Beautiful groundcover roses rug: 45 landscaping ideas

On an early summer morning, when crystal dew sparkles on wet buds and sunbeams are playfully reflected in transparent drops, walk through the blooming rose garden. A delightful delicate aroma of exquisite flowers fills the air, and unimaginable openwork patterns woven from interwoven stems delight the eye.

Landscape flowers - this is what ground cover roses are sometimes called - truly beautiful!

Ground cover roses in landscape designGround cover roses in landscape designGround cover roses in landscape design

Long creeping shoots, strewn with multi-colored buds, cover the ground with a luxurious carpet.

Ground cover roses in landscape designGround cover roses in landscape designGround cover roses in landscape designGround cover rosesGround cover roses in landscape design

Landscape stylists are very fond of using these beauties in almost any garden style. And this is quite justified, because ground cover roses:

  • bloom long and magnificently;
  • unpretentious;
  • grow rapidly;
  • root easily by shoots;
  • tolerate temperature changes well;
  • friendly side by side with other plants;
  • resistant to pests and diseases;
  • able to suppress weeds, which is especially appreciated when landscaping areas.

The use of ground cover roses in landscape design is almost limitless. Ceremonial flower beds and mixborders in the front garden, strewn with small double flowers, will immediately acquire a finished look thanks to a dense carpet of creeping roses. Noble flowers get along well with other perennials and do not interfere with their growth.

Ground cover roses in landscape designGround cover roses in landscape designGround cover roses in landscape designGround cover roses in landscape designGround cover roses in landscape design

Tall plant varieties are often used as tapeworms. Flowers with arcuate shoots look beautiful in boles - pink trees with flexible, picturesquely drooping cascades of stems.

Ground cover roses in stemGround cover roses in stemGround cover roses in stemGround cover roses in stemGround cover roses in stem

The same roses decorate flower arches and gazebos. Plants with shiny dark green leaves and beautiful fragrant buds are perfect for a recreation area.

Ground cover roses in landscape designGround cover roses in landscape designGround cover roses in landscape designGround cover roses in landscape designGround cover roses in landscape designGround cover roses in landscape design

Tall borders decorated with cascading ground cover roses look impressive and attractive.

Ground cover roses in landscape designGround cover roses in landscape designGround cover roses in landscape designGround cover roses in landscape designGround cover roses in landscape designGround cover roses in landscape design

On alpine slides and rockeries, low-growing varieties of roses with small inflorescences will look best. By the way, plants strengthen the slopes well with their root system and dense interlacing of stems.

Ground cover roses in landscape designGround cover roses in landscape designGround cover roses in landscape design

Borders and beds with ground cover roses always attract attention with their lush bloom. Often there are benches near such flower beds where you can relax and enjoy the pleasant aroma.

Ground cover roses in landscape designGround cover roses in landscape design

From hedges made of roses, you can get not only aesthetic pleasure, contemplating them, but also excellent protection of the territory - after all, flowers have sharp thorns.

Ground cover roses in landscape designGround cover roses in landscape designGround cover roses in landscape designGround cover roses in landscape designGround cover roses in landscape design

In flower pots, these royal beauties always look elegant and expressive.

Ground cover roses in landscape designGround cover roses in landscape designGround cover roses in landscape designGround cover roses in landscape designGround cover roses in landscape design

Before planting ground cover roses, it is imperative to take into account the degree of growth of one bush, because in some varieties it is capable of covering up to three square meters of land.

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1 comment

    1. AvatarSofia

      I love roses very much, they look very beautiful. But, unfortunately, I have them almost without leaves. I don't know how to handle them correctly, that is, what,

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