My recipe for feeding seedlings, which helps to get strong plants

The summer cottage season will open very soon. But for many, it is already open, because the seedlings have been planted and sprouted. Now it's time to take care of her, and I'm ready to share my recipes for feeding seedlings to get strong plants. I prepare the solution in three stages. And this miracle fertilizer consists of several ingredients. Well, I'll tell you about everything in order.

Wood ash


The first step is to prepare the ash solution. I collect ash from the stove when I heat the dacha in winter, it is mostly woody: I ​​burn branches and dried branches cut from trees.

Immediately I want to warn against the use of ash from burning household waste, especially if there was plastic and other dirty waste in the waste - this will only harm the soil and plants. Only pure ash is suitable, I sort out the composition and fill it with hot water.

I maintain it for at least three days and during this time I stir it repeatedly. The ash solution does not deteriorate, it costs a long time, and therefore I add it to the final fertilizer right before watering the seedlings.

Such a composition can replace phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, it also contains many other useful micro- and macroelements: boron, magnesium, sulfur, manganese and others.

Potato peels and banana peels


My second top dressing does not last long, like a solution of ash, so I do it right before I intend to fertilize the land on which the seedlings grow.

I take potato peels and banana skins, I insist all this for up to three days and feed the plants. The substances that exude the peel of banana and potatoes serve as good nutrition, but I warn you that you should not get carried away with such a composition.



The third supplement is yeast. If I have packaged yeast, then I proceed as follows:

  1. I take milk whey.
  2. I heat it up and soak the yeast.
  3. Leave for 2-3 hours for fermentation.

I soak the bar yeast overnight in the following proportions: 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water. In the morning I mix everything well, add 1 liter of water to each solution and water the sprouts. I do this feeding 1-2 times every seven days.

Yeast contains a lot of protein (up to 65%), minerals and trace elements. Yeast feeding has a beneficial effect on the formation of the root system. With such fertilization, the roots become strong, and the greens are stronger and more resilient.

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