What flowers to plant in the cemetery so that they bloom all summer

Variety of plants and flowers for a cemeteryFlowers are always brought to the grave of a deceased person, giving him the last memory. This tradition is adhered to in every country, regardless of religion and customs.

The burial place is often decorated with unpretentious perennial plants that do not require a lot of moisture. They can do without sunlight for a long time and grow all summer. The choice of such plants is very large, but you need to choose only the most suitable ones in order to adhere to age-old traditions and not break them.

What plants are best for decorating a grave?

Before you start decorating the grave, you need to determine the type of soil. She may be:

  • Sandy;
  • Clayey;
  • Chernozem.

In addition, you need to understand whether there will be enough sunlight for good plant growth. The choice of a variety of flowers for planting depends a lot on this.

There are unpretentious plantsthat are able to grow in the worst conditions, when there is no water and little sun.

You should not plant very rare plants in the burial place. They might just be dug people who are not afraid to steal from the cemetery.

Carpet plants

What to plant in the cemeteryWhen choosing flowers for planting in a cemetery, it is worth considering the plants that are free to roam the ground. They will create a very nice looking green carpet. The most suitable plant of this kind may be periwinkle.

The plant begins to bloom bright blue colors in early spring, and with the onset of hot July, decorates the grave with lush green grass. The advantages of this flower include its ability to completely clog weeds growing nearby. The grave takes on a beautiful and well-groomed appearance,

The disadvantage is the ability of the plant to crawl to neighboring graves. Not all relatives of the other deceased may like this.

Bunch flowers

At the grave, flowers growing in bunches feel great. These include:

  • Iris;
  • Narcissus.

Note that iris always considered a funeral flower... It is suitable for planting on the grave of the deceased.

Such bunch flowers should be planted next to each other, with a minimum gap. It is desirable that the flowers completely cover the ground. The flowering of such plants begins in early spring and continues until early June.


How to plant flowers in a cemeteryIn addition to flowers, other types of plants can be planted on the grave. For example, a small tree or bush will be an excellent decoration for the grave of the deceased. Of the wide variety of such plants, the most suitable for a cemetery are:

  • Thuja;
  • Juniper;
  • Aspen;
  • Thin birch.

It is not recommended to plant large trees near the grave. Their roots go deep into the ground. This spoils the monuments, the possibility of burial next to the grave of another person disappears.

Flowers that are suitable for planting in a cemetery

In the countries of the East, irises, called the flowers of the dead... However, over the years, the traditions of different peoples have become strongly intertwined. That is why so many people visit the grave, bringing with them these purple flowers.

The Greeks express their sadness for the deceased with a dark violet or pansies. The traditional plant for expressing grief for a deceased person among the Germans is a sunflower.

Since ancient times, in Russia, the grave was decorated with strawberries.They were eaten by birds, symbolizing grief for the deceased. Of course, if it is very important to preserve symbolism and traditions, it is better to stick to your own choice.

However, you must always remember that any plant on the grave must be unpretentious, it must remain decorative for a long time. After all, we are not able to visit the grave very often to weed it. Therefore it is best plant perennial plants, low form. These include:

  • Echinacea;
  • Calendula;
  • Rudbeckia.

Curbs grown from phlox or sedum look great.

If there is an opportunity to visit the cemetery several times a year, you can think about planting spring flowers at the grave:

  • Tulips;
  • Narcissists;
  • Forget-me-not;
  • Sandboxes.

These plants begin to bloom as soon as the snow cover completely disappears. Their green shoots will adorn the grave in early spring, when the ground around remains bare and unsightly. The grave is worth paying more attention to dwarf plants... The lattice of the fence will not give them the opportunity to start growing in breadth.

What is more important: the shape of the flower or its flowering?

What flowers can be planted in a cemeteryThe grave should not look very colorful from the planted flowers. Of course, you can create a green carpet from periwinkle, over which blue flowers will sway in the wind. The periwinkle grass will kill all weeds and prevent them from disturbing the beautiful appearance.

At the grave always very little moisture... The most suitable colors in this case would be:

  • Daffodils;
  • Tulips;
  • Irises.

These plants grow in bunches, therefore, the parent does not have to purchase artificial bouquets to decorate the grave.

I must say that the land in the cemetery is very poor, she never saw fertilizers. This is mainly clay and loam, so it is simply impossible to grow beautiful roses on it.

Best Placed on the Grave:

  • Juniper;
  • Aspen;
  • Decorative birch;
  • Tuyu.

These plants have a shallow root system. It does not damage the monument. Trees take root well, they do not require any special maintenance.

If there is absolutely no time to take care of the plants, you can plant a field bent around the perimeter of the grave. This small herb requires that the tops be pinched off only once a season.

To decorate a grave located in a cemetery, where little sunlight falls, you can plant:

  • Scylla;
  • Tiarella;
  • Daisies;
  • Waldstein;
  • Snowdrops.

In very arid regions it is recommended to plant in the cemetery:

  • Cloves;
  • Gypsophila;
  • Armenia;
  • Yarrow;
  • Alissum;
  • Thyme;
  • Decorative spurge.

If you carry out constant care of the grave, you can easy to grow annual plants... It is enough to constantly water and weed them. Fresh flowers on the grave will remind each person that his soul is immortal.

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