Florist lunar calendar for August 2019: the best dates for flower care

The florist's lunar calendar for August-2019 will tell you favorable and unfavorable days for transplanting, planting, feeding flowers, as well as successful periods for watering, pest control, and sowing seeds. It is recommended for both novice growers and those who are professionally engaged in flowers. Using the advice of the lunar calendar, you can achieve significant results in growing flower crops.

Florist lunar calendar for August: recommendations for every day

Flower Seed Shop

  • August 1, new moon.

This is not the right time to replant flowers. You can do the planning and preparation for planting.

  • August 2, the growing moon.

The best time for watering, feeding and loosening the soil.

  • August 3, the waxing moon.

On this day, engage in picking plants. You can transplant perennial flowers: lilies of the valley, peonies, dahlias. Top dressing with organic fertilizers will give a positive effect.

  • August 4th, the waxing moon.

A good day to transplant decorative flowers: hydrangea, amaryllis, azalea. It is better to refrain from the rest of the work.

  • August 5, the waxing moon.

Transplanting of various flower crops is recommended. Flowers and plants during this period have a strong root system, they are resistant to diseases and infections, so the survival rate will be high.

  • August 6, the waxing moon.

Reproduction of irises by dividing rhizomes in autumn

It is allowed to transplant perennial flowers and medicinal plants.

  • August 7, the waxing moon.

The day is suitable for planting and handling flowers. Do not forget to carry out pest control - spray plants from aphids, larvae of flies and beetles.

  • August 8, the growing moon.

One of the lucky days in August for flower care. It is undesirable at this time only to apply liquid fertilizers.

  • August 9, the waxing moon.

You can start transplanting flowers in case of emergency. It is better to abstain and choose the time from 11 to 13 August for this.

  • August 10, the waxing moon.

Collection of medicinal herbs

On this day, you can perform any work with flowers, collect leaves of medicinal plants, but you should not engage in weeding, as their growth will accelerate.

  • August 11, the waxing moon.

Transplanting of perennial plants is recommended: peonies, forget-me-nots, petunias. During this period, they become resistant to changes in temperature.

  • August 12, the waxing moon.

Any water procedures carried out on this day (watering, spraying) will have a positive effect on the plants. Watering should be done in the morning or evening, avoiding the heat of the day.

  • August 13, the waxing moon.

It is recommended to continue replanting perennial plants. Their survival rate after disembarkation will be high.

  • August 14, the waxing moon.

This period is favorable for the processing and protection of flower crops from diseases and pests.

  • August 15, full moon.

Loosening the soil of indoor plants

Unfavorable time for flower crops. Do not touch them, so as not to weaken, you can only gently loosen the soil.

  • August 16, waning moon.

A great day for watering, spraying, fertilizing flowers with liquid fertilizers.

  • August 17, waning moon.

On this day, it is recommended to prune plants, remove unnecessary shoots, dried leaves.

  • August 18, waning moon.

It is recommended to continue caring for flowering crops, watering.

  • August 19, waning moon.

Unfavorable day for transplanting flower crops.Preparatory work can be done: revise the soil, soil mixtures, flower containers and pots.

  • August 20, waning moon.

Automatic watering system for flowers

A good period to purchase fertilizers, seeds, soil, care equipment.

  • August 21, waning moon.

Planting, transplantation of corms, perennial flowers are recommended. Pinching, shaping, weeding, feeding

  • August 22, waning moon.

Dedicate this time to transplanting bulbous and tuberous crops.

  • August 23, waning moon.

On this day, you can transplant bulbous and tuberous flowers: daffodils, cyclamens, gloxinia.

  • August 24, waning moon.

Lucky day to get rid of harmful insects. Inspect leaves, stems, and inflorescences. It will be successful to transplant climbing plants: lianas, ivy, and roses will take root well.

  • August 25, waning moon.

Transplanting a climbing rose in autumn

You can continue to work with climbing plants, but it is better not to touch other crops.

  • August 26, waning moon.

Take care of watering, feeding the soil, loosening the soil.

  • August 27, waning moon.

Flower crops need feeding. This is the application time for dry and liquid fertilizers.

  • August 28, waning moon.

On this day, do not replant plants, they will grow poorly and have a low survival rate.

  • August 29, waning moon.

Unfavorable day for manipulating plants and flowers.

  • August 30, new moon.

Rest time for flower crops.

  • August 31, the waxing moon.

The day is suitable for perennial flowers, caring for them, transplanting, fertilizing.

The lunar calendar is a real helper for flower lovers. With a minimum expenditure of effort, following the recommendations, you can get a beautiful and well-groomed planting.

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