Winter-hardy varieties of climbing roses that bloom all summer

What conditions are needed for growing climbing rosesIf you are not satisfied with how your summer cottage looks like, then you should choose suitable ornamental plants. Roses are traditionally highly popular with summer residents. However, if you want to achieve originality, then you should choose unconventional varieties, and such species as climbing roses. They will perfectly decorate any empty space on your territory, help create a fabulous effect in the garden, as well as disguise objects that seem unattractive to you.

Climbing roses have many positive qualities, the main of which are unpretentiousness and resistance to temperature fluctuations... Therefore, you will get an unforgettable pleasure from the blooming of climbing roses during the summer season, and you can also be calm about them in winter.

Semi-twisted roses

Varieties and types of rosesPhotos of plants in this group are not much different from climbing roses, but they also have many advantages.

This variety of roses also does not pose any problems in care. Since they belong to the group of winter-hardy crops, they rarely die due to the harsh winter cold. The good news in these plants is that they get sick a little, do not create much hassle in the care and can be grown on any empty places in the garden.

Semi-plaited roses differ from other varieties with their large shoots. Under favorable conditions, they can grow up to 3 meters... The fact that they are too densely covered with leaf does not spoil the appearance. The fact is that the flowers look very luxurious, so stems and leaves fade against their background.

  • "Flammentanz". This variety of semi-twisted roses is very often used for decorative purposes in areas. It forms long and large shoots, flowers with a raspberry color and double texture look no less attractive. Usually flowers grow up to 8 cm long. However, there is nothing original in their aroma. Blooming roses of this variety lasts for 1 season.
  • Golden Gate. The peculiarity of this variety is associated with its many shoots, which grow up to 4 meters in height. Flowers are presented in the form of brushes. They are yellow in color and velvety in structure. They can be up to 10 cm in length.
  • If you want to plant a rose bush on your site, which thinns the unusual aroma, then you should pay attention to the Golden Gate variety. It smells like tropical fruits. However, for you to enjoy all the benefits of this variety, you will have to carefully cover the rosebush every winter and also on rainy days. You will have to regularly monitor the condition of these plants in the summer, as pests can damage them without supervision.
  • Climbing roses winter-hardy varieties"Sympathie". The main advantage of this variety is the chic buds of a bright red hue. As it grows, it increases in size in all directions. Usually it reaches 3 meters in length, and the width of this rose bush, as a rule, is 2 meters. The flowers look original because of the different diameters, but they are invariably presented in the form of small brushes.These roses grow very rapidly and calmly endure various negative factors. True, the maximum number of buds can be observed only when they begin to bloom in the first year. Subsequently, their number will begin to decrease.
  • Ilse Krohn Superior. This variety of roses was able to gain high popularity due to its unpretentiousness. They are not afraid of not only precipitation, but also cold and many pests. Thanks to this, you can enjoy the view of flowers throughout the summer until late autumn. Unlike other varieties, these rose bushes grow large flowers up to 15 meters in diameter. They are both massive and delicate, attracting attention with a milky shade. As a rule, the length of the stems is short. Only in rare cases can you find rose bushes, whose height is more than 2.5 meters. When a rose bush begins to bloom, it becomes quite lush and spreading.
  • "Laguna". This variety is distinguished by flowers that grow in the form of brushes. The petals and buds look beautiful due to their pronounced pink hue and velvet texture. These roses attract attention with a persistent scent that can be felt if you stand just a few meters from the bush. The variety in question is very resistant to attacks by parasites and diseases. True, growing it involves the use of a winter shelter.

Small-flowered climbing roses

Each cultivar that belongs to this group has long, slender shoots that demonstrate high flexibility. They can differ from each other in length, which can be from 2 to 16 meters... The main decoration of climbing rose bushes is small flowers whose diameter does not exceed 5 cm.

  • How to plant climbing roses"Super Excelsa"... This variety produces bright flowers that resemble a shade of fuchsia. Each flower grows on average up to 4 cm in diameter. When the plant begins to bloom, the brushes grow larger. There is no question of spreading or splendor in relation to this bush, since it has an area of ​​no more than 4 square meters. see These roses are very unpretentious, because they easily tolerate heat and frost. However, they feel best in places where there is shadow. In an open space, they should not be planted, since in such conditions they quickly deprive them of their rich shade.
  • "Snow Goose" variety... Gardeners who have great respect for delicate flowers will not be able to pass by this variety of climbing roses. Its miniature flowers resembling white balls are very attractive. Just one brush contains 5-25 flowers. The flowers are usually very small, dark, and there is no sign of thorns. All plant species representing this variety are distinguished by the fact that they can bloom almost continuously. They can be used exclusively for decorating vertical surfaces, as well as for decorating the earth. The climbing rose variety in question can be easily dispensed with without special care.
  • "Super Dorothy"... This variety will be appreciated by those gardeners who like to enjoy the scent of flowers and their appearance before the onset of frost. However, these roses are unable to bloom in early spring, since their buds have time to form only in late spring. Most often, the stems reach a length of about 3 meters. The bushes become lush during flowering, they usually reach 1 meter in width. The characteristic color of the leaves is bright green. The choice of shades is determined by the specific variety, but mainly raspberry can be found.
  • Roses varieties "Rambling Rector"... This is one of the brightest representatives of chameleons. From the first week of flowering, the petals retain their ivory shade, but very soon, as a result of exposure to sunlight, they acquire a snow-white color. All flowers are presented in the form of brushes. One brush can contain 50 flowers. The bush of this variety of climbing roses rarely grows more than 5 meters in length.It is able to endure winter even without dense shelters, it feels good even in high temperatures, it can also be easily propagated by cuttings.

Large-flowered climbing roses

Photos of these bushes are pleasing only in appearance. However, they also have many other advantages. Gardeners who like to inhale strong scents will surely find these varieties of roses attractive. Their flowers stand out from other varieties with a large diameter. The main disadvantage of most varieties that represent this group is low resistance to negative temperatures... You can leave them in the ground for the winter, provided they have good shelter.

  • Beautiful climbing rosesRoses variety "Santana"... The peculiarity of this variety is its bright saturated red color, which is resistant to fading in the sun. Flowers with large sizes look impressive. Usually, when roses begin to bloom, their inflorescences reach 10 cm in diameter. Bushes of this variety rarely grow more than 3 meters. Roses of this variety can grow on any soil, they also thrive in different weather conditions.
  • Variety "Polka"... By analogy with other varieties, large flowers are its main decoration. Usually they grow up to 30 cm in diameter, their characteristic color is soft coral or apricot. The bush is classified as medium-sized, since in most cases it does not grow above 2 meters. Roses of this variety can constantly bloom several times over the summer. Precipitation and illness cannot harm them, however, preparing them for winter, it is imperative to perform insulation.
  • "Don Juan"... This variety of roses will be appreciated by gardeners who would like to save themselves from the laborious activities that require caring for plants. Each season, these bushes form buds 12 cm long, having a burgundy hue. It is quite logical that flowers are formed on large bushes, which are 3 meters long and 2 meters wide. These varieties of roses can get sick or die from the cold only as a last resort. They feel good even in those cases when it is raining heavily, so they can do without shelter.
  • Yellow climbing rosesVariety "Indigoletta"... Having decided to plant roses of this variety on your site, you will make sure from personal experience that you can get flowers of an exotic shade without resorting to coloring. The flowers of this variety, which have a delicate lilac hue, look very original. Swamp green leaves look great against their background. On average, the bush grows up to 3 meters in length. It is classified as one of the whimsical plants, so it needs feeding, shelter for the winter and protection from precipitation. At the same time, parasites can also cause great harm to rose bushes.
  • Variety "Casino"... These plants have large double flowers with a rich yellow hue. Thanks to these features, they can be used to decorate vertical surfaces. However, when interacting with these roses, you must be very careful due to the large thorns they have.
  • If you are more inclined towards large double flowers, then you will certainly be interested in the "Elfe" variety. Its features are a delicate white-green hue, as well as the ability to saturate the room with a persistent fruit aroma. The plant is one of the medium-sized plants, since it is rare to find specimens more than 2.5 meters high. Although roses can suffer from heavy rains, they show a high resistance to disease and cold.

What you need to know about planting and caring for climbing roses?

If you want to plant climbing roses in accordance with the rules of agricultural technology, then you need to consider the following points.

Seat selection

Most climbing rose varieties do not do well when grown in full shade. Therefore it is recommended plant them on the sunny side... Excessive moisture also has a negative effect on plants, so you should not choose places in the lowlands for climbing rose bushes.

Soil preparation

You need to start preparing holes for roses a week before planting. The optimal size for them is 1 meter. As a planting soil mixture, a composition based on excavated soil and cow dung is used.

Seedling processing

You can ensure the maximum splendor of climbing plants by cutting the seedlings up to 30 cm in length. They must be kept in water for 24 hours, cut off the roots and treat the cut with charcoal, and finally carry out processing in special mixtures.


Climbing roses in the garden are one of the bright decorations. A variety of varieties allows you to choose plants, taking into account the characteristics of the site. But at the same time, one must not forget about the rules of cultivation. Competent choice of location and preparation for planting are often the determining factors, which determine how abundant and rich the flowering of climbing roses will be.

Winter-hardy varieties of climbing roses
How to grow a climbing roseUsing the climbing roseBlooming climbing rosesRules for planting and caring for rosesClimbing and curly rosesYellow climbing rosesClimbing roses winter-hardy varietiesBeautiful climbing rosesClimbing and curly rosesCurly roseGrowing climbing rosesMiniature rosesClimbing and curly rosesBeautiful climbing roses

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    1. AvatarOlga

      Hello! I received a lot of information about climbing roses, but tell me when to plant them? Please tell me, thanks!

      1. Avataradmin

        Hello Olga!

        It can be planted both in spring and autumn. For me, it's better in autumn if the region is not very cold.

    2. Perennial vines for the garden - names and photos | My CMS

      [...] for a climbing rose, you need to choose in a well-sunlit area, [...]

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