Each flower has a specific meaning. Roses are no exception. People present roses to each other in different situations, showing their sincere attitude. The main principle of a bouquet of roses is their number, color, shape and type of buds.
One rose presented means love. And 12 red roses are a symbol of strong love. On the day of the funeral, roses express sorrow.
What does the color of roses mean?
The color of this versatile flower has its own associations, meaning and symbols.
White roses mean brightness and purity. They are presented to talk about their passion. Emphasize that the feelings are sincere. Traditionally, roses of this color are presented to newlyweds. This compliments the bride's youth and purity, emphasizes the solemnity of the event.
A lonely white rose presented by a young man will tell the girl about lofty feelings.
A lush bouquet can emphasize a man's strong feelings and confidence in a serious relationship. The same bouquet can be presented to an old friend or female boss as a sign of sincere respect and admiration.
Red edging on white petals - a signal to start peaceful negotiations after a quarrel with the woman he loves.
Light shades symbolize friendship. Tea roses speak of the memory of past relationships.
The red bouquet expresses passion and absolute love. Flowers suggest romantic relationships, violent desires. They are considered a symbol of respect, admiration, courage.
Rosebuds - elegance, sophistication, sophistication. They talk about the beginning of affection and awakening feelings. Different shades of colors are significant. Appreciation and sincere gratitude means pink with a dark tint around the edges. The pink bouquet emphasizes pleasant memories, joy, tender emotions.
Orange is passionate feelings, inspiration, good wishes, dedication. The orange bouquet symbolizes the highest degree of pride. An orange bouquet can be given to anyone.
Blue (blue) roses are a symbol of the achievement of the impossible, mystery. They are presented to people mysterious, inaccessible. The lilac shade of the petals expresses charm, admiration and the beginning of first love.
How to give flowers?
According to the norm of flower etiquette, a bouquet should be:
pass with the left hand. The right one is holding the main gift if there is a solemn event;
- so that the person receiving the bouquet does not prick itself, it is necessary to break off the thorns by 2/3 of the stem;
- it is advisable to remove the packaging, the plant does not need any additions. An exception can be made only in frosty or windy weather in order to protect the plant;
- the girl, giving one flower, can be hugged slightly.
What does the number of buds in a bouquet indicate?
Number of buds in a bouquet - a very important point. it language of flowers... You can communicate your intentions and feelings without words. Girls attach great importance to the number of flowers in the bouquet. Therefore, a composition calculated incorrectly can mislead her.
You only need to give an odd number of flowers. An even number of flowers is required to be brought to the funeral.
On the first date, they usually give a bouquet of 5 buds. This bouquet is considered neutral. Suitable for unfamiliar friends or girlfriends.
Three flowers presented only to a loved one. Wives in a happy and long-term marriage are usually presented with a bouquet of 11 red flowers.Without words, you can confess your feelings to your loved one. Presenting 25 red roses.
29 buds symbolize eternal love. And if you really want to emphasize the admiration of your lady and admiration for her, then you should buy a basket with 101 roses.
On anniversaries and birthdays, bouquets are presented, the number of roses in which corresponds to the age of the hero of the occasion.
On March 8, it is customary to give women small bouquets.
Can I give one rose?
Can. In the language of flowers, a single rose means indecisive, shy and timid love. It is perfectly appropriate to give one flower on the first date. This will be a sign of the girl's charm and interest.
What color to give flowers to girls and women?
Young girls are usually presented with flowers of light, pastel shades with half-opened buds. Women of age are presented with blossoming rosebuds of bright color. The older the woman, the darker the color of the roses should be.
There will be no mistake if, when choosing a bouquet focus on the lady's hair color:
- Brunettes love flowers of large size and bright colors.
- Blondes prefer to get white roses or light cream shades. But the buds should not be too large.
- For red-haired ladies, dark buds of blue and purple shades suit the face.
What flowers to give for a wedding?
It is customary to give flowers to a wedding. When choosing a bouquet, you should definitely take into account certain nuances.
Dark shades are not the best choice. This also applies to yellow bouquets. Among the people, yellow is the color of treason. But if the newlyweds are fans of Feng Shui, then the bouquet should only be yellow, because according to the teachings, this color is a symbol of wealth and prosperity in the family.
Ideal for a wedding all flowers are light shade... It is these shades that symbolize both tenderness and purity of relationships.
For weddings, white bouquets are brought without additional decorative elements.
The size of the bouquet also matters. It shouldn't be bulky. Enough 5-7 long-stemmed rose buds. A composition of light flowers with additional elements of wedding symbols is also suitable.