The benefits and harms of peanuts

Everyone knows peanuts - raw and fried, with salt to beer or as part of numerous desserts, in the form of paste or butter. Eating Indian nuts, everyone chooses their favorite shape. Habitually eating large quantities of the available product, not everyone is weighing the benefits and harms of peanuts. It is worth figuring out what are the pros and cons, in what quantities is it better to eat earth nuts, who do they harm?

Composition and benefits


Peanuts became widespread in Russia only at the end of the 18th century.

The main nutritional value of these legumes is based on their high protein content (up to a third of their volume). Only soy is richer for them. The various oils in peanuts are almost half the weight of the raw product, there are carbohydrates, important micro- and macroelements, pectins, fiber, ash, the list of all kinds of vitamins is extensive.

Table of chemical composition and KBZhU of raw peanuts

Present a benefit peanuts can be based on the information on its chemical composition (per 100 g of product) contained in the table.

Compositionamount% of daily value
Fats44 - 46 g62,8
Protein25 - 27 g36,3
Carbohydrates10 g3,4
Cellulose8.1 g32,4
Pectins4 g80,0
B1 - thiamine0.7 mg40,6
B2 - riboflavin0.1 mg6,1
B4 - choline52.5 mg10,5
B5 - pantothenic acid1.8 mg35
B6 - pyridoxine0.3 mg17
B9 - folic acid240 μg60
C - ascorbic acid5.3 mg5,9
E - tocopherol10 mg61,5
PP - nicotinic acid13.2 mg60
Potassium705 mg27,5
Calcium92 mg7,5
Silicon80 mg266,7
Magnesium180 mg43,5
Phosphorus350 mg45,6
Iron5 mg32
Manganese1934 mcg96,7
Copper1100 mcg112,2
Zinc3270 mcg27,3

This popular food is rich in antioxidants and unsaturated fatty acids, with virtually no cholesterol. The calorie content of raw nuts is very high - more than 550 kcal per 100 g, and when dried it increases by ten percent, because that is how much water they contain.

Useful properties of peanuts

The benefits of legumes are unambiguously associated with its multicomponent composition. Due to the choleretic effect, peanuts are used for liver diseases, ulcers, problems of the gastrointestinal tract. This is helped by peanut milk - nuts, ground to flour, mixed with water.

Dug legumes

For antioxidant effects, peanuts are only as good as pomegranate.

General benefit

Peanuts are recommended for use in a variety of cases. Beneficial features:

  • The latest research has shown that peanuts can prolong life and reduce the risk of heart disease due to their magnesium, which controls blood pressure, and folic acid. Magnesium is also responsible for energy resources and, together with fluoride and calcium, strengthens bones.
  • Peanuts have a positive effect on the functioning of the genitourinary system, improve memory, concentration, which is especially useful for the elderly because of the nicotinic acid contained in the product. Also promotes skin rejuvenation thanks to folic acid and vitamin E.
  • It is useful for chronic fatigue, neurosis and depression, physical exhaustion.
  • Increases immunity, especially against colds and viral infections, helps in the release of phlegm from the respiratory system.
  • In moderation, it is useful for diabetes, as it controls blood sugar.
  • The high protein content helps in muscle building.
  • Omega acids and amino acids maintain cholesterol levels, promote the production of enzymes and hormones, and iron does not allow blood hemoglobin to fall.
  • Thanks to vitamin E, it is an excellent means of preventing oncology and accelerating tissue regeneration.
  • Contains a large amount of antioxidants (polyphenols), which helps to eliminate toxins and toxins.
  • Able to improve blood clotting.
  • Thanks to tryptophan, it normalizes sleep and helps in the production of serotonin, which contributes to positive emotions.

Interestingly, peanut husks contain most of the total amount of vitamin B2, which is responsible for immunity. She, of course, should not be abused, because due to the antigens present immediately, allergies and digestive upset are possible. Very useful is a tincture of husk on vodka, which helps to strengthen the body's defenses during seasonal epidemics of influenza and SARS. To do this, a spoonful of husk is kept in a quarter of a glass of vodka in the dark for 2 weeks. Drink 7-10 drops with milk once a day for at least a week.

Peanut butter

The highest grades of good oil use the best grades of canned fish, confectionery, margarine

For women

Peanuts are useful for spouses who dream of the birth of a strong baby, it helps to restore the hormonal levels of both future parents, which in our time is often the reason for their infertility. Thanks to folic acid, the risk of developing intrauterine pathologies is reduced. It is indispensable for laying the skeleton and the nervous system of the fetus. It is important that only 100 g of nuts contains up to 60% of the daily value of this acid.

Pumpkin seeds also have special beneficial properties. As an additional therapy, they are used to treat various diseases, as well as to restore skin, hair and nails:

The presence of iron maintains the level of hemoglobin, which is important for women who suffer from heavy bleeding during menstruation. Calcium helps prevent the development of age-related osteoporosis.

Daily consumption of peanuts, which has a mild choleretic and diuretic effect, promotes timely bowel movement, speeds up metabolism, which does not have time to accumulate excess fat. And this shows its benefits for weight loss without the loss of nutrients inherent in some diets.

This product also helps to avoid problems with skin, teeth and hair. It is present in the composition of anti-cellulite products, nut oil is a component of creams, lotions and face masks, well nourishing, moisturizing and restoring skin elasticity.

Marseilles soap

Low-grade peanut butter is used in soap making - this is how high-quality Marseilles soap is obtained.

For men

This legume is also useful for men systematically. Peanuts are involved in the regulation of testosterone levels, which raises potency and normalizes hormones. A spoonful of the product is most effective in combination with honey 2 hours before going to bed.

Thanks to potassium, the cardiovascular system is supported, which is of particular importance for the elderly men. And for men in their prime, the nut helps in cleaning the liver with overeating and alcohol intoxication. By increasing vascular tone, the product accelerates metabolic processes and prevents cholesterol deposits.Biotin in its composition reduces the risk of early hair loss.

For children

For children, it is especially important that the delicacy contains calcium, which is responsible for the growth and strength of bones, nails and teeth. In tandem with phosphorus, it evens out their structure, preventing porosity and deformation. And this ensures the formation of the correct posture.

The benefits and harms of birch sap for the body, how to preserve the healing properties:

Useful properties during heat treatment

Peanuts can be eaten in different forms, while it is good to know which is healthier.


Experts recognize the undoubted benefits of a raw product. It is much healthier for digestion and keeps all the ingredients intact.


Nutritionists have different opinions about roasted nuts. Some people believe that heat treatment destroys most of the nutrients. Others insist that roasted nuts are not only tastier but also healthier. They prove their point by the fact that in this form, the amount of antioxidants increases. Also, with this cooking technology, a surface protective layer is formed, which prevents the destruction of vitamin E.

Roasted peanuts

Nuts should be fried without any additives and salt, which extinguish the effect of the beneficial components of the treat


Drying peanuts significantly increases their calorie content by removing water. And this must be taken into account when calculating the required consumption rate of nuts. In dried form, it is easier to remove the thin red skin from them in the event that an allergy appears to it.

Benefits of peanut products

Not all peanut derivatives are created equal, so you should know which foods you can safely eat and which ones you should try to avoid.

Salty fried

There is no sense in salted fried nuts, they are even harmful: they increase appetite, which leads to the risk of overeating the product. And salt contributes to fluid retention and edema.

The benefits of peanut sweets

Nutritionists consider the addition of peanuts to various sweets and desserts not a benefit, but a pleasure to taste. In coconut glaze or juice, sesame seeds, chocolate, and even more so in powdered sugar, it can be eaten a little, especially for those who are obese or indigestion.

Nutritionists recognize the benefits of nut butter as a high-calorie breakfast for children, energizing all day. It can be spread on bread, added to sauces and eaten with hot dishes. Walnut kozinaki are good when they contain honey or molasses.

Peanut paste

Peanut Butter is a high protein product suitable for vegetarians who do not get animal protein

Peanut halva is also popular, similar to paste, but characterized by the absence of salt and vegetable oil. In addition to ground roasted nuts, it contains honey or molasses, therefore it is very useful in small quantities.

Useful properties of walnuts. Where does the plant grow and how does it multiply, features of caring for it:

Peanut halva

Without harm to the figure, you can consume only 10-15 g of halva per day

Sherbet with peanuts is recommended for the health of the heart, liver, kidneys and eyes, it is applicable for vitamin deficiencies, problems with teeth and gums, nervous strain. But this delicacy is contraindicated in case of intolerance to milk protein. Due to its high calorie content, it is harmful for obesity, and it should also be excluded from the menu for pregnant and lactating mothers and people with allergic reactions to peanuts.


The delicacy helps calcium to be actively absorbed into the body

Urbech is a unique Dagestan dessert with a perfectly balanced composition. Such a paste of crushed seeds and nuts restores strength well, helping to overcome serious physical exertion. No wonder this is a favorite delicacy of the mountaineers.

Peanut urbech

The treat dulls hunger, which helps to avoid frequent snacks

Cold pressed peanut oil contains many vitamins and minerals, polyunsaturated fatty acids. It is good for them to dress salads, and when frying it can be equated with olive and sunflower.

Contraindications and harm of peanuts

High-calorie legumes add several kilograms of weight when eaten uncontrolled. Other negative qualities of the product:

  • The ability to improve blood clotting and thicken it, slowing down blood circulation, can play a cruel joke with varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.
  • Nut protein belongs to one of the eight most aggressive allergens, its thin protective skin is especially dangerous in this sense. In some cases, itching, skin rashes and even Quincke's edema appear from this.
  • Due to the excessive load on the digestive organs, the high-calorie product is not recommended for pancreatitis. It is able to suppress the activity of enzymes, which is fraught with intestinal disorders.
  • A side effect of eating peanuts is the ability to accumulate uric acid salts. In case of problems associated with metabolic disorders: arthritis, gout, arthrosis - this will aggravate the situation, leading to the destruction of bone and connective tissue.

But the most serious problem is the use of genetically modified technologies in the cultivation of food. This increases the yield due to the special resistance to pests, but the practice of introducing the petunia gene into the plant genotype reduced the benefits of the crop to zero, its harm became immeasurably greater.

Eating GMO foods lowers immunity, increasing the risk of developing various diseases, including malignant tumors. Reproductive functions also suffer from this. It is impossible for an ordinary consumer to distinguish a safe product from a GMO-containing one, which raises the question of its benefits.

Video: Why peanuts are dangerous

How to eat fried: daily allowances for healthy people

Roasted peanuts are not only tasty, but also extremely satisfying product, the energy value of its 100 g (without additives) exceeds 550 kcal. You can eat no more than 30-50 g of nutritious peanuts per day, which is about 60 nuts. In other words, a handful of this protein product provides all the vitamins and minerals you need to keep you energized all day.

Nuances of use

When eating peanuts, it is worth considering the peculiarities of its effect on the body, depending on gender, age and health status.

During pregnancy

Pregnant women need folic acid. It was indicated above that in 100 g of nuts there are 240 mcg of this substance, and for pregnant women this is 48% of the daily requirement for it.

But peanuts can negatively affect the fruit, causing allergies. Usually, such a reaction is observed if the expectant mother herself suffers from this problem or when she began to lean heavily on nuts during pregnancy, without being carried away by the delicacy before her. Therefore, peanuts and products with them during pregnancy should be eaten carefully, starting with a few pieces daily, gradually increasing the dose to 20 nuts per day.

Another contraindication to eating peanuts during pregnancy is rapid weight gain. If a woman has an increased appetite and is followed by excess weight, then she will have to give up the high-calorie delicacy.

In the first trimester, salted peanuts can help cope with toxicosis, but they should not be abused. If such a product negatively affects the body (itching, nausea), you must immediately discard it.

In the second and third trimesters, you can eat raw peanuts if there is no alternative. As part of sweets and other products, legumes are not recommended for pregnant women.

When breastfeeding

A breastfeeding woman can eat peanuts under the following conditions:

  • lack of allergies;
  • eating peanuts before pregnancy without harm to the body.
  • in the family of the baby's mom and dad, no one was allergic to peanuts;
  • the infant does not have a predisposition to any type of allergy.

In any case, the introduction of peanuts during breastfeeding is possible only after the permission of the pediatrician. If mom has liver, kidney or stomach problems, it is better to refrain from these heavy foods until they are resolved. This is due to the fact that in case of malfunctions of the above organs, decay products that are not excreted in the usual way enter breast milk and harm the baby. Thanks to this, the crumbs will have an allergy to the product or a reaction to unprocessed slags.

For children

It is undesirable to include nuts in the diet of babies before the age of three. It is necessary to accustom older children to nuts gradually, as much as possible allowing them to eat no more than ten nuts a day. It is better for babies to offer fried, peeled treats. For dry coughs, it is helpful to add a few to the rice porridge.

Peanuts are recommended for underweight children during seasonal viral epidemics. It stimulates the brain well under increased stress - passing exams, rapid growth in the transition period.

With diseases

The use of peanuts for diabetes is allowed, but if the patient does not have an allergic reaction to it. Walnut helps to reduce blood sugar, removes toxins, cleanses the blood, helps to normalize blood pressure, quickly saturates. But for diabetes, it is better to replace fried nuts with dried ones. The daily dose is prescribed by a doctor, but it should not exceed 30 g, otherwise constipation and abdominal pain are possible.

In acute pancreatitis, this nut with choleretic properties contributes to diarrhea, bloating. And during remission, in reasonable amounts, it is not prohibited.

In ischemia and atherosclerosis, peanuts are beneficial, but due to the fact that the antioxidant polyphenol in a raw product is a quarter less than in a fried product, it is recommended only after heat treatment to prevent heart disease.

Pickled fruits contribute to the normalization of pressure. For their preparation, raw nuts with a peel are kept for a day in six percent vinegar, and after that they eat ten per day.


Due to the fact that peanut butter reduces hunger, it is widely used in diets by people who are overweight and even obese. It is characteristic that 3-4 nuts stimulate appetite, and ten times more of them, despite the calorie content, on the contrary, suppresses it, helping to normalize lipid metabolism.

Video: Peanuts for both disease and weight loss

Peanuts are a high-calorie protein product rich in minerals, vitamins and other nutrients. Within reasonable limits, without additives and GMOs, it brings undoubted benefits. But he also has many contraindications.

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