Gardener and gardener lunar calendar for october 2019

In October, the pleasant chores of harvesting come to an end, but it is too early to close the summer season. It is necessary to prepare the empty area for winter, dig up and fertilize the vacated beds, check the heaps of compost, carry out general cleaning and sow some crops that will wait in the wings under the snow. The lunar planting calendar for October 2019 for gardeners and gardeners will indicate the best dates for each of the named actions.

Lunar sowing calendar for October-2019 for the gardener and the gardener

Apples scattered from the basket in autumn

  • Date: October 1st.
    Lunar day: 3-4.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Scorpio.

The day is favorable for most types of work on the site. Dig up the soil that has compacted during the summer, loosen it, apply fertilizer - with the exception of light sandy soils, for which these actions do not make much sense, since the nutrients will be washed out during the melting snow. Dig up and lay out potatoes to dry, pick eggplants, tomatoes, bell peppers, apples and pears. Carrots, cabbage and other late crops can be left in the beds for now, but it will not hurt to weed them, and at the same time spud leeks and stalked celery. Don't just trim.

  • Date: October 2.
    Lunar day: 4-5.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Scorpio.

Plants assimilate nutrients well, so feeding and watering will be quite appropriate, as well as harvesting: now the fruits contain the maximum amount of vitamins. You can carry out water-charging watering of trees. Weeding, hilling, loosening, cultivation are allowed, and in the northern regions - where the temperature no longer rises above + 10 ° - you can start planting winter garlic and onions. Pruning is not recommended.

  • Date: October 3rd.
    Lunar day: 5-6.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Sagittarius.

The tasks of today are the collection of fruits, medicinal herbs and seeds for future planting; a variety of work with the soil, from loosening to fertilizing; pest control. Inspect tree trunks for clutches of harmful insects, rake foliage and carrion, dig up the ground in tree trunks and near berry bushes with a pitchfork to get rid of the larvae wintering in it with the first frost.

  • Date: October 4th.
    Lunar day: 6-7.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Sagittarius.

The recommendations of the previous days are preserved: focus your efforts on harvesting, controlling pests and diseases, preparing the beds for winter. To increase the fertility of the soil, plant legumes, excess greens and some herbs (nettles, tansy, calendula) in it, dig in, loosen. In the garden, you can prepare holes for planting new trees in winter or spring, but be careful with old plants: their root system becomes more vulnerable. For example, digging up near-trunk circles today requires special delicacy. Pruning is still not recommended.

  • Date: October 5.
    Lunar day: 7-8.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Capricorn.

Temporarily curtail active work with plants, leaving only feeding and watering - your pets will absorb nutrients well, but any other actions can harm them.It is also better to postpone tillage to a more suitable period, instead of doing cleaning on the site, replenishing the compost heaps with organic waste and preparing soil for indoor plants and seedlings.

Ground, shovel and seedling pots

  • Date: October 6.
    Lunar day: 8-9.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Capricorn.

Continue harvesting, watering and feeding, adding to them the work of sowing winter green manure (wheat or rye) and planting seedlings of fruit trees, if the weather forecast does not promise stable frosts in the next two weeks. Spray old trees with a solution of urea to prevent the development of fungal diseases, fertilize the tree trunks and cover them with compost. Cropping is still an unwanted operation.

  • Date: October 7.
    Lunar day: 9-10.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Aquarius.

A day without a pronounced plus or minus sign. Prepare the beds for winter, harvest, weed, plant seedlings, sow siderates. Mulch the soil under trees and bushes with compost or straw, treat plants from pests and diseases. Recharge watering and top dressing are useful, but not pruning.

  • Date: October 8.
    Lunar day: 10-11.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Aquarius.

A good day to cut and freeze or dry parsley, dill, spinach; dig up horseradish rhizomes and beets; collect leeks. Several bushes of greenery can be transplanted into flower pots and brought into the house to provide themselves with vitamins for the winter. Do not forget about replenishing the seed fund - everything that you add to it today will be distinguished by good germination.

  • Date: October 9th.
    Lunar day: 11-12.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Aquarius.

You should not engage in work that can damage plants, but this day does not carry other restrictions. Dig, loosen, weed, feed, water, harvest. Cover carrots and daikon, which can be left on the ground until permanent frost, in case of a sudden drop in temperature at night, cover with non-woven material for insulation.

  • Date: October 10.
    Lunar day: 12-13.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Pisces.

Unhurried work is allowed to prepare the beds for planting winter crops. If you have a stationary greenhouse on your site, think about whether it's time to replace the topsoil that has lost its former fertility. Transfer the land taken from the greenhouse with fallen leaves, manure, straw - in a year or two they can again be used for planting. Top dressing, harvesting, moderate watering are not prohibited, unless we are talking about a lawn, which will not benefit from excess moisture now.

Polycarbonate greenhouse in autumn

  • Date: October 11.
    Lunar day: 13-14.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Pisces.

An excellent period during which the gardeners are "given the go-ahead" for all types of work on the site, with the exception of pruning. Top dressing - in particular, cabbage - and moderate watering are especially in demand, but only if a stable sub-zero temperature has not been established in your region. The day is also suitable for planting seedlings of fruit trees, ornamental and berry bushes (currants, gooseberries, raspberries).

  • Date: October 12.
    Lunar day: 14-15.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Aries.

Use the last more or less warm days and the growing moon to do everything that you have not yet had time to: cultivate the land, water and fertilize plants, mulch the soil, fight pests, harvest crops, sanitize the site. It is advisable to do without pruning, but you can start grafting fruit trees.

  • Date: October 13.
    Lunar day: 15-16.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Aries.

Today, works are recommended that promote the development and growth of plants: feeding, watering, loosening to enrich the soil with oxygen. Harvest root crops and clean up the garden by digging up begonias, dahlias and gladioli tubers, galtonia bulbs and acidantera for winter storage.Cut the stems and leaves of flowers that remain in the ground for the winter (asters, heucheras, oriental poppies, carnations, lilies, delphinium, peonies, phlox), leaving 3-5 cm, and insulate with straw or spruce branches.

  • Date: October 14.
    Lunar day: 16-17.
    Phase: full moon.
    Zodiac sign: Aries.

The gardener's lunar calendar for October 2019 recommends: it is better to leave the garden and vegetable garden alone during the full moon. If you wish, carry out a sanitary cleaning on the site, sort out the garden tools and store the one that you no longer plan to use this year.

  • Date: October 15.
    Lunar day: 17-18.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Taurus.

Dig up roots, pick grapes, and store perennial bulbs and tubers for winter storage. Work with the soil is allowed, but the plants have not yet had time to recover after the full moon, so cancel pruning, grafting and transplanting seedlings. If weather conditions permit, water and fertilize the crops remaining in the beds, but no more.

Harvest in buckets, baskets and garden wheelbarrow

  • Date: October 16.
    Lunar day: 18-19.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Taurus.

Finally, it is possible, without fear, to carry out sanitary pruning of the garden, free raspberries from excess growth, remove thickening currant and gooseberry branches. After this operation, gently bend the raspberries to the ground, cover and secure, currants, gooseberries and ornamental bushes - spud and tie so that the snow that falls does not break off the branches with its weight. Cover strawberry and strawberry beds for the winter with shavings, straw, spruce branches.

  • Date: October 17.
    Lunar day: 19–20.
    Phase: waning moon.

On the agenda: watering, top dressing, harvesting, tillage in empty beds, pest and disease control. Prepare trees for the cold: clean out areas with damaged bark, whitewash the trunks, and if your garden is often attacked by hares and other rodents in winter, use one of the solutions to scare them away with soap, turpentine or naphthalene.

  • Date: October 18.
    Lunar day: 20-21.
    Phase: waning moon.

The only thing to refrain from today is abundant watering. Everything else is at your discretion: digging, loosening, planting and replanting seedlings, sowing green manure, pest control, sanitary pruning, cuttings and grafting. If in your area the average daily temperature does not rise above + 10 °, you can start sowing dill, parsley, spinach, lettuce, carrots, radishes, garlic and onion sets in winter. However, do not rush to do this if the weather is warm: the sprouts will appear too early and will be caught by the first frosts.

  • Date: October 19th.
    Lunar day: 21-22.
    Phase: waning moon.

Time for sanitary and formative pruning, grafting, grafting. At the same time, cut off the upper shoots and rosebuds, spud and insulate the bushes for the winter. Cancel watering, but do not give up root top dressing and organic fertilizers into the soil. Pest and disease control will be effective.

  • Date: October 20.
    Lunar day: 22-23.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Cancer.

The day does not dispose to active work, but most manipulations with the soil and plants are allowed. Dig up, fertilize, prune, pull out weeds and clean the area at a leisurely pace. When harvesting, the focus is on root vegetables such as root parsley and herbs. Part of the root parsley can be transplanted into pots for growing at home, and another part can be left in the garden to winter. In the latter case, do not cut the greens, it will help the plant to survive the cold.

Greens sprout from the ground

  • Date: October 21.
    Lunar day: 23-24.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Cancer.

An unusually lucky day. Be careful with watering, which is more likely to harm the plantings than to benefit them, but otherwise proceed without any restrictions. Prepare the soil for winter, weed, loosen, huddle, fertilize.Conduct sanitary and formative pruning, grafting, replanting of tree and shrub seedlings. Treat the garden and vegetable garden with solutions from pests and diseases.

  • Date: October 22.
    Lunar day: 24-25.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Leo.

The "period of permissiveness" continues. Watering will be an unnecessary action, but other work with soil and plants is welcome. Take a masterful look at the site and do whatever you see fit. However, try not to damage the roots of plants during loosening or transplanting, they will be difficult to recover.

  • Date: October 23rd.
    Lunar day: 25.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Leo.

The day is similar to the previous one. Refrain from watering and be careful when doing work that can damage the roots of the plants, and otherwise do as you see fit. You can cultivate the soil, plant trees, bushes and cold-resistant crops (carrots, dill, parsley) before winter, as well as cut off dry branches and excess growth, huddle bushes, tie them up and cover them from the cold.

  • Date: October 24.
    Lunar day 25-26.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Virgo.

You will not harm your garden if you dig, loosen, weed, fertilize or prune. However, the day is more conducive to a leisurely, methodical restoration of order on the site and harvesting. By the end of October, it is usually time to collect various types of cabbage - white cabbage, red cabbage, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi and late cauliflower varieties. However, light frosts will not harm white cabbage, so be guided by the weather.

Harvest of different types of cabbage in the basket

  • Date: October 25.
    Lunar day: 26-27.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Virgo.

Refuse weeding the beds, planting and transplanting seedlings: the roots are extremely vulnerable and it is better not to disturb them unless urgently needed. You can harvest root crops, grapes, apples; dig up tubers and flower bulbs for storage; pruning; feed and water; dig up and cultivate areas of the garden free from plantings.

  • Date: October 26.
    Lunar day: 27-28.
    Phase: waning moon.

You should not do what leads to destruction, that is, pruning trees and bushes, mowing grasses, removing weeds. Even digging and loosening is undesirable today. Best of all, you will do by dedicating a day to planting carrots, radishes, parsley, dill, garlic and onions before winter. None of the above mentioned in your plans? Treat the garden from pests and whitewash tree trunks, if, of course, you have not done this before.

  • Date: October 27.
    Lunar day: 28-29.
    Phase: waning moon.

The range of permitted works narrows as the full moon approaches. It is not necessary to engage in soil preparation, fertilization, watering - all these actions today will be ineffective, and weeding and planting will put the roots at risk. If tangible frosts have not yet come in your region, complete sanitary pruning of trees and bushes, whitewashing of trunks, treatment of plants from rodents and harmful insects; Collect organic waste and refill compost heaps.

  • Date: October 28.
    Lunar day: 29–1–2.
    Phase: New Moon.
    Zodiac sign: Scorpio.

New moon day is the time to take stock and make plans. Relax, inspect the vegetable garden and garden, think about what they are missing to complete perfection. Or just enjoy the view of the well-kept area.

Autumn leaf fall

  • Date: October 29.
    Lunar day: 2-3.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Scorpio.

The first days of the new lunar month pour fresh energy into the plants and open up space for gardeners and gardeners for action. Any manipulations with soil and plants are allowed. Process the beds, feed the last remaining vegetables in the garden, plant onions and garlic before winter. Pruning and watering are allowed only before the start of frost - be guided by the reports of meteorologists.

  • Date: October 30.
    Lunar day: 3-4.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Sagittarius.

Not a bad day to work on the ground.If weather conditions permit, finish planting seedlings of fruit trees and frost-resistant garden crops before winter. Water and feed cabbage, parsnips, onions from this year's harvest, waiting in the wings, if autumn is warm, if not, pick them up. The same applies to trimming: in principle, it can be done today, but only if the thermometer does not drop below 0.

  • Date: October 31st.
    Lunar day: 4-5.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Sagittarius.

You can perform any action with soil and plants. Work the soil, weed out, plant onions and garlic, mulch the beds with winter plantings with compost, harvest. Only abundant watering and procedures that threaten to damage the upper parts of the plants (pruning, grafting) fall into the category of undesirable actions.

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