Lunar calendar for August 2019 for gardeners and truck farmers

Weeding is no longer so relevant, planting tends to zero, and even beds, tree branches and berry bushes delight the eye with a bountiful harvest. But the work is still far from the end It is necessary to protect lovingly grown crops from drought and pests, gradually prepare the garden and vegetable garden for the fall and, of course, reap the well-deserved fruits of our labors. It is hardly possible to be lazy during this period, but the advice of the lunar calendar for August 2019 will help gardeners and gardeners decide on the most effective actions for every day.

Lunar calendar for August 2019 for the gardener and the gardener

Child holds the crop from the garden in a basket

  • Date: August 1st.
    Lunar day: 29-30-1.
    Phase: New Moon.
    Zodiac sign: Leo.

The first day of August, falling on the new moon, does not promote increased plant growth. Give up sowing, hilling and loosening, but you can inspect trees and hedges in search of clutches of harmful insects and treat the garden and vegetable garden with special means: crops that remain several weeks before harvest - chemical, ready to ripen - folk (ash, tobacco , wormwood).

  • Date: August 2.
    Lunar day: 1-2.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Leo.

Most of the work on the ground is allowed: weeding, loosening, watering, feeding, digging. Harvest and sow the vacated beds with siderates - mustard or rye - but refrain from pruning and other procedures that injure plants.

  • Date: August 3rd.
    Lunar day: 2-3.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Virgo.

The more time passes after the new moon, the wider the circle of permitted works becomes. You can dig, plow, huddle, water and fertilize, pinch the tops of some plants (for example, tomatoes) to limit their growth. It will not hurt to come to grips with the garden by grafting or planting new trees and bushes on the site.

  • Date: August 4th.
    Lunar day: 3-4.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Virgo.

There are no forbidden works on this day, but those that relate to the aboveground part of the plants remain in priority. Gather fruits and berries, pinch, and since plants continue to vigorously pull nutrients from the soil, do not neglect watering and feeding. The day is good for propagation of bushes by cuttings and layering, and strawberries and strawberries with mustaches.

  • Date: August 5.
    Lunar day: 4-5.
    Phase: waxing moon.

Harvest day. Harvest seeds and fruits from the aboveground part of the plants for the winter, dig up potatoes, after mowing and taking out the tops of the field, store root crops. Fertilize the soil on the empty beds, dig up and use for planting radishes, turnips, radishes, early ripening peas, beans, spinach, watercress, dill, onions, horseradish, and if none of the above is in your plans, sow siderates.

Garlic planting

  • Date: August 6.
    Lunar day: 5-6.
    Phase: waxing moon.

Continue harvesting seeds and fruits, which during this period are full of vitamins and have good keeping quality, plant all the crops listed above. Watering and fertilizing, digging and plowing, laying compost, grafting (budding), propagation by cuttings will be appropriate. It is undesirable to disturb the roots of plants, but an exception can be made for perennials, which are allowed to be divided and transplanted.

  • Date: August 7.
    Lunar day: 6-7.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Scorpio.

Pause active soil work and switch entirely to the plants in the garden: feed the apple trees with mullein or bird droppings, water the bushes and trees. Pick up a carrion from the ground to avoid the spread of diseases and cut the gum from the trunks by treating the cleaned areas with copper sulfate or var. Mow the grass and compost it.

  • Date: August 8.
    Lunar day: 7-8.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Scorpio.

Prepare the beds for autumn planting, digging and fertilizing the soil, but do not rush to sow garden crops, now is not the right time for this. Continue watering and fertilizing - in particular, trees that have already dropped old crops and are forming fruit buds for a new one - as well as pruning and cleaning the affected areas on the trunks.

  • Date: August 9.
    Lunar day: 8-9.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Sagittarius.

Harvesting and pest control are on the agenda. Pick ripe currant and gooseberry berries from the bushes, simultaneously removing and destroying the twisted leaves affected by aphids. Dig under the old trees, turning over the layers of earth to get rid of the cherry fly. Treat plants with special formulations from pests. You can gradually add missing trees and bushes to the site or prepare holes for autumn plantings.

  • Date: August 10.
    Lunar day: 9-10.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Sagittarius.

Nature gives the go-ahead for any work in the garden and garden, except for pruning: there is an active sap flow in the plants, so damage to the branches or bark will seriously weaken them. But you can weed, loosen, dig up, fertilize the soil, and sow green manure. It is also not forbidden to harvest potatoes and continue to collect fruits and seeds.

Harvest young potatoes in a bag

  • Date: August 11.
    Lunar day: 10-11.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Capricorn.

The day is similar to the previous one. Gather fruits and vegetables, prepare the soil for new plantings, loosen, cultivate, water, weed, transplant - primarily shrubs and perennials - and inoculate. In addition, the time for airing and disinfection of the cellars intended for storing the harvested crop is approaching.

  • Date: 12 August.
    Lunar day: 11-12.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Capricorn.

The moon is gaining strength, and together with it, earthly plants rush into growth. Use this to sow lettuce, spinach, arugula, spicy herbs (basil, dill, parsley), carrots, and radishes. Previously sown and emerged crops need feeding and watering, loosening the soil, weeding, and spraying against pests.

  • Date: August 13.
    Lunar day: 12-13.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Capricorn.

All types of work are allowed, with the exception of those that lead to damage to the integrity of plants - pruning, pinching, removing excess shoots. But transplanting and picking can be carried out practically without restrictions, feeding and watering - too. The time is ideal for harvesting and processing crops: fermentation, salting, and other harvesting methods.

  • Date: August 14.
    Lunar day: 13-14.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Aquarius.

Boost your planting to growth. Thoroughly loosen the soil to provide the roots with oxygen, weed weeds so that they do not interfere with the development of cultivated plants, provide generous watering. However, try not to damage the roots by your manipulations, and still do not resort to pruning. But the harvest can be harvested without restrictions, harvesting root crops, aboveground fruits and greens for the winter.

  • Date: August 15th.
    Lunar day: 14-15.
    Phase: full moon.
    Zodiac sign: Aquarius.

Day of rest and rest. Ideally, it should be spent in relaxation and meditative contemplation of what has already been done, but those who feel a burst of energy can continue preparing the cellar for laying vegetables and fruits, check the supports under the branches of fruit trees, bending from the harvest, and clean up the area.

Ripe red apples on a branch

  • Date: August 16.
    Lunar day: 15-16.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Pisces.

It is not worth planting and watering. Dedicate time to weed control, weeding the garden and sending the torn grass into compost pits, and at the same time take care of pests by dusting the beds with ash or spraying them with special preparations. You can continue to dig, loosen, fertilize the soil, but it is not recommended to engage in activities that can damage the roots or tops of plants.

  • Date: August 17.
    Lunar day: 16-17.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Pisces.

Thin summer carrots and beets by sending young vegetables removed from the garden to the table. Scrape the soil off the onions, preparing them for digging. Mow the lawn and use the grass for composting or mulching. You can form grape whips, pick berries and harvest wine, but it is not advisable to engage in planting, rooting, watering and harvesting cuttings and pinching.

  • Date: August 18.
    Lunar day: 17-18.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Pisces.

Return to plantings, preferring greenery and plants with a fruiting underground part. Plant radishes, radishes and daikons for winter storage; parsley, dill, arugula, watercress - for food; mustard and peas - as siderates, to embed them in the soil in the fall. Finally, you can do sanitary pruning of trees and bushes, as well as replanting them: the roots of plants on the waning moon are full of strength and are able to withstand a change of residence without much difficulty. Abundant watering, accompanied by loosening and mulching, is not forbidden in order to retain moisture in the soil.

  • Date: 19 August.
    Lunar day: 18-19.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Aries.

Deal with the removal of excess in the aerial parts of the plants: cut off excess stepsons and lower leaves of tomatoes, useless mustache and peduncles of strawberries and strawberries, side shoots and tops of pumpkin vines, yellow ovaries and leaves of cucumbers, small heads of sunflowers. Conduct sanitary pruning of bushes and trees, grafting, watering. In the flower garden, it is time to transplant and divide delphinium, irises, lilies, peonies, phlox.

  • Date: August 20.
    Lunar day: 19–20.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Aries.

Refrain from watering and work that could damage the plant roots. Cut and cut off dry branches, leaves, stepchildren, whips, faded flowers in the flower bed; grafting and rooting cuttings, dig up and fertilize the beds intended for autumn planting. It is allowed to plant asparagus, Chinese cabbage, spinach, lettuce, coriander, cumin.

Peking cabbage harvest in the garden

  • Date: August 21.
    Lunar day: 20-21.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Taurus.

Form crowns and whips, cut, cut, pinch. Watering is undesirable, but berry beds and bushes need fertilizing: strawberries and strawberries - nitrogen, so that they have time to acquire lush leaves for warming the roots for the winter, gooseberries, currants and raspberries - potassium-phosphorus. Dig up potatoes, spring garlic and onions, harvest medicinal herbs, as well as leaves of raspberries, currants and some other berry bushes for vitamin tea.

  • Date: August 22.
    Lunar day: 21-22.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Taurus.

Recommended jobs on this day include plowing, loosening, watering, foliar feeding and pruning. In particular, you need to remove the old faded raspberry shoots, and weed the soil between the bushes, feed and mulch with grass or humus mown on the lawn.

  • Date: 23 August.
    Lunar day: 22-23.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Taurus.

The most diverse work with the soil, from weeding to fertilizing, will be successful today, the only thing - do not be zealous with watering. Pruning of trees and bushes, both formative and sanitary, is still relevant, and in grapes it will not hurt to pinch the tops of too actively growing stepchildren and remove dew roots if you live in the southern regions. Pest control will be effective.

  • Date: August 24.
    Lunar day 23-24.
    Phase: waning moon.

An unusually lucky day. Take a master's eye over your possessions and do everything that your garden and orchard lacks: weeding, loosening, fertilizing, watering, pinching, pruning - and so on. A good day for planting Chinese cabbage, lettuce, basil, cilantro, coriander, caraway seeds, parsley, dill, onions on a feather, radishes, early ripening peas, salad mustard. Plant berry bushes, fruit trees, and conifers in the garden.

Planting a fruit bush in August

  • Date: August 25.
    Lunar day: 24-25.
    Phase: waning moon.

Slowly carry out various soil activities, with the exception of watering, and fight pests. The latter is especially important for Chinese cabbage, which is exposed to flea infestations in August, as well as for daikon and radish. Remove the lower dry leaves from cabbage, and cut off the color from radish planted in late July. Remove potatoes, spring garlic, root vegetables, tomatoes, eggplants, bell peppers, legumes, and corn. If at the beginning of summer you sowed biennials for seedlings (daisies, forget-me-nots, violets), move the grown and matured plants to the flower bed, from a temporary residence to a permanent one.

  • Date: August 26.
    Lunar day: 25.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Cancer.

You can do loosening, watering and feeding, but it is better to devote this day to leisurely cleaning on the site. At the same time, check the cellar again by drying and ventilating the room, repairing and sanding the boxes for storing the future harvest, disinfecting all surfaces with which the fruits will come into contact.

  • Date: August 27.
    Lunar day: 25-26.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Cancer.

You should not start excavating with too much zeal. Take your time to harvest and cultivate empty beds, pull out weeds, feed crops, water, mulching the wet soil with cut grass. A good time for vaccinations is running out - if you have not yet realized everything that you have in mind in this regard, hurry up. You can plant radishes, spinach, herbs.

  • Date: August 28.
    Lunar day: 26-27.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Leo.

It is undesirable to engage in any actions leading to destruction, so leave pruning, thinning and pinching for another day, and in addition, refrain from digging and loosening. Collect the remaining berries from the bushes, put props under the branches of apple trees, treat the garden and vegetable garden from pests.

Harvest of currants, blueberries and raspberries in cans

  • Date: August 29.
    Lunar day: 27-28.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Leo.

A period of rest is approaching, therefore, too vigorous activity on the site is not encouraged. Do a sanitary cleaning of the site, collecting old branches and plant waste, put everything that is suitable for fertilization in compost heaps, sprinkle with ash and cover with foil or plywood to speed up the maturation of humus.

  • Date: August 30.
    Lunar day: 28-29-1.
    Phase: New Moon.
    Zodiac sign: Virgo.

On the new moon, all work with plants becomes undesirable. Relax, complete the cleaning of the site, outline a work plan for the future.

  • Date: August 31.
    Lunar day: 1-2.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Virgo.

After a short downtime, favorable days of the lunar sowing calendar come again. Engage in plowing, loosening, hilling and other work with the soil; feed and water the plants; harvest and clean the area. Almost anything is allowed except trimming.

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