Echeveria: varieties and features of growing a stone rose at home

Exotic succulent echeveria is an unpretentious but very effective plant. The neat, dense rosettes of this flower seem to be carved out of granite or marble, as if a skillful sculptor had worked on them. For this similarity with the sculpture, Echeveria got its second name - a stone rose.

Differences between echeveria and the plant "rejuvenated"


Echeveria goes well with other succulents

Echeveria (lat.Echeveria) is a perennial succulent from the Tolstyankov family. The genus is named after the artist Atanasio Echeverría y Godoy, an illustrator of one of the editions of the atlas of plants in Mexico. The plant is a rosette of fleshy leaves filled with moisture. The genus includes species with different shoot length, color and leaf shape.

Because of the visual similarity, this succulent is confused with another plant of the genus fatty - serpervivum, popularly referred to as "young" or "tenacious". But in contrast to the stone rose, the young has thinner leaves and smaller rosettes. The most obvious difference is observed in the process of natural reproduction: Echeveria forms offshoots at the base of the stem, and the young throws out a mustache, and offspring grow on them.

Distribution in nature and habitat

The homeland of the plant is Mexico, where the flower lives on dry rocky soils. This succulent is often found in the wild in North America (from Texas to California) and southern Peru. In the wild, the plant prefers to sit in the bright sun. Thanks to the juicy leaves, the flower easily survives in a lack of moisture.

Signs and superstitions associated with a flower

The plant's ability to withstand long periods of drought and grow in nutrient-poor soils has made this flower popular for cemeteries. Perhaps this is why many people mistakenly believe that some negative energy is in the plant, and it is dangerous to keep it in the house. However, all negative signs about this succulent are not consistent. The energy of the plant is neutral, and it can be safely placed in any corner of the apartment..

Views from photo

In nature, there are about 200 species of plants of the genus Echeveria, but a couple of dozen are used in cultivation. Several types are popular in indoor floriculture.


Agave echeveria

The agave stone rose has pointed leaves

The plant is 25–30 cm high, practically without a stem.Leaves are light green with a thin red border.


Echeveria Derenberg

Popular grade for alpine slides

A species with creeping shoots and pineal rosettes up to 6 cm in diameter. It blooms in spikelets of 4-5 inflorescences.


Echeveria white-haired

Spectacular variety, leaves as if covered with frost

The leaves are thick, rounded, dark green with a silvery pile; as they age, the rosettes reach 20–21 mm.


Echeveria graceful

Echeveria graceful is very popular among novice florists

A plant with a flat rosette up to 15 cm in diameter. It consists of bluish leaves up to 5 cm long and up to 2 cm wide. It blooms with pink or bright scarlet flowers.


Echeveria lau

Echeveria lau - a spectacular plant of an unusual color

The rosette of this species reaches 20 cm in diameter. Light green leaves are covered with a dense whitish bloom, orange-colored inflorescences.


Echeveria bristly

Fluffy rosette of bristly echeveria will delight you with its unusual appearance

Bush type with spherical rosettes. Leaves are dark olive green, long (about 9 cm) and narrow (no more than 3 cm), pointed at the end. The flowers are yellow-orange.


Echeveria humpbacked

Echeveria humpback throws out long, spectacular peduncles

A low, upright bush with a tree-like stem and a large-leaved rosette at its top.

Conditions for growing a stone rose

The vegetative period of the plant consists of two seasons: spring-summer - active growth, autumn-winter - dormant period. Each season requires the creation of certain conditions.

Growing conditions for echeveria by seasons: table

SeasonOptimal temperature conditionsLightingHumidityAccommodation
Spring Summer20 to 25 ° CBright, but without direct sunlight on the leavesModerateBalcony, uncovered veranda. From the beginning of summer until September, the plant can be kept outdoors, protecting it from rainwater falling on the leaves.
Autumn winter7 to 18 ° CScattered, but no blackoutReducedAny windows except the north ones

Planting and transplanting

After purchase, the flower must be transplanted into a new soil. But this can be done not immediately, but after 3-4 days, when the plant adapts to new conditions. It is impossible to delay the transplant, since the store soil is poor in nutrients, and the stone rose will soon stop growing.

To maintain decorativeness, adult plants are transplanted every 2-3 years. Young rosettes (up to 3 years old), with an actively growing root system, are recommended to be transplanted annually.

Succulent is grown in wide and flat containers. A ceramic pot is preferable, which allows air to pass well through micropores and does not allow moisture to be retained in the soil.

The plant prefers light, loose soil that does not retain moisture. Ideal for cactus soil with the addition of a third of the volume of fine gravel. When self-manufacturing the substrate, the composition is as follows:

  • turf soil - 2 parts;
  • sand - 1 part;
  • gravel - 1 part;
  • charcoal - 0.3 parts.

Before planting, a layer of drainage is placed on the bottom of the pot, which will prevent stagnation of moisture in the soil.

How to transplant echeveria: video

Stone rose in florarium

Stone rose in florarium

Such a florarium will perfectly decorate the house or will be an excellent gift.

This plant goes well with other succulents and cacti in the florarium. In a small greenhouse, you can create a real desert landscape by combining various types of Echeveria and the following indoor plants:

  • haworthia;
  • various types of miniature cacti;
  • fat woman;
  • lithops;
  • Kalanchoe.

To create an original composition, a transparent glass container is filled with soil a quarter of its height, various types of plants are planted with tweezers, then the surface is covered with small stones or colored sand. You can place miniature figures between flowers.

Succulents and cacti do not tolerate humid air, so the florarium is not covered from above. Water the soil in small portions from a miniature watering can.

Watering and feeding

The plant does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil, especially in the autumn-winter period, so watering should be moderate. A new portion of moisture is added to the soil only after it dries out by 3-4 cm. In winter, watering is reduced to 1 time in 1.5 months. Water for irrigation is used settled.

During watering, water should not fall on the leaves and in the center of the outlet: the plant will begin to rot, whitish stains will form on the leaves.

Top dressing is carried out from March to early August. Fertilizers for cacti are ideal for the plant. The amount of fertilizer recommended by the manufacturer is reduced by 50%. The frequency of dressing is every 20-30 days.

Dormant period and flowering features

From late autumn until the end of winter, many plant species are dormant. Flowering depends on compliance with the rules of maintenance at this time... In order for the stone rose to form flower buds, it is kept at a temperature of 15–16 ° C from late December to mid-February. Daylight hours during this period should be no more than 10-12 hours.

At the end of February, the pot is placed on the south window, watered with warm water and the air temperature is raised to 20-25 ° C. This technique helps to awaken the flower buds and they begin to bloom.

Flowering begins at 3-4 years of age. Young rosettes obtained from babies or grown from a leaf do not bloom in 1-2 years of life.

How care errors manifest

This is an unpretentious plant that requires a minimum of attention. But under some conditions, problems arise during cultivation.

Possible problems when growing a stone rose: table

ProblemCauseHow to fix
Gray spots on the leavesContact with water leaves during wateringDry the leaves and prevent moisture from entering them. If water accidentally gets into the center of the outlet, put a piece of napkin to absorb the moisture
Pulling the stem. Blanching leavesLack of lightMove the plant to a lighter window sill, but shade it in the first 2-3 days: from the excess of the sun's rays, the flower can get sick and die
Slowdown in growthLack of moisture or nutrients in the soilTransplant Echeveria into nutrient soil and carry out regular feeding
Shriveled leavesLack of moisture in the soil. This usually occurs when the air temperature is over 25 ° C.Move the plant to a cooler place, water for 3-4 days in a row
Gray or black plaque on the leavesDecay of the outlet due to waterlogging of the soil or water ingress into the center. Watering at low air temperaturesTransplant the plant into fresh soil, removing all decayed parts of the root. Increase the air temperature

Diseases and pests

A stone rose is rarely affected by diseases and pests, but if the rules of care are violated, some types of rot can develop on the plant and pests can multiply.

Diseases and pests of a stone rose: table

Pest, diseaseSigns of infectionTreatment
MealybugWhite threads on the leaves that resemble fluffSpray the outlet with insecticide. In case of severe infection, root the leaves, discard the rest of the plant
Root wormSoft leaves, growth retardation. When infected, the root of the plant is entangled in thin white threadsTransplant the plant into a new pot, replacing the soil. After transplanting 2-3 times with a break of 15-20 days, spray the leaves with an insecticide
Gall nematodeThickening on the roots causing malnutrition of the plantCut off the roots with signs of infection, and place healthy ones for 30 minutes. into hot (40–45 ° C) water. Plant the plant in new soil, spray with an insecticide
Root rotYellowing and dying off of leaves, blackening of rootsIt will not be possible to save the plant if it is damaged by rot. Therefore, cuttings are separated from it and rooted to obtain new rosettes

How to propagate a plant: a step by step description with a photo

This succulent propagates by seed and vegetative means.Sowing seed is used exclusively by breeders to obtain new varieties with unusual decorativeness. For amateur flower growers, vegetative methods of obtaining new plant specimens are advisable: with the upper parts of the rosettes, children or leaf plates.

Leaf propagation

To obtain a new plant, a developed leaf is taken from the bottom of the rosette. It is dried for several hours and slightly buried in a loose substrate.

Reproduction of echeveria leaf

This breeding method is one of the most popular.

After 3-4 weeks, the leaf forms mini-rosettes, which are separated and planted in separate pots. The flowering of a plant with this method of reproduction begins after 3-4 g.

A new shoot of echeveria from a rooted leaf

The leaves take root easily and give life to a new plant

Rooting apical cuttings

The plant begins to form apical rosettes in the third or fourth year. For reproduction, the rosette is cut off with a sharp knife and the stem is slightly dried. As soon as the tip of the stem begins to dry out, the rosette is placed on damp soil.

Echeveria socket

If the flower has already grown strongly, then this method of reproduction is the most optimal

Drying echeveria outlets before planting

It is necessary to dry slightly cut shoots, otherwise the flower may rot

After 20-25 days, roots grow on the stem, and the rosette can be planted in a separate pot.

Succulents in pots

A new plant with roots must be planted according to all the rules

Planting daughter outlets

Echeveria with a side shoot

This method is quite easy, but care must be taken when breaking off a part of the plant.

Lateral shoots-children gently break off from the main stem with their hands. As a rule, children already have a certain number of roots, so they can be immediately planted in the ground. A young rosette grows quickly and blooms in the second year of life.

Echeveria young plant

Since a young plant already has roots, it takes root very quickly

Reproduction of a stone rose: video

If you follow the rules of care and treat the flower with love, then this spectacular and not too whimsical plant will delight the owner with its exotic look for a long time.

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