Sowing lunar calendar June 2019

It seems that in June, after a tense spring harvest, it is finally time for the owners of suburban areas to take a breath and calmly wait for the harvest, swaying in a hammock under the apple trees. But no! The last plantings have not been completed yet, weeds are stubbornly stepping on the beds, useful crops are waiting for irrigation and feeding. The work is not translated. It would be nice to perform it on favorable days of the lunar sowing calendar for June 2019. Gardeners and gardeners are familiar with him, meet you too.

  • Date: June 1st.
    Lunar day: 27-28.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Taurus.
Summer cottage in June


The day is unsuitable for work in one way or another related to destruction, so it is better to leave pruning and weeding for later. Feed and water, plant the last seedlings of radishes, radishes, beets, sweet peppers, early ripening varieties of cucumbers, celery, corn, melons, melons, lettuce, and herbs in the ground. If the morning frost is over, it is time to plant seedlings of thermophilic annual flowers - dahlia, petunias, asters, marigolds, vervains on the flower bed.

  • Date: June 2.
    Lunar day: 28-29.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Taurus.

Be more delicate with the roots during weeding, loosening and hilling, but you can not stand on ceremony with the upper part of the plants. If in the spring you did not have time to cut off the frozen branches, now is a convenient period for this, since they clearly stand out against the background of living branches covered with foliage. Treat the slices with garden pitch. In the garden, practice forming cucumber lashes and pinching melons, watermelons, and pumpkins.

  • Date: June 3rd.
    Lunar day: 29-30-1.
    Phase: New Moon.

During the new moon, the plants are given rest. Without the risk of harming the future harvest, you can only clean up the site, sharpen garden tools and make trapping belts for pests.

  • Date: June 4th.
    Lunar day: 1-2.
    Phase: waxing moon.

Plants are full of strength and ready to endure any manipulations with them. Weed weeds, thin out seedlings, water, feed, form whips of cucumbers and grapes. Preventive measures against pests and diseases will be especially effective today, so do not miss the opportunity to treat fruit trees with urea to protect them from pests, and raspberry leaves with biofugicide to prevent gray rot. Sprinkle the soil around the bushes with ash. In addition, raspberries do not hurt to trim the tops to force them to branch.

  • Date: June 5th.
    Lunar day: 2-3.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Cancer.

The favorable period for gardening work is in full swing. Weed, huddle, trim. Water the berry bushes, feed them with manure and loosen the soil around them to provide moisture and oxygen deep into the root system. Mow the lawn and cover the soil in the near-trunk circles with grass. Cut off faded shoots from lilacs and other ornamental bushes.

  • Date: June 6.
    Lunar day: 3-4.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Cancer.
Seedlings of cucumbers


All types of work on the ground are encouraged, concerning both soil preparation and maintenance of already planted beds. Vegetable crops can be weeded, hilled, pinched, and berry and decorative crops can be propagated by mustaches and cuttings. The planting of tuberous and bulbous plants will be successful in the flower garden.In general, there are no activities that would be undesirable today.

  • Date: June 7.
    Lunar day: 4-5.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Leo.

Plants are actively pulling nutrients from the ground, so do not neglect watering and feeding. Until summer is in full force, you can have time to plant "walking" beds with eggplants, zucchini, tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, cauliflower and white cabbage, sunflowers, corn, carrots, melons, onions, horseradish, parsley and other herbs. In the garden, inspect the spring grafts, remove any stubborn shoots, and pinch the ones that grow too fast so that they don't break off under their own weight.

  • Date: June 8th.
    Lunar day: 5-6.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Leo.

You can continue picking and replanting all of the above crops, as well as bushes and fruit trees. If planting is not planned, feed the previously planted plants with mineral and organic fertilizers, loosen, huddle. Roses, phloxes and clematis are recommended to be treated with preparations for fungal diseases. Tie up tall perennials and build supports for climbing plants.

  • Date: June 9th.
    Lunar day: 6-7.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Virgo.

The roots are especially vulnerable today, so it is advisable to refrain from too active weeding and loosening. However, pruning is also not recommended, so focus your efforts on pest control, propagation by cuttings of perennial flowers, and the formation of cucumber lashes and tomato bushes. You can plant asters, dahlias, balsam in a flower garden, as well as some indoor plants that it was decided to send to grow outdoors in the summer - for example, fuchsia.

  • Date: June 10.
    Lunar day: 7-8.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Virgo.

If you still haven't managed to feed your green pets with fertilizers, do it today. Watering is allowed, but it is recommended to refrain from more active actions. Better to clean the area, mow the lawn, and use the grass as mulch to cover the ground under berry bushes, trees or cucumbers - it will not hurt them either. If daffodils, hyacinths, tulips and other spring flowers have bloomed, cut off their stems, and dig up the bulbs and put them to dry. To avoid unsightly voids in the flower bed, plant fast-growing flowers: marigolds, nasturtium, marigolds in the vacant space.



  • Date: June 11.
    Lunar day: 8-9.
    Phase: waxing moon.

Pruning and reproduction of plants is a priority. Walk through the hedge with pruning shears, cut out dry branches and excess shoots of ornamental shrubs, remove root shoots from tree trunks. It is allowed to plant and transplant perennials and seedlings of bushes with a closed root system, as well as propagate plants by cuttings. If bald spots are visible on the strawberry patch, fill them up by annoying bushes in the right places or by rooting a mustache. Watering, fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers, treatment from diseases and pests are very useful.

  • Date: June 12.
    Lunar day: 9-10.
    Phase: waxing moon.

If the spring was warm and early, it is already quite possible to start harvesting the first harvest of lettuce, radish, sorrel, early varieties of bell peppers or rhubarb. Sow the vacated beds with siderites and new vegetable crops: tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, horseradish, onions, watermelons, pumpkins, peas, beans. Plant propagation by cuttings and mustaches is still relevant. In the flower garden, pinch the chrysanthemums so that the bush spreads out in breadth, not in height, and build supports for blooming peonies.

  • Date: June 13.
    Lunar day: 10-11.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Scorpio.

In the priority plans of the day, work with the soil and planting. Spud the potato bushes, having previously weeded out the weeds in the aisles.Sow zucchini and squash, cauliflower and kohlrabi, cucumbers, beans, corn, Swiss chard, herbs. Mature plants - in particular, lawn grass and flower beds - will well accept watering and feeding. Form the clematis shoots on the support in the flower garden. Pruning and pinching are undesirable.

  • Date: June 14.
  • Lunar day: 11-12.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Scorpio.

Plants actively follow the growing moon and respond gratefully to any concern, except for one that involves damage to roots and branches. Water, feed, weed gently, loosen and huddle. Re-treat trees and shrubs from pests, sprinkle the soil around them with ash, and spray the strawberry beds with a mixture of soap, baking soda and water to get rid of powdery mildew.

  • Date: June 15th.
    Lunar day: 12-13.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Scorpio.

Keep your gardening ardor by setting aside the hoe and watering can and start planting, replanting, and picking. Your attention should be paid to corn, different types of cabbage, legumes, roots, melons, greens - most of all this can be harvested in October, and some even earlier. In addition, trees and shrubs planted and transplanted today will take root well.

Grandfather and grandson plant a tree


  • Date: June 16.
    Lunar day: 13-14.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Sagittarius.

The day is good for working with the land. Loosen the soil to provide oxygen access to the roots, mulch in order to reduce moisture evaporation and keep green pets from temperature drops, feed with a mullein. All crops of the previous day can be planted, but it is undesirable to injure the plants by pinching or pruning. The day is good for harvesting.

  • Date: June 17.
    Lunar day: 14-15.
    Phase: full moon.
    Zodiac sign: Sagittarius.

The full moon is an unstable time. Take a break, get some rest, or, if you don't want to waste time, start laying compost piles.

  • Date: June 18.
    Lunar day: 15-16.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Capricorn.

Since the waning moon period is considered the best time to work with the underground part of the plants, the period of harvesting or planting of roots and bulbs begins. Sow turnips and rutabagas, plant onion sets on a feather. Watering and moderate feeding are allowed, but you should not weed and loosened, so as not to damage the roots of plants. Cropping will be unnecessary too.

  • Date: June 19.
    Lunar day: 16-17.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Capricorn.

Root crops are still at the forefront. Grown beets and carrots need to thin out the seedlings; young radish is waiting to be picked from the beds; on the flowerbed, it is a good time to plant bulbous flowers. However, today you can do “tops” too, making a healthy pruning of shrubs, pinching tomatoes, pinching cucumbers, removing arrows of garlic and onions. What not to do is to loosen and huddle - damage to the roots can have a bad effect on the growth and development of plants.

  • Date: June 20th.
    Lunar day: 17-18.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Aquarius.

A day of intensive watering, feeding and pest control. It is not forbidden to engage in planting parsley on the root, beets, carrots, other root crops, and in addition to them - transplanting fruit trees, bulbous and tuberous flowers. If there is a need to update a flower bed or garden, root the cuttings and sprinkle the layers of berry bushes, in particular, currants.

Planting currants with layering


  • Date: June 21.
    Lunar day: 18-19.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Aquarius.

Don't miss the opportunity to improve the quality of the soil under plantings today. Apply fertilizer if you haven't done so the other day, or fill in compost. As for the plantings, you can finally move away from root crops and transport seedlings of late varieties of cabbage, asparagus, sunflower to the ground. Water the young trees in the garden abundantly, remove new shoots from the old ones, feed the fruit-bearing ones with nitrogen fertilizers.

  • Date: June 22.
    Lunar day: 19.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Aquarius.

Limit watering or, if possible, eliminate it altogether so as not to cause root rot. The day is good for pruning branches, removing young growth under trees, thinning and pinching the tops of raspberry bushes. You can also engage in seedling thinning in the beds or weed control. Planting of eggplants, zucchini, white cabbage and cauliflower, sunflower is allowed. In the flower garden, tackle the peonies, starting to carefully trim the blossoming flowers.

  • Date: June 23.
    Lunar day: 19–20.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Pisces.

Do not remove the pruner too far, the period of work with the aboveground part of the plants continues. Prune branches, get rid of shoots, form crowns, tomato bushes, cucumber and grape whips. At the same time, there is an active formation of root crops, so root top dressing can be started again, although it is still too early to return to intensive watering. Loosening and weeding should be postponed, the roots are very vulnerable.

  • Date: June 24.
    Lunar day: 20-21.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Pisces.

It's time to finish the trimming and pinching work. Concentrate your efforts on cleaning the territory, harvesting the honeysuckle berries (and in the southern regions also the first strawberries). Top dressing, careful loosening, moderate watering will give a good effect. It is less effective, but it is possible to combat pests and diseases of which at the beginning of summer powdery mildew and aphids are especially dangerous, affecting flower beds. If you do not want to get involved with special "chemical" preparations, treat the plants with soapy water, infusion of onion peels or tobacco dust.



  • Date: June 25.
    Lunar day: 21-22.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Aries.

With rare exceptions, any manipulation of the soil will benefit the plants. Pull out weeds, thin out seedlings, loosen, dig up, apply organic fertilizers. The time is right for spilling potatoes a second time, trimming the whiskers from strawberries and strawberries. Indoor flowers left in their pots for the summer can be pampered by replacing the soil. The only thing that you should not get carried away with is abundant watering.

  • Date: June 26.
    Lunar day: 22-23.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Aries.

An unusually successful day, almost never setting bans for gardeners. Any manipulations with plants are allowed, except for pruning, all types of work with the soil. The planting of late varieties of cabbage, including Peking cabbage, as well as early ripening crops: lettuce, radishes, asparagus beans, peas, black radish, daikon, and herbs will be successfully planted.

  • Date: June 27.
    Lunar day: 23-24.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Aries.

In vegetable beds, take the time to weed and loosen. Watering is possible only if dry weather is established, but if June turned out to be damp, make sure not to oversaturate the soil with moisture: Aries is considered an arid sign, during which plants do not absorb water well. You can plant root vegetables, root parsley, onions, horseradish, herbs and collect early potatoes.

Potato harvest


  • Date: June 28.
    Lunar day: 24-25.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Taurus.

Loosening and transplanting will become undesirable procedures, which the plants will take hard. Abundant watering is necessary only for trees with ovaries and berry bushes; water other crops with extreme caution. But getting rid of unnecessary things will go well: weeds, pests, dry branches. Do not forget to collect and destroy fruits that have fallen to the ground, otherwise they can become a source of infection.

  • Date: June 29.
    Lunar day: 25-26.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Taurus.

Collect root crops and potatoes, dig up bulbous flowers for storage, loosen, water, feed, thin out seedlings, and fight pests. Mow your lawn and use the grass for mulching or making organic fertilizer.You can plant bell peppers, parsley on herbs, daikon, radishes, beans, radishes, onions, herbs.

  • Date: June 30.
    Lunar day: 26-27.
    Phase: waning moon.

The best choice for a gardener today will be work that does not imply any destruction. Wait a bit with mowing and pruning, if possible, give up loosening, weeding and harvesting. The focus is on fertilizing, watering, and enterprises aimed at preventing plant diseases. You can root cuttings, form bushes and vines of climbing plants, plant bulbous flowers.

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