Most summer residents, gardeners and housewives are constantly faced with insect pests, parasites that prefer to live in a residential building, in a garden, a greenhouse.
For the destruction of harmful insects, scientists offer many different means, but the most highly effective and popular drug is the insecticide Inta vir. The drug has a fairly wide spectrum of action. You can use it to get rid of 50 types of insect pests.
Characteristics of the drug
The active ingredient of the agent is cypermethrin with a concentration of 3.75%. The substance has paralyzing effect on insects, they develop spasms and convulsions. This leads to their death. The drug does not pose a danger to the plants themselves. Available in powder and tablets (8 tablets per pack). Both forms of the product dissolve perfectly in water at room temperature.
Inta vir actively defeats the following Lepidoptera, Coleoptera and Homoptera of the following plant pests:
carrot fly;
- Colorado potato beetle;
- potato bug and moth;
- cabbage whitewash and scoop;
- sorrel beetle;
- moth;
- aphids;
- thrips;
- bedbugs, etc.
But this tool negatively affects both pests and beneficial insects that pollinate plants. Therefore, when using Intavir, instructions requires special careand crop pests are often drug resistant. In this case, it is recommended to use another drug.
Intavir instructions for use
To use Inta vir correctly, the instructions for use must be studied carefully. A good result can only be obtained when using a freshly prepared solution. The stock solution is one tablet for 5-10 liters of water. It is poured into a sprayer and treated with both healthy and insect infested plants.
Strawberries are preferably sprayed before flowering. Currants, gooseberries are allowed to process both before flowering and after it. A ten-liter water tank requires 1.5 tablets Inta-vir.
Cherries and cherries are processed shortly before the beginning of the coloring of the fruit. 1 tree will require 3-5 liters of ready-made solution.
If insect pests are found on cabbage, carrots, cucumbers and tomatoes, they are also treated with this agent. If after a certain period of time the pests appeared again, then the treatment is repeated.
It is desirable to process pears, quince, apple trees 15 days after the beginning of flowering. The procedure should be repeated, but not earlier than 15 days later. More than three treatments are not allowed toxic drug. A good result can be obtained if after spraying there is no rain for 3-5 hours.
For bedbug parasites, the concentration of the active substance increases. One tablet should be diluted with half a liter of water. The entire surface is processed, where it is possible to find bed bloodsuckers.
Bedbugs can optionally be in sleeping places. They can be found behind baseboards, radiators, wallpaper, carpets, and inside household appliances. The found nests of parasites are treated with the chemical Intavir especially carefully.
If the processing was carried out poorly, then this will only aggravate the problem.Bed bugs will become addictive to the product and will not reduce the population.
Why is Inta vir drug dangerous for people?
Intavir - toxic drug... It poses a moderate danger to humans. When applying, it requires compliance with some safety rules:
when working with the drug, you must protect the body with a long gown, a respirator or gauze bandage and goggles;
- the feet must be protected with rubber shoes, preferably with boots.
- after work, wash your face and hands with soap;
- rinse thoroughly the oral cavity;
- wash protective clothing.
Smoking and eating are prohibited in the rooms treated with Intavir.
During the processing of the dwelling, no other residents should be in it in order to avoid poisoning with an insecticide.
Providing medical care
If after work the state of health worsens, signs of poisoning are noticeable, then the victim can be provided with basic assistance before the ambulance arrives.
First aid is as follows:
- rinsing the oral and nasal cavity with a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
- rinsing the eyes with running water, if a solution gets into them;
- if the product gets inside, give the victim 3-4 cups of water to drink and induce vomiting;
- to remove toxins, you need to take 30 grams of activated carbon and any laxative.
Storage rules for Intavir
Do not store the drug near medicines and food. After opening the package cannot be stored for a long time. Storage temperature from -10 to +40 degrees C. Children and pets should not even come close to the drug. The working solution cannot be stored.
Protection of flora and fauna
The area of the protection zone for bees is up to 5 km. Summer time limit - up to 90-120 hours. The drug is toxic to fish. It is forbidden to use it near fishery reservoirs (closer than 2 km from the coast).
The container freed from under the solution is buried or burned. It is necessary to ensure that the product does not leak into the sewer and nearby water bodies.
Important! If after three treatments the pests do not disappear, then Intavir should be replaced with another insecticide and in the future the preparations should be alternated.