Lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener for October 2018

The middle of autumn has come, it is getting colder, the leaves turn yellow and fall, the grass has withered, there are very few flowers left. Nature itself prepares for the winter cold, and caring farmers are trying to help all the plantations on their site to survive this difficult time easier for them: they cut, cover, insulate, feed and prepare for the next agricultural season. Yes, and the Moon with the stars suggests that it is better to complete the lively activity on the site by the end of this month or in the first half of the next. There are specific tips in the gardener's lunar calendar for October 2018.

Lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener for October 2018

  • Date: October 1
    Lunar days: 22-23
    Phase: Waning Moon

We put the collected roots into storage. We form the crowns of trees by removing unnecessary branches. Get rid of the mustache on strawberries and strawberries. We cut out the root shoots. We shovel foliage into the trunk circles. If necessary, water the plants. We prepare canning and pickling.

  • Date: October 2
    Lunar days: 23-24
    Phase: Waning Moon
    Zodiac sign: Cancer

On the beds already ready for winter, flavored with dressings, we sow dill, sorrel, carrots, garlic. We apply fertilizers for the rest of the plants on the site. We cut lawns and lawns. Dry, salt and preserve vegetables and fruits, ferment cabbage.

  • Date: October 3rd
    Lunar days: 24-25
    Phase: Waning Moon
    Zodiac sign: Cancer

We trim the thickened crowns of trees and shrubs. We continue all types of harvesting vitamin products for the winter. We sow garlic, dill, sorrel, carrots, which will hibernate in the beds. If there is not enough rain, we water the plantings.

  • Date: October 4th
    Lunar days: 25
    Phase: Waning Moon
    Zodiac sign: Leo

We replenish our seed fund with the fruits of this year's harvest. Digging up empty beds. We spray with compounds against pathogens. We do not stop making preparations in the winter. We fix lawns. The sowing lunar calendar suggests: today we sow winter plants, plant berry bushes and fruit trees.

  • Date: October 5
    Lunar days: 25-26
    Phase: Waning Moon
    Zodiac sign: Leo
Canned mushrooms in a jar, garlic and peppercorns

Most often, mushrooms and vegetable salads are closed in October.

We clean and shape the crowns of fruit and ornamental trees. We prepare the beds for the next season, digging them up and enriching the soil with mineral and organic substances. We collect the fruits and store the fruits that will be planted in spring. We do not stop harvesting for the winter.

  • Date: October 6
    Lunar days: 26–27
    Phase: Waning Moon
    Zodiac sign: Virgo

We plant lignified cuttings of black currant in the ground. We sow green crops for the winter. We transplant perennial flowers, if necessary, dividing the bush into several smaller ones. We continue the formative pruning of trees on the site and carry out their feeding. We postpone the canning of the crop for another day.

  • Date: October 7
    Lunar days: 27-28
    Phase: Waning Moon
    Zodiac sign: Virgo

We propagate by division and plant perennial flowers in new places. We sow all the variety of green crops for the winter. We continue to make preparations for the winter.

  • Date: October 8
    Lunar days: 28-29
    Phase: Waning Moon

We uproot old and remove diseased shrub plants and trees. We plant and transplant flower tubers.We place the cuttings prepared earlier in the ground for rooting. We carry out grafting and pruning of fruit-bearing trees.

  • Date: October 9
    Lunar days: 29, 30, 1
    Phase: New Moon

On the day of the new moon, we do not sow or plant anything. We store tubers and seed material in storage. We prune trees of fruit species. We carry out the processing of plantings on the site for the destruction of pests.

  • Date: October 10
    Lunar days: 1–2
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Mowing the lawn in autumn

Usually in the fall, the lawn is mowed once every 2 weeks.

We water trees and shrubs so that they can store up moisture and do not die in the cold. We cut lawns and lawns. We carry out podzimny sowing of various vegetable and spicy green crops, onions and garlic. We do not stop harvesting for future use, preparing pickles, canned food and juices.

  • Date: October 11
    Lunar days: 2–3
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Scorpio

In addition to sowing spicy green crops, onions and garlic before winter, we sow flower seeds. We plant trees. We do vaccinations on already growing ones.

  • Date: October 12
    Lunar days: 3-4
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Scorpio

We are preparing planting material for the upcoming season next year. The lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener for October today favors the sowing of flowers and spicy green crops for the winter.

  • Date: October 13
    Lunar days: 4-5
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Sagittarius

We put the dug up roots in storage. We plant all kinds of trees. We dry mushrooms and vegetables. We are engaged in winter preparations.

  • Date: October 14
    Lunar days: 5–6
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Sagittarius

We carry out the primary processing of the harvested crop and place it in storage facilities for consumption in winter and spring. We plant seedlings of berry bushes and fruit trees in the garden. We dig out bulbs and tubers of vegetable and flower plants for storage. We continue to make preparations of vitamin products for the winter.

  • Date: October 15
    Lunar days: 6-7
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Capricorn
Cut rose

Roses that have grown from October cuttings are distinguished by excellent flowering.

We plant and sow spicy green crops, carrots, garlic, perennials in winter beds. We are preparing cuttings for their rooting in the future and for grafting trees.

  • Date: October 16
    Lunar days: 7-8
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Capricorn

We carry out podzimnie sowing of garlic, carrots, spicy green crops. We plant trees on the site. We continue to make blanks.

  • Date: October 17
    Lunar days: 8-9
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Aquarius

We carry out the autumn digging of the beds, removing the rhizomes of the weeds. We huddle over wintering plants, mulch the beds, make primary shelters for those plantings that are most susceptible to low temperatures. We remove excess and weakened shoots. We carry out treatment for diseases. We harvest seeds. We make blanks. We do not plant or sow anything.

  • Date: October 18
    Lunar days: 9-10
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Aquarius

We dig out the tubers and after their primary processing we put them in storage. Cut out weak and excess plant shoots. In dry weather, we collect seeds. We continue to make preparations for the winter.

  • Date: October 19
    Lunar days: 10-11
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Aquarius

We remove fallen leaves and dry tops. We continue to collect seeds and prepare blanks, but today we are not canning. We carry out water-charging irrigation of plantings, autumn mowing of lawns and lawns. We plant hyacinth and tulip bulbs. We do podzimny sowing of vegetable seeds.

  • Date: October 20
    Lunar days: 11-12
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Pisces
Bright flower bed with lupins

It's good to sow lupins in October

Salt and preserve vegetables. We dig up and loosen the soil in free beds. The lunar sowing calendar for October recommends sowing green crops and flowers before winter.

  • Date: October 21
    Lunar days: 12-13
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Pisces

Cooking canned vegetables and pickling.We sow green crops in winter beds and winter flowers in flower beds. We dig up, fertilize, loosen the beds on which there are no plantings or crops. We continue harvesting vegetables.

  • Date: October 22
    Lunar days: 13-14
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Aries

We plant fruit trees and berry bushes. Cut off dry branches. We carry out treatment for diseases. For indoor plants, change the soil in pots. We prepare juices, wines, home preservation. We plant podzimny garlic.

  • Date: October 23rd
    Lunar days: 14-15
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Aries

We process the soil by digging and loosening. We remove dry plant branches. We are preparing soil mixtures for the upcoming sowing of seeds for seedlings. We prepare juices and wines.

  • Date: October 24
    Lunar days: 15-16
    Phase: full moon
    Zodiac sign: Aries

We collect seeds, if the weather permits. We carry out the autumn digging of the soil, apply organic and mineral phosphorus and potash fertilizers. We process plantings from pathogens. We prepare soil mixtures for the upcoming crops. Cooking home canning.

  • Date: October 25
    Lunar days: 16-17
    Phase: Waning Moon
    Zodiac sign: Taurus
Drying herbs

In October it is not too late to collect and dry medicinal herbs

We plant trees and shrubs on the site. After the initial processing, we put the harvested crop in storage. We continue to make preparations for the winter.

  • Date: October 26
    Lunar days: 17-18
    Phase: Waning Moon
    Zodiac sign: Taurus

We do not do winter sowing of seeds. For the most thermophilic species, we make a primary shelter. We prune vines and other vines, then prepare winter insulation for them. Cut off the stems of perennial flowering plants. We plant fruit bushes and trees. Cooking canned vegetables.

  • Date: October 27
    Lunar days: 18-19
    Phase: Waning Moon

We dig up roots, carry out their primary processing and put them in storage. We remove the mustache of strawberries and strawberries, root growth of trees and shrubs. We prepare canned food, wines and juices.

  • Date: October 28
    Lunar days: 19–20
    Phase: Waning Moon

We carry out the processing of plantings from pests. We dig out tubers and bulbs of plants, after cleaning from soil and drying, we lay them for storage. We prepare juices and wines.

  • Date: October 29
    Lunar days: 20–21
    Phase: Waning Moon
    Zodiac sign: Cancer

We put off home canning for a while. We sow seeds of carrots, sorrel, dill for the winter, plant garlic. We carry out water charging watering of garden plants. We add top dressing to the soil. We ferment cabbage, make pickles, prepare wines and juices.

  • Date: October 30
    Lunar days: 21-22
    Phase: Waning Moon
    Zodiac sign: Cancer
Planting garlic for the winter

A little secret of a successful harvest of garlic: do not plant it in one place for two years in a row

We do podzimnye sowing of green crops, carrots, planting garlic. We are pruning trees. We prepare preservation and pickles, prepare juices and wines.

  • Date: October 31
    Lunar days: 22-23
    Phase: Waning Moon
    Zodiac sign: Leo

We carry out the autumn digging of the beds, we spray the plantings from diseases. In dry weather, we harvest seeds. We continue to make blanks.

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