Means Confidor: instructions for use

How to use the product correctlyNowadays, it is simply impossible to grow vegetables and other crops in your own garden without means of protection from pests. Every gardener and gardener acquires different means of control to protect the vegetation. There is a wide range of pest control products available, but not all are effective.

The German remedy Confidor is one of the most reliable and effective drugs that help in plant protection. We will learn what this tool is and how to use it from the article.

Description Confidor Extra

Various "chemical" products have long become the norm for most gardeners. The chemical agent Confidor Extra belongs to the group of insecticides. His produced by the German company Bayer... The drug is a new generation remedy in the fight against:

  • Colorado potato beetle;
  • whitefly;
  • thrips;
  • aphids.

Many gardeners began to use pesticides for a long time in order to grow and preserve crops on their plots. Confidor is a very effective and reliable product with a long exposure time and a low consumption rate. The tool is water-soluble drug... Its concentration and method of application are indicated on the package.

It is a systemic insecticide of contact-intestinal action against various pests of vegetables and other crops. It is recommended to be used against many types of pests and diseases affecting vegetables, fruit trees, berry bushes, ornamental plants.

The basis of the product is imidacloride. It shows its action and protection for a long time. Insects die immediately as soon as they begin to eat parts of the plant treated with Confidor. Since the agent is a new generation drug, pests have not yet had time to get used to it. For this reason, the tool can also be trusted and used repeatedly.

Confidor looks like granules that dissolve in water. Packaging can be different in weight - 1 and 5 grams, and there is large bottles of 400 g.

The tool retains its effect for almost 1 month. It continues to operate even after precipitation and temperature rises. Confidor is not recommended for use with alkaline agents.

Features and Benefits

Despite its high efficiency, the chemical does not pose a threat to animal and human health. It belongs to the 3rd hazard class. It manifests its effect on insects that arrive, crawl, chew stems and leaves, drink juices from plants. Efficiency is shown after three hours of processing plants. The drug has a wide spectrum of action, it helps in the fight against various pests:

  • isoptera
  • coleoptera;
  • cups, etc.

The drug Confidor Extra has a number of advantages:

  • How to use pest controlresistance to precipitation and watering;
  • convenient packaging;
  • high efficiency at high temperatures;
  • can be applied together with mineral fertilizers;
  • quickly affects pests;
  • shows its effect on secretly living pests;
  • more economical than other insecticide preparations.

Confidor instructions for use

The product is sold in granules that easily dissolve in water... The drug is sold in packages of different packaging.In the instructions for use, it is recommended to dissolve 1-2 g of Confidor in 100 g of water, in order to then make a concentrated solution for processing. The resulting solution is diluted in 1 bucket of water.

Bees should beware of it, therefore it is recommended to treat vegetation with this preparation when the bees no longer fly - in the early morning or evening. The properties of the preparation begin to manifest themselves in about 1 hour, maximum 2 hours. It is effective within 15-30 days. For example, it acts instantly on a whitefly. The strongest manifestation of the drug occurs on the second day. The duration of exposure to Confidor is influenced by weather conditions and type of pests.

The concentration of the drug must be chosen taking into account the amount of damaged deciduous mass and insects that have settled on the plant. It is advisable to use the product in moist soil. So the drug manifests its properties more effectively. An insecticide is used at the rate of 1 ml per 100 m2.

Storage and security

Substance belongs to the 3rd hazard class, it is believed that it is moderately dangerous. During its storage and use, it is necessary to observe safety measures to avoid health problems.

  • How to store the productWhen working with the drug, you must wear protective clothing, as well as use a mask, goggles and a respirator. They are able to protect the respiratory organs, eyes and hands while processing plants.
  • Do not use food utensils as a container for the drug solution.
  • When working with Confidor, do not drink, smoke or eat.
  • When working with the drug, children and animals must not be near.
  • After finishing work, wash with soap and water.

It is not recommended to leave part of the solution, it is necessary use in full... The drug should not be stored in places accessible to children and animals. It also cannot be stored in the sun, the air temperature should be within +36about -5aboutC. The general shelf life of the Confidor is no more than 3 years.

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    1. AvatarHelena

      I found out about the confidor when small insects of a dark color and rather disgusting in appearance appeared on the flowers, it turned out that they were thrips. Of course, the flowers did not like it, they began to wither, the leaves curled up. In a panic I bought what the shop assistant gave me. Later I read the reviews, I am glad that I bought it, it helped a lot, now I always have it in stock.

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