My dill planting method that provides greens and umbrellas

I often heard from friends that they grow dill separately: in some beds - for greenery, and in others - for umbrellas. And I was very surprised by this, because I always use a different planting method that saves time and space.

When I first started farming, I also made many mistakes in growing dill, but when I learned the method I want to share, I made my life much easier.

My method can be called "two in one", because first the dill grows in bushes, and then, just in time for the pickling season, it will be used for umbrellas. And the main thing in this is that the leaves of the plant will always remain juicy, aromatic and soft. Only the stems will be deeper by the fall, just when the umbrellas are needed for canning.

You might think that I am just using some special seed variety, but this is not the case. Many years ago I tried different varieties, but in the end I still came to the conclusion that they do not really matter. You just need to know how to plant the plant correctly.

Several years ago, my grandmother told me about a special method of planting this crop, which I have been using ever since. The most important thing in this method is to sow the plant in bunches, not in rows, as is usually done. First, I dig a hole about 10-15 centimeters in size. Then I put the seeds in there, bury them and water them with water.

Precisely because the seeds in the hole are in a bunch, the shoots will grow in a fluffy bush, and the greens will always be juicy and soft. All summer I use the harvest for cooking. Due to the fact that it is very juicy, I add it to almost all dishes. The ingredients for pickling will begin to form closer to the canning period, then they can be used.

This method can be useful for many housewives, because delicious and fragrant dill will be on the table all summer long. And the plant itself will continue to grow and not bloom. And also by the fall you will be provided with umbrellas for pickling vegetables.

Using my method, you no longer have to try to plant different varieties of dill. I am very grateful to my grandmother for sharing it with me once, because it saved me from unnecessary fuss and now I do not make any extra effort to grow this plant at all.

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