The drug "Aktara": reviews and instructions for use

Those who like to grow different flowers and other plants in the country are always looking for special preparations that could not only kill pests, but at the same time be useful for plants. "Aktara" for indoor plants and summer cottages is just such an option. Below you will find out how this insecticide works and what its instructions for use say.

Scope and form of release of "Aktara"

Areas of application of Aktara insecticideAktara is produced in Switzerland. This insecticide began to be produced taking into account the wishes of buyers. It can be used for the following purposes: to protect vegetables; orchids, violets and roses in the garden; indoor plants.

Application possible for getting rid of a number of insectswhich are not all listed in the instructions. So, the instruction to "Aktar" (insecticide) does not mention that it copes with spider mites. But this does not mean at all that the drug is not able to get rid of it.

The drug "Aktara" for ease of use has different forms of release:

  • liquid in the form of a suspension concentrate;
  • granules soluble in water.

A drug in solid form packaged in 4-gram sachets. According to the norm, this will be quite enough for spraying tomatoes in a greenhouse and other plants. But for use at large farm and agricultural enterprises, "Aktar" is used in large packages of 250 grams.

The suspension is in ampoules and vials... Small packaging helps to process these types of plants:

  1. Small strawberry beds.
  2. Violet flower beds.
  3. Indoor flowers.
  4. Rose bushes.
  5. Orchids.

These and other plants of Aktara help protect from the shield and spider mites.

Active ingredient and analogues

List of analogues of Aktara insecticidesInsecticide contains thiamethoxam - this is its active ingredient, which is a quarter of the weight of the drug. "Aktara" is absorbed into the leaves of the plant by means of the skin or soil when watering. Then it spreads through the vessels.

When the drug impregnates plant tissues, it is no longer afraid of rain or heat, because the insecticide works regardless of weather conditions.

Analogs of "Aktara" are as follows:

  • "Tiara".
  • "Adamant".
  • "Cruiser".
  • "Doctor".

What pests the drug protects from

Insecticide "Aktara" helps to save garden and vegetable garden plants from such pests:

  • List of plant pests from which Aktara protectsColorado beetle;
  • Chafer;
  • spider mite;
  • whitefly;
  • shield;
  • beetle larvae;
  • aphid;
  • thrips and others.

When spraying plants, splashes of the product fall on caterpillars and beetles, then penetrate their body and the poison begins to take effect. Insects eat poisoned plants by ingesting an insecticide that destroys their nervous system. After half an hour, the parasites cannot eat anything and soon die. If the insecticide is applied to the soil, then underground pests are killed.

The drug "Aktara" costs 75-100 rubles for a package of 4 grams, and 3,500–5 thousand rubles for 250 g, respectively. You need to store the product in utility rooms, on high shelves or closed cabinets. Children and animals should not get there.

It is not recommended to store food, medicine or feed next to the preparation. The room temperature should be between 10 degrees below zero and 35 degrees Celsius. Do not store "Aktara" in places of high humidity.

"Aktara": instructions for use

Instructions for applying Aktara insecticideYou only need to get to work when you first see ticks, beetles or caterpillars. Processing should be carried out in calm clear weather in the morning or evening, and only when you are sure that there will be no rain. An hour must pass after application to fix the insecticide on the leaves.

Ready solution cannot be stored, therefore, the composition needs to be prepared only in the amount that you will need right away. It is best to use a knapsack sprayer that is prepared directly in the can.

Preparation of "Aktara" looks like this:

  1. Dissolve four grams in a liter of water at a temperature of 25 degrees in the open air.
  2. Fill the sprayer reservoir by a quarter.
  3. We pour in the concentrate in the required volume for a particular plant.
  4. Pour up to 5 liters of water into a container.
  5. Close it tightly.
  6. Shake the sprayer.

Application for flowers and other plants

To protect your violets, cyclamens and other indoor plants from insects, you need to dilute 4 grams of the drug in 5 liters of liquid... This will be enough for a large greenhouse. For processing a vegetable garden and a garden, the consumption of the drug per 10 liters of liquid may differ slightly depending on the type of plants:

  • Rules for the use of Aktara for flowers and plantsCurrant - 2 grams.
  • Tomatoes - 4 g. Watering at the root.
  • Seedlings of cabbage from flea beetles - 3 g (under the root).
  • Cucumbers - 3 grams when spraying and 8 grams when applied to the soil.
  • Onions - 4 g when spraying.
  • Eggplant - sprinkle - 3 grams and root 8 g.
  • Roses, violets or orchids - 4 g. From aphids and 16 from thrips.
  • Fruit trees (plums, pears or apples) - 4 g.
  • Grapes - 3 g.

Shrubs and fruit trees need to be treated for the first time before flowering and departure of the beetle, for the second time after harvesting the fruit. The instructions for use contain information about the use of the drug, depending on the pest and the type of plant.

If you are using the drug in the form of a liquid for different plants, you need dilute one ampoule in such an amount of liquid:

  • strawberries or currants - 6 liters
  • orchids, roses and violets - 0.75 liters;
  • onions - 3 liters.

To avoid the appearance of Aktara resistance in the May beetle, whitefly or spider mite, its use must be alternate with other insecticides.

Planting handling

Features of using Aktara for processing planting materialA drug such as "Aktara" can be used for the purpose planting material processing... A highly concentrated solution will be required, the consumption is 4 grams per liter of water. To process potato tubers, 6 g of powder is dissolved in 0.3 liters of water.

And seeds, potato tubers, onion heads and garlic cloves are needed before planting soak in composition... Do not be afraid of the high concentration of the product, it completely decomposes in 60 days.

After processing edible plants of any kind, they are safe for humans, after a couple of months. Soaking in composition helps to settle down better and the plants grow. If they get stronger, then I will be less exposed to harmful insects.

Safety rules when applying

Safety rules when using Aktara insecticide"Aktara" is a moderately hazardous agent for humans with a 3rd class of toxicity. It is used in gloves, respirator and goggles... And also when working with chemicals, you need to put on a special uniform and wash it after each use.

At the end of the work, the protective equipment and tools are washed and should also be wash your face, hands, swim, change clothes, rinse your mouth. Only after all this is it necessary to eat or drink. Indoor plants are cultivated outdoors or in a well-ventilated room. When sent, the symptoms are:

  1. Vomiting.
  2. Nausea.
  3. General deterioration in health.

If you notice something like this in yourself, stop processing and go outside.If the insecticide gets on the skin, blot the drops with a cloth and wash it off with soapy water... If it gets into the eyes, then they are washed for 15 minutes under running water. And when swallowed, the stomach is washed and several tablets of activated carbon are taken.

After the person has been given first aid to him need to call a doctor... And so that no one swallows the product, you cannot store it in containers from food, and the dishes should be signed.

Do not pour the remaining solution near water bodies. And also do not process honey plants earlier than a week before flowering, so as not to kill the bees. Before grazing livestock no watering of pastures... After use, tapa is burned in a place where no edible plants have been planted.

"Aktara": reviews

And now let's find out what those who have tried this product for protecting their plants write in their reviews.

“Aktar” was advised to me by experienced flower owners, who are not the first time using it for their plants. You need to spray them from all sides, and even the pallet where the flowers stand. Remember that the drug is toxic, but the smell is not very strong. This makes it possible to use it even at home.

You need to use it every six months. And if there is a mealybug, then you need to process the plant 4 times within 4 days. Especially carefully you need to process the center of the flower, where most of the larvae are concentrated.

Pauline. Chita

I unsuccessfully used "Commander" and "Lightning" from Colorado beetles, after which I decided to try "Aktar" in granular form. Used to protect potatoes, flowers, and currants. Granules are highly soluble in water, they must be used in the amount required depending on the type of plant.

Sergey. Kursk

I liked the drug, but the main drawback is that many ampoules are needed for one vegetable garden. For the Colorado potato beetle, I used a lot of things before, but nothing helped. But I liked Aktara in liquid form. I killed the beetles in the morning, and in the evening they all died and did not appear for a month. Another big plus is the absence of an allergic reaction with sensitive skin.

Maria. Syzran

As you can see, the drug "Aktara" helps protect indoor plants, as well as garden crops from a number of pests. This even applies to the spider mite, which is traditionally considered a fierce enemy of violets, orchids and roses and is not indicated in the annotation to the product.

With this preparation, you can water the plants at the root or spray them. Rooting helps to strengthen the planting and develop the root system of strawberries and vegetables. And this is not the only advantage of "Aktara", which has a huge number of advantages compared to other drugs.

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