What perennial flowers to plant in the country so that they bloom all summer (with photo)

A flower bed of their perennialsThe creation of flower beds in the country is considered a pleasant, but less labor-intensive business. The main point in this business is choosing the right colors. Perennials that will delight the eye throughout the summer are the dream of any gardener, they are ideal for any flower bed or garden. Flowers that belong to this category can easily endure even the most severe winters. They do not need an annual landing.

Decorating a summer cottage with garden flowers is a pleasant thing. A huge number of different flowers can be planted. They do not require special care and are unpretentious to soil and watering. By choosing the right plant, you can emphasize the originality of your site... Such a dream is easy to fulfill, and the flowers can be admired from early spring to autumn.

Flowers for summer cottages are the pride of any gardener and decoration for a summer cottage. Bright and unique colors create coziness. The world of flowers is striking in its diversity.

Benefits of annual flowers

People who like annuals are not excluded. At the same time, they do not care about careful care of them. But many people prefer long-term ones.

Benefits of perennials for a summer cottage:

  1. What flowers to plantDo not require permanent transplant.
  2. They are well preserved during frost.
  3. They hibernate without problems.
  4. Undemanding in care.
  5. Throughout the summer period, they add color to the summer cottage.
  6. This is the best basis for creating flower beds.
  7. Growing up is the cheapest process. During transplantation, the flower can be divided by multiplying it.

Don't be discouraged in autumn. This is a great time to work on the future beauty of the flower garden in early spring.

Planting perennial flowers is possible in several ways:

  • using bulbs;
  • roots;
  • seeds.

When planting flowers, you can immediately create compositionsthat will not require a transplant for 2-3 years.

How to plant perennials correctly:

  1. First you need to draw up a plan for the flower bed.
  2. You need to be confident in plant growth. Low-rise flowers are planted in the foreground, etc.
  3. Curb flowers are designed to be placed along the paths.
  4. Consider the color scheme, flowering time. All plants must be in harmony with themselves.

Classification and types of perennial plants

Numerous photos show incredible landscaping in the garden. If you choose the right colors and draw up a drawing, you can create a real garden masterpiece. But how can he not be proud of the garden after that?

Garden plots, which are organized by the tiered method, have a stunning effect. This takes into account all plant sizes.

Perennial flowers can divided into 4 main groups, depending on height:

  • undersized;
  • medium-sized;
  • tall;
  • curly.


Perennials blooming all summerThe flowers of this group include perennials, whose height almost reaches the mark of 30 cm. Such flowers are especially popular when decorating borders and rocky gardens.During the flowering period, they acquire the most beautiful appearance, creating a perfect covered, which is able to hide all the imperfections and unevenness of the surface. This method of decorating a summer cottage is good because it is economical in terms of finance. To get a beautiful floral carpet, you need to take into account tightly when planting and follow the basic requirements. Against the background of all colors, the ones below are especially popular.


These flowers are striking in their bright colors. They do not require any special care. Bloom throughout the summer. In regions with a warm climate, they delight the eye with a wide range of colors. Today there are a huge number of all kinds of tones and combinations of this perennial. They are an excellent addition to medium and tall flowers in the country.


This is a plant that can grow on soil of absolutely any composition. In addition, it has good frost resistance. Most often it is used to decorate rock gardens and stone compositions. Periwinkle has good growth ability. After a while, the entire area will be covered with a green carpet with blue or pink drops.


Phlox are considered decorative flowers. Their various shades are striking in combination - from pale white to dark red. In landscape design they occupy almost the first place. Phloxes can form a carpet, the height of which will be almost 25 cm. To plant these flowers, the soil must be well moistened. No more than 7 plants are allowed per 1 sq. m.


The plant is very much like a bell. Beautiful flowers in bright blue or light blue bloom from June to August. Bell flowers look beautiful in rock gardens, when decorating slides. Their mountainous origin makes them indispensable in this matter. There are over 400 species of this plant.


Pros of perennial flowersRepresentatives of this group of perennials can reach a height of about one meter. In the photo you can see that medium-sized perennial plants are often used not only for self-planting, but also when creating longline compositions. This is one of the win-win options for decorating a summer cottage. Choosing between all representatives, they often try to plant flowers, which are described below.


Good for summer cottages and has 25 species. It has been growing in one place for over 10 years. Such a long period is due to its unpretentiousness to the soil. Moreover, such conditions do not affect its appearance. Daylily begins to bloom at the very beginning of summer and complements the design of the flower bed with abundant flowering. Its delicate scent attracts butterflies, making the garden even more mysterious and enigmatic.


It has large oval leaves. Yellow inflorescence is very common. But the most common is Rhodiola rosea. The flowering period is the first two summer months. It does not require heat and excessive light, however, it needs a lot of moisture to keep flowering.

Tall plants

Flowers of this group of plants can be classified as gigantic. Some can be up to 2 m in height. They are often placed in the center of a flower bed. Thus, perennial plants do not cover the rest.


An extraordinary plant that amazes with its flowering and bright flowers, can reach 1.5 m in height. The inflorescences feel terry to the touch. With their varied shades, they resemble peonies that are placed on tall stems. They continue to bloom throughout the summer season, even affecting the beginning of autumn.


We are talking about the Ivolist representative. Their main advantage is that they look great in isolation. Together with other colors in the composition they also look good. This is one of the best flower bed decorations. They begin to bloom profusely in the second half of summer.


Perennial flower varietiesNature gave man many flowers that belong to the winding category.Such perennials are particularly beautiful and in some way even exotic. All representatives, without exception, have elastic stems, which often require additional support. When leaving with them, you need to be especially careful. For beginners, it is recommended to choose, for a start, not too whimsical types for giving.

They are used for landscaping balconies, terraces, gazebos. It is a hedge around any home. Thus, they not only delight with beauty, but hide some errors in construction.

Climbing rose

Climbing rose is the result of crossing a wild and garden rose. Shoots of this species are characterized by an arched shape. They have small foliage, but very tough. You need to make good support for them.

Small flowers are collected in inflorescences, the diameter of which usually does not exceed 5 cm. A pleasant delicate aroma emanates from them. They give aesthetic pleasure for 2 months. Perennial roses bloom only once a year. But breeders have managed to develop varieties that bloom twice a year. The color of a rose depends on the variety: pink, red, coral, white, yellow. At first, they may seem whimsical. But next year, caring for them becomes easier. The only thing they need is frequent and abundant watering, which must be regular. They must be exposed to sunlight. In order for the flower to please the eye next year, they need to be insulated for the winter.


In the photo, wisteria appears as a real paradise on a tree. After reading the name itself, a tree appears with huge inflorescences hanging down. Wisteria is especially loved to be planted in the country. It is a deciduous vine. Plays a decorative role, as its delicate foliage falls to the ground. The clusters of flowers are similar to bunches of grapes and can reach a length of about 50 cm. It attracts the attention of even aesthetes with the most refined taste. The tree is demanding to maintain, it needs to be pruned twice a year. This tree can be very tall. From a distance it is a bit like sakura. Looks very nice in the garden. In summer, during flowering, it is impossible to take your eyes off it. The whole tree is covered with bunches and it looks very impressive.

Maiden grapes

What flowers to plant in the countryThe plant belongs to tree-like vines. Its length can reach about 20 m. The suckers and tendrils of the creepers have a complex structure, thanks to which they can be fixed on any surface. It does not need any additional supports. Of the entire plant, it is the foliage that plays the main aesthetic role. Lush foliage can change color depending on the ambient temperature. Throughout the summer, it is bright green, but with the onset of cold weather it gradually changes color to purple.

The small fruits look great and remain on the vine until the grapes begin to shed their leaves. The photo shows how the plant covers any surface, it is very beautiful. Maiden grape is a frost-resistant perennial vine and grows in any place chosen for it.


Country flowersIt is a perennial shrub reaching 3 m in height. Moreover, he can also curl. To maintain its good appearance, honeysuckle must be tied up constantly and pruned regularly. Flowers are distinguished by a special unique aroma. Some types of honeysuckle have blue fruits that have medicinal properties. The culture is unpretentious and capable of growing even in the most unfavorable climatic conditions.

There are many names, varieties and types of perennial plants. They all have a varied shape and bloom from early spring to late autumn. If you correctly compose the compositions in the flower beds, you can enjoy the unique colors throughout the summer. A summer cottage that will be filled with flowering plants will definitely cheer you up. You always want to return to such a place again and again.

Flowers for a summer residence that will bloom all summer
Beautiful perennialsPlot decoration with perennialsPerennial careBeautiful flower bed of perennials in the countryCurly flower varietiesPerennials blooming all summerChoice of perennial flowersPerennial flowers for the sitePlanting perennial flowersVarieties and types of perennialsFlower bed in the countryWhat varieties of flowers bloom all summerBeautiful flower bed of perennials in the country

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