • other negative elements.

Okra is valuable because of its healing properties, because thanks to it, you can avoid such unpleasant phenomena as bloating, constipation and cure stomach ulcers.

The results of studies conducted with okra are encouraging: as it turned out, the use of the fruit allows avoid developing cancer rectum.

Okra in large quantities contains special substances that can reduce the risk of developing cataracts and diabetes. This vegetable can also help men who have difficulty with potency. Often okra fruit doctors recommend for prevention purposes, as well as after complex operations.

Who is undesirable to use okra

Even against the background of all its positive qualities, okra can harm certain categories of people. Usually, troubles with the use of this vegetable arise due to individual intolerance to the body, as well as allergic reactions, which are found in a small number of people.

It is not uncommon for okra pods to contain areas that can be perceived to be very sharp. However, such unpleasant sensations can be avoided if the okra fruits are cooked.

Otherwise, the person may have complaints about itchy skin and irritation of the skin surface. Because of this, the requirement for the use of rubber gloves is imposed on the heat treatment of the fruits of this plant.

Before you start preparing okra fruit for consumption, you should definitely clean them of hairsthat are present on the fruits of okra. If you leave them, then nothing will save you from an allergic reaction of the body.

How to cook okra

Okra recipesIf you decide to cook the fruits of this vegetable, then keep in mind that during the heat treatment, a large amount of a slippery substance may form. Don't worry about this mucus if you're making soup.

However, if you decide to stew the fruits, then too much liquid will be undesirable. Therefore, before stewing a vegetable, it is necessary to add lemon or tomato juice to the container where it will be fried.

Often okra seeds serve as a substitute for coffee... To do this, you need to fry them thoroughly - then they acquire the same taste and aroma as a traditional invigorating drink.

Also from it you can cook butterthinning a pleasant aroma. For this, the prepared seeds are added to the oil squeezing device and the raw materials are squeezed out.

Okra is one of those exotic plants that only a few have heard of. However, despite the fact that even experienced gardeners cannot say what it is about okra, it will not hurt to get to know it better.

This vegetable is very useful, so it will interest many who are watching their weight. It can be used to cook dishes, incredible in their taste. However, before using this product for cooking, you need to understand that it may be contraindicated for some people.

This is usually due to individual intolerance and allergic reactions that can occur not only when using this vegetable, but also when preparing it.

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