Sowing lunar calendar for July 2018

So we reached the top of summer. The tension of work in the garden and garden has subsided a little. We begin to reap the fruits of the spring labor, we monitor the timeliness of watering, we try to protect the plants from the burning rays, we plant it if we did not have time for something or are not satisfied with the results of the previous planting. After the first harvest, we plant the vacated beds again, observing the crop rotation. And, of course, we plan all the work, taking into account the recommendations of the lunar calendar for July 2018 for gardeners and gardeners.

Sowing lunar calendar for July 2018

  • Date: July 1
    Lunar days: 18-19
    Phase: Waning Moon
    Zodiac sign: Aquarius

Pull out weeds, thin out crops, huddle plants, loosen the soil and mulch the beds. Pay special attention to flower beds, replenish the variety of flowers, possibly with some unusual variety. Do not water the plantings to prevent root rot.

  • Date: July 2
    Lunar days: 19–20
    Phase: Waning Moon
    Zodiac sign: Aquarius

Prune shrubs that bloom in spring and trees. Apply fertilizers, treat the plantings from diseases and pests. Till the soil carefully to avoid damaging the plant roots. Avoid abundant watering.

  • Date: July 3rd
    Lunar days: 20–21
    Phase: Waning Moon
    Zodiac sign: Pisces

The lunar calendar of a gardener and gardener for July 3 says: plant, transplant and sow plants. Vegetable, nightshade and pumpkin crops will react best to this. Flowers can be sown, but not to harvest their seeds. Water the plantings and loosen the soil. Do not prune and treat with various remedies for diseases and pests today.

  • Date: 4th of July
    Lunar days: 21
    Phase: Waning Moon
    Zodiac sign: Pisces

Loosen the soil. Add small doses of mineral and organic fertilizers. Prepare cuttings for rooting and grafting, grafting and budding trees, pruning and pinching garden plants. Mow lawns and fill up the compost pit. Prepare medicinal plant leaves.

  • Date: July 5
    Lunar days: 21-22
    Phase: Waning Moon
    Zodiac sign: Aries
Dill in a wicker basket

Dill can be planted in July

Water and loosen the beds. Plant and sow vegetables, spicy greens, fruits and berries, field crops and indoor flowers. Too abundant watering, overfeeding of plants with fertilizers, protective treatment of the garden and vegetable garden are unacceptable today.

  • Date: July 6
    Lunar days: 22-23
    Phase: Waning Moon
    Zodiac sign: Aries

Favorable work: plowing, loosening the soil, hilling plants, sanitary pruning and protective treatment of trees, removing strawberry and strawberry whiskers, weeding, removing overgrowth, pinching. Remove vegetables and fruits that are intended for long-term storage. Procure wines and juices. Cut flowers for bouquets, they will not fade for a long time. Do not pinch, dive, replant, water the plantings abundantly.

  • Date: July 7
    Lunar days: 23-24
    Phase: Waning Moon
    Zodiac sign: Aries

Plant legumes, potatoes, root vegetables, bulbs. Thin seedlings, destroy weeds and pests. Dig up the tubers, bulbs, and flower tubers for storage. Harvest for long term storage. Harvest dried fruits, jams, preservation with heat treatment.

  • Date: July 8
    Lunar days: 24-25
    Phase: Waning Moon
    Zodiac sign: Taurus

Remove weeds, mow the grass, put the green mass on composting. Water the plantings. Loosen the soil outside the root zone so as not to damage them. Vaccinate and pinch garden plants. Harvest and lay for long storage. Don't transplant anything today.

  • Date: July 9
    Lunar days: 25-26
    Phase: Waning Moon
    Zodiac sign: Taurus

Water the plants, loosen the soil outside the root zone. Plant onions (chives, lettuce, batun), spicy green (watercress, chicory, mint, horseradish, spinach, basil, artichoke, parsley), fruit and berry trees and shrubs, strawberries and strawberries, grapes. Mow the grass and send it to compost.

  • Date: July 10
    Lunar days: 26–27
    Phase: Waning Moon
Sauerkraut with lingonberries in a bowl

Did you know that cabbage is also salted in accordance with the phases of the moon?

Weed the beds, carry out hilling, loosen the soil without watering. Collect products ready for long term storage. Prepare vitamin products for the winter: salt, ferment, dry, can, prepare juices and wine. Spray plants with formulations against pests and diseases. Plant climbing varieties (ivy, passionflower, vines, and others).

  • Date: June 11
    Lunar days: 27-28
    Phase: Waning Moon
    Zodiac sign: Cancer

Plant plants that have whiskers (beans, melons, strawberries, peas, strawberries), as well as curly, ampelous and creeping or creeping stems. Thin, weed, spud the plantings in need of this. Loosen the soil without watering. Conduct a protective treatment of plantings from diseases and pests. Mow lawns and lawns to slow their regrowth. Prepare products for the winter. Avoid planting and replanting herbaceous species and small shrubs.

  • Date: July 12
    Lunar days: 28-29
    Phase: Waning Moon
    Zodiac sign: Cancer

Today, actively engage in soil cultivation: weeding, watering, loosening. Prepare leaves of medicinal plants, pickled, salted, dried, canned fruits, juices and wine. Plant decorative foliage crops, valerian, spinach, mint, fennel, parsley, as well as flowering plants: hyacinths, asters, gladioli, clematis, poppies, daylilies, forget-me-nots. Do not treat the plantings with pesticides. Do not replant trees, tuberous, ampelous, herbaceous and climbing species.

  • Date: July 13
    Lunar days: 29, 30, 1
    Phase: New Moon
    Zodiac sign: Cancer

Work on the ground will not bring the desired result; it is better to postpone it.

  • Date: July 14
    Lunar days: 1–2
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Leo

Dig up potatoes, other tubers and bulbs today, they will keep well. Collect seeds, fruits, roots for future planting, medicinal herbs. Cut off unnecessary tree shoots, shape their crowns. Plant ornamental garden plants. Loosen the ground. Treat plantings with protective agents against pests and diseases. Do not water or feed plantings in the garden or vegetable garden.

  • Date: July 15
    Lunar days: 2–3
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Leo
Potato varieties in a wooden box with compartments

Try not to store different varieties of potatoes together

Dig up potatoes, bulbs and tubers, ripe fruits and place them for long storage. Transplant plants that have a strong root system. Prepare blanks. Loosen the ground near the plantings, heap them. Get vaccinated in your garden. Sow and plant cabbage, legumes, sweet and hot peppers, cherries, gooseberries, plums, grapes, sunflowers, cornflowers, forget-me-nots, violets, daisies, calendula.

  • Date: July 16
    Lunar days: 3-4
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Virgo

Dive and replant seedlings. Apply mineral, organic, high potassium supplements. Water your garden and vegetable garden. Harvest the roots of medicinal plants. Transplant flowers by dividing and layering them. Sow annual flowers, plant undersized ornamental shrubs and trees, creepers and creepers, and strawberries. Do not soak seeds for growing seedlings.

  • Date: July 17
    Lunar days: 4-5
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Virgo

Water all plantings. All kinds of pruning can be done. Apply top dressing to the soil. Fumigate or spray your plantings to fight diseases and pests. In the garden, sow or plant tomatoes, zucchini, peppers, cucumbers, parsley, artichokes, anise, dill; in the garden - vines, climbing plants, sage, cornflowers, irises, delphinium, gladioli, marigolds, phlox, daylilies, carnations. The sowing lunar calendar warns: do not soak seeds for seedlings.

  • Date: July 18
    Lunar days: 5–6
    Phase: waxing moon

Plant all tuberous, shrubs, roses, flowers, climbing species, medicinal and herbal herbs. Harvest root vegetables, collect seeds and medicinal plants for the winter. Feed and water the plantings, root the cuttings, loosen the soil in the beds and in the tree-trunk circles. Shape and rejuvenate your crowns. Cut the flowers into a bouquet, they will delight the eye for a long time.

  • Date: July 19
    Lunar days: 6-7
    Phase: waxing moon

On this day, you should not vaccinate and spray the plants. Watering and feeding them, loosening the earth, rooting cuttings, pinching the tops, pruning crown branches for rejuvenation and rational formation, harvesting root crops for winter storage are recommended. Most crops can be planted and sown. Flowers cut today will stay fresh for a long time.

  • Date: May 20
    Lunar days: 7-8
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Thyme, thyme

Thyme (thyme) is a powerful antiseptic and is used to treat colds

Today's planting and sowing of all types of onions, peppers and cabbages, legumes, zucchini, potatoes, carrots, parsnips, squash, Jerusalem artichoke, thyme, mustard, watercress, asparagus, most fruits and berries and flowers will be successful. Grafting and spraying of plants are not recommended today.

  • Date: July 21
    Lunar days: 8-9
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Scorpio

Soak the seeds for germination. Sow perennials, annuals, bulbs, root crops, pumpkin, vegetables, nightshade crops, medicinal herbs, weaving and climbing ornamental species. Plant seedlings of plants that are supposed to be harvested for a long time or to collect seeds from them. Delight the earth with weeding and loosening. Apply spraying and fumigation to rehabilitate plantings.

  • Date: July 22
    Lunar days: 9-10
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Scorpio

Prepare medicinal plant leaves. Leave the crop for long-term storage. Mow the lawn. Continue composting, disease and pest control. Make preparations for vegetables and fruits, juices and wine for the winter. Do not transplant anything, do not propagate plants by dividing the root, do not dig up potatoes.

  • Date: June 23rd
    Lunar days: 10-11
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Sagittarius

Plant and sow plants to collect seeds. Place decorative-flowering and rapidly growing medicinal crops on the site. Loosen the soil, weed and heap garden plantings, thin out the seedlings, cut off the mustache, remove the growth of diseased plantings. Disinfect plantings with spraying and fumigation. Harvest medicinal herbs and herbs. Make blanks.

  • Date: July 24
    Lunar days: 11-12
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Sagittarius

The sign of Sagittarius, in which the Moon is located today, adversely affects all operations with vegetation. Avoid pruning, watering, spraying, or other activities in your garden or garden. It is better to collect medicinal herbs and herbs and herbs. Dig up bulbs and tubers to store for future planting. Mow lawns and lawns. Prepare everything grown for the winter.

  • Date: July 25
    Lunar days: 12-13
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Capricorn
Harvesting onions

July is the hot season for harvesting onions and garlic

Today's heightened sensitivity of plantings to mechanical damage and long-term healing of such wounds suggest a rejection of active actions on the site. Collect onions and root vegetables, spicy and medicinal plants for long-term preservation. Cut the flowers into a bouquet, it will not fade for a long time.

  • Date: July 26
    Lunar days: 13-14
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Capricorn

Do not disturb the root system of plants, they may die. Protect your plantings from disease and pests. Carry out pruning, grafting, harvesting cuttings, root feeding of plantings. Harvest your crops. These fruits are suitable for long-term storage or use as seed material. Plant rootstocks for further grafting, trees and shrubs, legumes and grains.

  • Date: July 27
    Lunar days: 14-15
    Phase: full moon
    Zodiac sign: Capricorn

You can plant and sow chard, carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, legumes, melons, cabbage, celery, basil, coriander, artichoke, watercress, horseradish, spinach, fruit and berry crops and indoor plants. Do not work with the root system of the plantings, it threatens their life.

  • Date: July 28
    Lunar days: 15-16
    Phase: Waning Moon
    Zodiac sign: Aquarius

Seedlings should be thinned, weeded and loosened the soil of the beds. Huddle crops that require it. Trim the strawberry and strawberry whiskers, shape the tree crowns, remove excess flowers and diseased shoots. Carry out pinching and pinching, sanitizing. Collect fruits, flowers and seeds of medicinal herbs. Do not plant plants and do not sow seeds, give up fertilizing and watering.

  • Date: July 29
    Lunar days: 16-17
    Phase: Waning Moon
    Zodiac sign: Aquarius

Do not plant anything, do not sow, do not transplant. Do not feed or water the plantings in the area. Treat the soil, carry out hilling, spray plantings from insects and diseases. Harvest the crop, it is suitable for winter storage and for use as seed material. Collect fruits, seeds and flowers of medicinal plants.

  • Date: July 30
    Lunar days: 17-18
    Phase: Waning Moon
    Zodiac sign: Pisces
Blue-white nemophila

With the help of nemophila, sown in open ground in July, you can get a bright carpet in a flower bed

Do not flood or overfeed the plantings, do not carry out protective treatment. Sow, plant, and replant pumpkin, vegetables, and nightshade crops, including potatoes. The planting calendar recommends: sow all flower plants, but not for harvesting seeds from them. Water the garden and vegetable garden, loosen the soil.

  • Date: July 31st
    Lunar days: 18-19
    Phase: Waning Moon
    Zodiac sign: Pisces

Apply foliar top dressing with small doses of mineral fertilizers and organic matter so that rot and fungal diseases do not develop. Prepare cuttings for grafting. Loosen the soil, water the plants. Prune, pinch, graft, and bud shrubs and trees. Mow grass and replenish compost.

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