Lunar seed calendar for July 2019

Warm July, popularly nicknamed "tops of summer", allows the owners of suburban areas to take a breath. The emergency plantings are over, the main harvest is yet to come. Make sure that weeds do not fill the beds, but do not forget to water, loosen, feed the green pets as needed, that's all the worries. However, a responsible summer resident will always find something to do on his favorite acres, and the gardener's lunar calendar for July 2019 will tell you where and when to make efforts to get a rich harvest.

Lunar seed calendar for July 2019

Strawberry harvest

  • Date: July 1st.
    Lunar day: 27-28.
    Phase: waning moon.

The day is unfavorable for garden work, which can somehow disrupt the integrity of the plant. Focus your efforts on getting rid of excess: collect blown fruits and dry branches under trees, take action against pests and diseases - in particular, treat potatoes and tomatoes with Bordeaux liquid or other copper-containing preparation to prevent late blight. You can try to tackle the formation of lashes of cucumbers and grapes, but with caution.

  • Date: July 2.
    Lunar day: 28-29-1.
    Phase: New Moon.
    Zodiac sign: Cancer

Rest time - any manipulations with roots, branches and soil are undesirable. Let the plants rest in their beds and rest yourself.

  • Date: July 3rd.
    Lunar day: 1-2.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Cancer

The growing moon and the beginning of the new month open up a wide field of activity for gardeners. You can weed, loosen, feed, mow the grass, mulch the soil, and water the beds as they dry. In addition, in July, some crops are re-planted: radishes, beets, carrots, cucumbers, bell peppers, red cabbage, squash, squash, spinach, green onions and legumes, and perennials are sown in the flower garden. If your area has a mild climate and late autumn, it makes sense to plant tomatoes, but in this case, be prepared to vigilantly monitor the appearance of the first frost and spread the plucked fruits to ripen indoors.

  • Date: 4th July.
    Lunar day: 2-3.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Leo.

Actively growing plants require watering and feeding, but other work on the ground is no less in demand today - all of them will help to increase the yield. If the potato bushes have not yet grown, spud them, if beets and carrots are cramped in the beds, start thinning. You can continue planting yesterday by adding early varieties of cabbage to the listed crops.

  • Date: July 5.
    Lunar day: 3-4.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Leo.

All manipulations with plants will become successful, with the exception of pruning. Water and feed, plant and replant, weed out weeds. All that will be removed from the beds, take to the compost heaps on the humus - now is the time for this. You can start harvesting hay for the winter.


  • Date: July 6.
    Lunar day: 4-5.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Virgo.

The lunar sowing calendar for July 6, 2019 gives complete freedom of action - make any necessary manipulations with the soil and plants. The roots of most green pets are strong enough to withstand a transplant, but they will not be hindered by fertilizing with mineral fertilizers and access to oxygen, which will provide loosening.Trees and shrubs can be propagated by cuttings, but pruning, both formative and sanitary, will become unnecessary.

  • Date: July 7.
    Lunar day: 5-6.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Virgo.

The day is good for harvesting: the fruits taken from the beds and branches today will be especially juicy, the seeds will sprout well, medicinal herbs will accumulate a maximum of useful substances. In addition, you can continue to harvest hay for livestock, carry out various gardening work, plant and transplant perennials, root cuttings and propagate strawberries with a mustache.

  • Date: July 8th.
    Lunar day: 6-7.
    Phase: waxing moon.

The growing moon fills the aerial parts of plants with strength. Take advantage of the good time to plant another batch of vegetables and berries, preferring crops with a curly stem, mustache or tall bush: cucumbers, watermelons, melons, bell peppers, eggplant, strawberries. Sowing lettuce and herbs are allowed. Watering as needed, feeding and harvesting will be appropriate.

  • Date: July 9th.
    Lunar day: 7-8.
    Phase: waxing moon.

Moderate your gardening ardor: the plants enter a dormant period. However, it is too early to put gardening tools in a corner, because today it is possible to arm yourself with pruning shears and make sanitary pruning of trees, prepare cuttings of berry bushes and immediately start rooting them, start forming cucumber whips and tomato bushes. If you have not yet completed your planting plan, keep in mind that climbing plants are still a priority: peas, beans, squash, watermelons, pumpkins.

  • Date: July 10.
    Lunar day: 8-9.
    Phase: waxing moon.

The day passes under the sign of transplantation, picking and reproduction: perennial flowers - by dividing the tuber; strawberries and strawberries - mustache; berry and ornamental bushes - by cuttings. Sowing is not recommended, but you can loosen the soil on filled beds, remove weeds and generously spray tomato bushes with infusion of garlic or wood ash to prevent late blight.

Fertilizing tomatoes

  • Date: July 11.
    Lunar day: 9-10.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Scorpio.

A good period for plant care: watering, fertilizing, loosening. Continue transplanting and propagating those crops that need it, harvest. Sow the vacated beds with green manure for their further incorporation into the soil. Planting greens (dill, parsley), sorrel, salads, perennial flowers and biennials will be successful.

  • Date: July 12.
    Lunar day: 10-11.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Scorpio.

Dig up empty beds and sow siderates, loosen, weed and water those occupied by plantings. It's time to start collecting sorrel, which is traditionally cut and frozen for the winter, and winter garlic, whose readiness can be determined by drying stems and fluffy heads. The preparation of seeds for future planting and hay for livestock is in full swing.

  • Date: July 13.
    Lunar day: 11-12.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Sagittarius.

A day without a clear plus or minus sign. Slowly, without undue zeal, put in order what you did not have time to complete, be it weeding, hilling or thinning. Only propagation by cuttings and mustaches is especially recommended, all other works are up to you. You can plant lettuce, greens, continue harvesting.

  • Date: July 14th.
    Lunar day: 12-13.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Sagittarius.

Plants grow stronger day by day, diligently pulling nutrients from the soil - help them by conducting a session of root dressing or watering pets with warm water infused in the sun. Pumpkins, squash and cabbage, which are not able to develop without an abundance of moisture in the soil, especially need this. If necessary, do not be afraid to transplant, pinch and do pinching, today all these types of work are allowed.

  • Date: July 15th.
    Lunar day: 13-14.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Capricorn.

Most of the recommendations of the previous days remain unchanged: water and feed actively gaining strength plants, transplant, propagate by cuttings, collect fruits, seeds and herbs. The time is running out, suitable for planting cucumbers, sweet peppers, red cabbage - if you want to see these crops in your beds in the fall, take the moment. Cut off dead flowers in the flowerbed so that they do not interfere with the further growth and flowering of plants.

Pruning roses

  • Date: July 16.
    Lunar day: 14-15.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Capricorn.

Tackle the soil tightly by weeding out weeds and hilling bushes of tomatoes, late planted potatoes, and other crops. There is still an opportunity to harvest a good harvest if you have time to sow zucchini, peas, beans, early ripening varieties of watermelons and melons, lettuce, greens on the beds. Fill the empty spaces in the flower beds with annual flowers, mow the lawn, and then feed.

  • Date: July 17.
    Lunar day: 15-16.
    Phase: full moon.
    Zodiac sign: Capricorn.

Any gardening work is not recommended. Give yourself a full day off, and if you still want to put your hands on something, repair the greenhouses, prepare tree supports so that the branches do not break off under the weight of the fruits, tie the stems of delphiniums and gladioli in the flower garden.

  • Date: July 18.
    Lunar day: 16-17.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Aquarius.

The waning moon shifts the focus of attention from the above-ground part of plants to the underground one. Examine the beds with root crops: thin out the recently broken seedlings of the second sowing, dig out the harvest from early plantings. At the same time, you can pick strawberries, wild strawberries, currants, gooseberries and raspberries - depending on the latitude in which you live. Feed the bushes freed from the sweet load with mineral fertilizers, water the aisles of the strawberry beds, add humus. At the same time, tear off the excess mustache and cut out the fruitless raspberry shoots so that the plant's strength is not wasted.

  • Date: July 19th.
    Lunar day: 17-18.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Aquarius.

The day is not suitable for active work. Slowly weed plants with a fruiting bottom, fertilize with organic fertilizers and compost. But in the garden, not only the roots await your attention. By mid-July, active sap flow resumes in trees, so grafting, especially budding, becomes relevant again. If you plan to expand the area set aside for berry bushes, begin to mark the planting sites.

  • Date: July 20th.
    Lunar day: 18-19.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Pisces.

Plants are not very inclined to take your care, so it is most wise to focus on harvesting. Gather ripe fruits, remove berries from the bushes, mow the lawn grass and use it to mulch the soil. A new round of planting begins in root crops: sow radishes, daikon, carrots, beets, root parsley.

Planting parsley

  • Date: July 21.
    Lunar day: 19–20.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Pisces.

Will be successful: work with the aboveground part of plants (pruning, grafting); soil enrichment with mineral and organic fertilizers, including green manure; harvesting root crops; pest control; transplanting fruit trees and bushes. You can start preparing the beds for the fall and plant different types of onions - baton, onion. In order not to provoke root rot, limit watering.

  • Date: July 22.
    Lunar day: 20-21.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Pisces.

Wait a bit with weeding and loosening, everything that is below ground level - roots, tubers, bulbs - today requires the most delicate handling. But you can do a root dressing session or shift your attention to empty beds, which are time to prepare for autumn planting.Handle more freely with the upper parts of the plants: form crowns, bushes and whips, cut out excess shoots, remove part of the leaves from the overgrown stems of squash and squash.

  • Date: July 23.
    Lunar day: 21-22.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Aries.

The day is identical to the previous one: feed the lower parts of the plants, cut and shape the upper parts. Pest and disease control will be effective. For example, it is worth examining trees in search of gum, scraping off damaged areas of the bark, treating wounds with copper sulfate and covering with pitch. Pollinate garden plants with ash to protect them from pests.

  • Date: July 24.
    Lunar day: 22-23.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Aries.

It's time to dig out onions, garlic and early potatoes and fertilize the vacated beds, adding humus to the soil. By the way, make sure that next year you don't have any problems with organic fertilizers by making compost. Recommended sanitary cleaning of the site, collecting volunteers, mowing grass, which can then be used to mulch the soil or as a basis for a nutrient solution for future fertilizing.

Green weed fertilizer

  • Date: July 25.
    Lunar day: 23-24.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Taurus.

Work with the land and plants is in full swing: weeding, loosening, fertilizing - including fertilizing trees with a mullein after harvesting the fruits. Dig up the beds intended for autumn planting and apply humus to the soil. Fight pests with the help of special preparations, folk remedies, or simply shaking off insects from bushes on a piece of white cloth. Pruning, dividing perennials, transplanting are allowed, but you should refrain from watering.

  • Date: July 26.
    Lunar day: 24.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Taurus.

It is not forbidden to engage in any work on the ground, but planting carrots of an early ripening period, as well as beets and onions, promises to be especially successful. Apart from these crops, go in for strawberries and strawberries that can be propagated by mustache. A good period for the division of perennials continues in the flower garden.

  • Date: July 27.
    Lunar day: 24-25.
    Phase: waning moon.

Harvesting and pest control are at the forefront of this day. Important: in the heat of the battle for the garden and vegetable garden, do not forget to inspect the flower bed, and especially roses, which are often attacked by aphids at the end of July. You can continue to prepare the beds for autumn plantings, apply organic and mineral fertilizers to the soil, cut off dry, diseased, faded parts of plants. Watering is extremely moderate.

  • Date: July 28.
    Lunar day: 25-26.
    Phase: waning moon.

Work the land more boldly: water, huddle, loosen, fertilize, dig and plow. Pest and disease control is possible, although formative and sanitary pruning, overgrowth removal, or pinching will be more beneficial. Grapes, for example, need to be freed from the burden of unnecessary bunches, and at the same time to cut off the leaves that are too close to the berries and cover them from the sun and thin out the abundant stepchildren.


  • Date: July 29.
    Lunar day: 26-27.
    Phase: waning moon.

A day of harvest and leisurely, meditative labor on the ground. Pull out weeds, fertilize the ground, water the plants. A good result will be given by efforts aimed at the formation of cucumber and grape whips, tomato bushes, sweet peppers, eggplants. Sowing of root and bulbous crops - radishes, daikons, onions - is allowed, as well as composting and the preparation of organic fertilizers from cut grass.

  • Date: July 30.
    Lunar day: 27-28.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Cancer.

The approaching new moon weakens the strength of plants, making most gardening work undesirable. Clean the area, collect the volunteers and dry branches, check the reliability of the supports under the branches of fruit trees. Composting is still permitted.But for sowing, it is better to limit yourself to siderates.

  • Date: July 31st.
    Lunar day: 28-29.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Cancer.

Sowing is not recommended, although carrots, beets, spring onions, parsley and radishes may be a happy exception. However, you gain more by taking the time to clear the site of organic debris, leaves, dead plant parts, dry tops and pests. If no cleaning is required, spend the day fixing and sharpening garden tools, or simply take a break from the tidy area.

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