Instructions for the use of Glyocladin, consumer reviews

How to use glyocladinEvery gardener is concerned about the question of how to grow and harvest a good harvest of vegetables and fruits on his site. In modern conditions, this is difficult to do for many reasons. One of them is various diseases affecting plants. Now there is a large selection of biological products to fight diseases and pests, so you just have to make the right choice. According to the reviews of experienced gardeners, today new products are popular - Glyokladin, Alirin B, Gamair. What are these products and how to use them correctly for plant protection?

Biological product Glyocladin

Plants also need in protection from pests and diseases... Bacterial and fungal diseases are among the most common problems. The preparations of the fungicide group serve as a good protection for plants. Glyocladin is made on the basis of a useful soil fungus, it is a biological soil fungicide. It prevents the development of root and root rot. The drug is completely safe for plants and fights mercilessly against root rot.

Glyocladin is intended for soil disinfection during the period of picking seedlings and when planting them in open ground. The main advantages of the drug are:

  • restoration of soil microflora;
  • economy in use;
  • safety in use;
  • obtaining clean products after using the drug;
  • high activity, stopping the growth of pathogenic fungi.

To get the most effective result after using the product, it is recommended to use it in conjunction with other products - Alirin B and Gamair.

A drug belongs to the 4th class of danger, therefore, it is of little danger to people and the environment. It can be used near water bodies and apiaries. The drug is used very simply. The tablet of the product is not dissolved in water manually or using a dispenser, it is placed in the required volume of soil with a depth of 1 cm. Consumption rates are indicated in the table on the packaging of the product. The shelf life of the product is 1.5 years from the date of manufacture.

Alirin B: instructions for use

This biological agent is designed to suppress causative agents of fungal diseases... A preparation was made based on a natural bacteria that prevents various plant diseases:

  • How to use the gamair productpowdery mildew:
  • blackleg;
  • gray rot;
  • late blight;
  • root rot;
  • rhizoctonia;
  • ascochitis;
  • rust;
  • tracheomycotic wilting.

Alirin B is a means of contact action and has a good therapeutic effect. Natural bacteria, on the basis of which the preparation is made, inhibits the development of pseudo-fungi, fungal spores and mycelium. The advantages of this tool are:

  • positive result after the first application;
  • restoration of beneficial soil microflora;
  • application when sowing seeds, planting seedlings and planting plants in open ground;
  • processing potato tubers before planting;
  • watering plants under a bush.

If you use the product in the composition with Glyokladin, Gamair, it will give effective protection to plants from the moment of sowing to harvest. The drugs complement each other perfectly.

For processing plants, the drug is prepared before starting work. Before use, you should read the table of consumption rates on the package.When used correctly, it helps to increase the ascorbic acid content by 20-30% and reduce the level nitrates accumulated in fruits by 25-40%.

To process potato tubers, Alirin B tablets are dissolved in 200-300 grams of warm water and stirred thoroughly so that they are completely dissolved. This should be done in a non-food container. The resulting solution is poured into a sprayer and must be used within 24 hours.

If the preparation is used for vegetative plants, then the required number of tablets is dissolved in a small amount of water, after which the solution is supplemented with the required amount of liquid. The solution can be used in a sprayer to treat plants or for watering. It is necessary to use a ready-made solution within 1 day.

Gamair drug

Description of the drugBiological preparation Gamair is designed to suppress bacterial and fungal diseases in soil and plants. When used, it does not accumulate on soil and plants, it acts selectively on bacteria and pathogenic fungi. Safe for people, animals and fish. The active action phase lasts for 20-30 days after the application of the product. It has a growth-stimulating and immune-modeling effect on plants.

According to reviews of people who used Gamair, the drug is good protection against many diseases:

  • blackleg;
  • late blight;
  • leaf spot;
  • scab;
  • bacterial cancer;
  • vascular and mucous bacteriosis;
  • moniliosis;
  • trachemic condition.

It is necessary to use the drug during the growing season of plants. The harvested harvest will be environmentally friendly, since the product is non-toxic... The drug has the following advantages:

  • How to use gamairdoes not allow pests to develop;
  • increases the content of vitamins in fruits;
  • the causative agents of diseases are not addictive;
  • serves as effective protection for plants.

Recommended for use in combination with Alirin B and Glyocladin. Maintains an interval between the period of their application for 1 week. Designed for processing vegetative plants. The tablets of the drug are diluted in a small volume of water and then completely dissolved. In order to water the plants, you must take 2 tablets of the product and dilute them in 10 liters of water. This is enough to handle 10 m2 land area. For spraying, take 2 tablets per 1 liter of water, and for the prevention of plant diseases, the dose is halved.

After that, you need to add the required amount of water to use for spraying or watering. The working solution is made on the day of application and must be used within 1 day.

Reviews on the use of biofungicides

Caring gardeners have already appreciated new remedies, using them for different purposes - for indoor plants, in the garden, in the beds and in greenhouses.

Immediately after using Glyocladin I noticed positive results... The first time I tested the drug on flowers. Twice a year in the fall and spring, the tablets were laid out in the potting soil mixture. For a year, I have not lost a single indoor flower.

Albina, Moscow

I used Alirin B several times. The tool has a good plus - a long protective period of time. I use it once a month for preventive purposes, while I like everything.

Galina, Yekaterinburg

Gamair is truly a biological product, since it has a living structure. I used it when growing cucumbers and realized that it is very important to observe the frequency of processing of plants. Thanks to the remedy, the plants did not get sick and gave a good harvest.

Marina, Kaluga

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