Instructions for use of the drug Decis Profi

Decis Profi - this is what the packaging looks likeDecis Profi is a broad-spectrum agent. Belongs to the class of pyrethroids (synthetic). Highly effective in the fight against lepidoptera pests, Homoptera and Coleoptera insects. The active substance is deltamethrin, the concentration of the active substance in the preparation is 250 g / kg.


The drug promotes changes in the nervous system of garden pests, blocks nerve conduction. It takes effect within 50 minutes after its application. Decis Profi is not phytotoxic at all. Pros must always alternate with other drugs in order to prevent resistance (resistance to poisons).

 Bayer CropScience is the German company that produces Decis Profi.Decis Profi is produced by Bayer Crop Science, located in Germany... The drug is produced in containers of 0.6 kg, as well as in packages of 1 g. Attributed to the third hazard class (the drug is moderately hazardous). Its analogue is the drug Fas.

Plants can only be processed with a freshly prepared solution. It is impossible to store the finished product for a long time. It loses its effectiveness over time. After treatment, the residual effect can persist for 15–20 days. It depends on the quality of processing and climatic conditions.

Decis Profi is an insecticide that is excellent for the destruction of absolutely all types of insects that can live on indoor plants. Aphids die within 10 hours after plant treatment.

Application advantages

The drug has the following advantages:

  • increased concentration;
  • lack of phytotoxicity;
  • the possibility of using for protection against insect pests of different crops;
  • excellent bioavailability;
  • easy to dissolve and measure;
  • compatible with many preparations in tank mixtures.

It is not recommended to mix the product with alkaline preparations. After application, it is sufficiently resistant to washing off by precipitation.

Decis instructions for use

The instruction suggests:

  1. The product must be diluted in a small amount of warm water.
  2. Stir continuously until the drug is completely dissolved.
  3. Add the required (according to the instructions) volume of water.
  4. Spraying should be carried out only in the evening or in the morning and in calm weather.

The following number of sprays is allowed:

  1. One is for carrots, tomatoes, melons, tobacco, watermelons, green peas.
  2. Two for other cultures.

The last processing ends:

  • for tobacco - 10 days before the start of the harvest;
  • melons, carrots, cabbage, watermelons - in 1-2 days;
  • for all other crops - in 25-30 days.

Application time - the entire growing season of plants.

Winter wheat

Objects: bug, harmful turtle, wheat thrips, drunkard. Consumption rate (kg / ha) / working fluid (liters of water): 0.04 (150-200). The allowed number of treatments is 2.

Sugar beet

Sugar beet in the gardenObjects: beet flea beet, gray weevil, winter scoop, beet moth, common beet weevil. Consumption rate (kg / ha) / working fluid (liters of water): 0.05–0.1 (150–300). Processing is allowed only 2 times.

For destruction on apple trees, aphids are taken one package of Decis Profi and diluted in warm water (20 l)... Next, the prepared product is poured into a spray bottle. The processing of 5-10 apple trees requires exactly the same amount of funds, depending on the size of the apple trees and their variety.

To destroy aphids on tomatoes, one package of insecticide needs to be diluted in 10 liters of water.After finishing the treatment, the remaining solution and container must be disposed of immediately, preferably at a landfill for industrial waste.

For cabbage and potatoes, the waiting time is 3 weeks. All other crops - one month.

Security measures

Description of the drug and precautions.Plants must be treated in protective equipment. If liquid gets on the mucous membranes or skin, the affected areas must be urgently rinsed very thoroughly with running water.

When working with the drug, do not smoke, eat or drink. After the work done, rinse your mouth, wash your hands and face with soap.

In case of poisoning, an urgent need to consult a doctor... If an injured person experiences malaise, vomiting, weakness and nausea, then he is taken to fresh air.

If the product gets on the skin, the drug is removed from the skin with a cloth or cotton pad. Then washed with a weak solution of baking soda.

If Decis gets into the eyes, they are washed for 10 minutes under running water. Keep your eyes open.

If the Pro is swallowed, drink activated charcoal water, at least two glasses and induce vomiting.

It is also advisable to consult a poison control center. Treatment is symptomatic.


The drug should be kept in a dry place protected from children and animals. The temperature in the storage should be in the region from -15 to +30 degrees C. Do not store the product near food and medicines.

Empty container do not use for any other purpose and do not throw into the water... It must be burned in a permitted place. It is strictly forbidden to store the working solution.

Strictly following the instructions for using the drug Decis Profi, you can protect garden and garden plants from the invasion of insects and completely preserve your harvest.

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