How to feed onions when grown outdoors

Onions are the most popular vegetable crop grown in home gardens. Fresh juicy green feathers are an indispensable ingredient in summer salads; onions are used as a flavoring additive to soups and main courses. Thanks to the presence of phytoncides and ascorbic acid, a spicy vegetable is one of the best vitamin remedies that protect us from many diseases. The success of growing this garden crop depends on care, an important component of which is feeding.

How often should onions be fed

Timely fertilization guarantees high quality vegetables. Enrichment with nutrients begins at the stage of site preparation in the autumn. In sandy loam and loamy soil, humus (3 kg), peat (5 kg), superphosphate (30 g) and urea (7 g / m2). On sandy, humus-poor areas, the volume of humus introduced is increased to 6 kg.

Site preparation for onion planting

Top dressing of onions begins at the stage of preparing the beds

In the garden, the planted onions are fertilized three times during the growing season. Two dressings are carried out in the spring: 3 weeks after planting (at the beginning of May) and 14 days later. The third time feeding is carried out in the summer, when the onion head reaches the size of a walnut.

Onion sprouts

The first feeding of onion seedlings is carried out in early May.

Video: how to get a good harvest of onions

Spring feeding onions

Onions go through several stages during the growing season. At each of them, starting from planting and ending with the formation of the bulb, the culture's need for nutrients is different. In the initial period, plants especially need nitrogen compounds to build up a succulent green mass. In the next phase of the growing season, phosphorus and potassium are needed to form a large, dense turnip.

Fertilizer for onions

To get a large head, you must provide the onion with a balanced diet

Application of mineral formulations

The use of mineral fertilizers quickly gives a positive effect. The nutrient solution is poured under the plants without contaminating the leaves, in cloudy weather or in the evening. The soil should be pre-moistened, and a day after the introduction of mineral salts, shed with water to wash off their remnants.

First feeding onions

The first feeding is carried out 2 weeks after planting the onions

It must be remembered that for the formation of a large head for a root crop, phosphorus is needed throughout the entire growing season.

Large bulbs

The size of the bulb depends on phosphorus, on potassium - keeping quality

Table: mineral additives

Top dressingTime Name of the compositionDrug consumption
I feeding2 weeks after sproutingNitrogen fertilizers:
Ammonium nitrate30 g \ 10 l
Nitrophoska30 g \ 10 l
Urea + Ideal2 tbsp. l. \ 10 l
Urea + Vegeta1 tbsp. l. + 2 tbsp. l. \ 10 l
II feeding14 days after the first feeding, about a month after plantingPhosphate-potassium fertilizers:
Nitrophoska30 g \ 10 l
Superphosphate + potassium sulfate30 g + 20 g \ 10 l
Agricola25 g \ 10 l

The use of urea is effective only in warm soil when heated to + 15 ° C. In cold weather or early planting, it is better to feed the onion with ammonium nitrate instead.

Solution with mineral substances (2-3 l / m2) are applied around the onion plantations. In wet weather, the granular fertilizer is simply scattered over wet soil at a distance of 8 cm from the row and embedded in the ground to a depth of 6–8 cm.

Ammonium nitrate

Ammonium nitrate can simply be scattered over the beds with onions and embedded in the soil.

Avoid getting nutrient solutions on feathers - this can cause them to turn yellow.

Lack of trace elements leads to a change in the appearance of plants:

  • With a nitrogen deficiency, the leaves turn light green or yellowish.
  • Potash hunger can cause leaves to curl and whiten their tips.
  • With a lack of phosphorus, plant growth slows down, brownish spots appear on the leaves.
  • As a result of the lack of copper, the feather becomes thinner and looks faded.

Photo gallery: manifestations of micronutrient deficiencies

Video: onions, how to feed onions in spring for good development

Organic fertilizers

Instead of mineral components, organic matter is often used in the garden. At the beginning of May, 15–20 days after the emergence of sprouts, fertilizing watering is carried out with slurry or liquid bird droppings. Mullein (1 kg) or bird droppings (0.5 kg) are dissolved in water (10 l) and left in a warm place for a week. The concentrated infusion is diluted with water in proportions of 1:10 and 1: 20, respectively, and the aisles are spilled on the onion beds. Norm - 10 liters of nutrient solution per 1m2... The next such feeding is done in 2 weeks. Nitrogen supplementation stimulates intensive growth and development of the aerial part of the onion. But the high content of nitrogen compounds in the soil in the second phase of the growing season leads to a decrease in the taste of the crop and a deterioration in keeping quality.

Infusion of chicken manure

The concentrated infusion of chicken manure is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:20 and watered on onion plantings

Fresh organic matter should not be applied under the onion in order to avoid the spread of infections.

To nourish the onion ridges, I use herbal remedy Cinderella based on ash with the addition of humic acids and biodynamic plants (calendula, nettle, lemon balm, yarrow, white mustard). I dilute 100 g of fertilizer in 10 liters of water, leave it for a day, then add 10 g of soap for better adhesion and spray the leaves. Such an infusion not only improves the structure of the soil, restores the balance of trace elements, but also protects plants from onion flies, moths, powdery mildew.

Fertilizer Cinderella

Fertilizer Cinderella provides adequate nutrition for plants and protects against diseases

Today, many gardeners give preference to biological feedings - Shining, Baikal M1, which contain valuable microorganisms. The organic basis of these preparations contributes to the rapid restoration of soil fertility and more intensive development of onions. The concentrate is diluted in water 1: 1000, allowed to brew for 6 hours and watered or sprayed with green onion shoots. Approximate consumption of the drug - 3-5 l / m2... The same solution can be used to feed a vegetable in the initial period of onion formation.

Fertilizer Baikal M1

Microbiological fertilizer Baikal M1 activates the activity of beneficial soil microflora, which has a beneficial effect on plant development

Video: how to dilute the drug Baikal M1

How to feed onions in summer

The last time nutrients are added to the onion beds in late June - early July. The time for summer feeding falls on the period when the fully formed bulb grows up to 40 mm in diameter. At this stage, the vegetable crop needs less nitrogen, and the need for phosphorus and potassium increases. The use of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers contributes to the rapid ripening of vegetables, the formation of large bulbs and their good preservation.

Summer onion feeding

Summer onion feeding will help improve crop quality

Table: summer onion feeding

Drug nameConsumption rateApplication methods
Potassium salt + superphosphate5 g + 10 gDissolve in 10 liters of water, apply for root feeding.
Complex mineral fertilizer For onions and garlic20 g / m2Apply to the soil only in dry form, followed by embedding into the soil and moistening.
Superphosphate + vermicompost Nursery1 tbsp. l. + 1 tspDissolve in 10 liters of water and apply to the garden, spending 2-3 liters per 1m2.
Liquid complex fertilizer Agricola
  1. 100 ml \ 3-5 m2
  2. 1 tsp
  1. Dilute with 10 liters of water and apply at the root.
  2. Dilute in 5 liters of liquid and spray over the leaves during the formation of the head.
Superphosphate + potassium chloride40 g + 20 gDilute in 10 liters of liquid and carry out fertilizing watering.
Organomineral fertilizer Effekton O + superphosphate2 tbsp. l. + 1 tbsp. l.Dissolve in 5 liters of root water.
Fertika Universal-2 (granular complex with reduced nitrogen content)30 g / m2Apply dry to the ground followed by watering.
Water-soluble complex fertilizer Aquarin1/2 tspAdd to 1 liter of water and use when watering.
Fertilizer Agricola

The balanced composition of Agricola fertilizer provides fast crop growth and an increase in yield up to 30%

To feed the plants with potassium and phosphorus, wood ash is used. 100 g of this fertilizer contains 25 g of calcium, 8 g of potassium and 3 g of phosphorus. A nutritious infusion is prepared from 250 g of ash and 1 bucket of hot water. After insisting for 3 days, the resulting liquid is poured over the vegetable beds. Or spray dry ash around the plants, spending 100 g per 1m2... As a result, the plant's resistance to adverse weather conditions increases, the feathers become elastic, the bulbs are large and strong.

Wood ash

Ash is a valuable organic fertilizer containing calcium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, manganese and other substances

Video: feeding onions with ash

Top dressing of onions with folk remedies

Household owners, trying to use as little chemistry as possible, often use folk remedies that are no less effective than mineral supplements.

How to feed onions with salt

Regular table salt can be used to advantage in the garden beds. Sodium chloride acts as a growth stimulant, activating the absorption of nutrients by plants. In addition, salt is a reliable remedy against infections and parasites. Watering with saline solution (200 g / 10 l) will help cure feathers from yellowing as a result of onion fly attacks, from powdery mildew, and save from rot. The liquid is applied not under the root, but along the grooves 8 cm from the roots, carefully, trying not to spill it on the leaves. The first feeding is carried out at a plant height of 10 cm, the second - after 2 weeks. Before and after applying the solution, the beds should be spilled with clean water. The concentration of the saline solution should not be exceeded, and after harvesting the onions, it is imperative to add more organic fertilizers.


Table salt promotes better absorption of nutrients by plants

Yeast feeding

An effective supplement for vegetables that improves their development is baker's yeast. The basis of yeast biomass is formed by fungi, which are rich in proteins, amino acids, macro- and microelements. The yeast introduced to the garden, thanks to the fungi, activates the activity of microorganisms, creating a favorable environment for them.As a result, organic matter is processed faster, releasing nitrogen and potassium into the soil, which are so necessary for plants.

Yeast for feeding onions

Both dry and fresh yeast are used to prepare the nutrient solution.

The activity of yeast fungi is manifested only in a warm environment, at a temperature of at least +200FROM. Therefore, the use of a yeast solution is effective only in well-heated soil; in cold soil, yeast fungi quickly die.

The first feeding with yeast is carried out with the establishment of warm weather, at the end of May, a month after planting the onions. Yeast can be used no more than 3 times per season. And since calcium and potassium are absorbed during fermentation, it is recommended to add ash to the solution to replenish the missing elements (200 g / m22).

Yeast feeding

You can use yeast feeding throughout the entire growth period.

Prepare a top dressing from fresh or dry yeast. For 10 parts of fresh yeast, take 5 parts of warm water. Withstand 1 hour, add 50 l of water and the resulting liquid is poured into the root. Dry yeast (10 g) is dissolved in 10 liters of warm water, 60 g of sugar, 200 g of ash are added and left in a warm place for 2 hours. The yeast starter culture is diluted with water (50 l) and used for watering vegetable beds.

Video: yeast as fertilizer

Top dressing of onions with ammonia

Experienced summer residents use ammonia to saturate plants with nitrogen. A week after the emergence of shoots, 2-3 sprays are carried out with an interval of 7 days with an ammonia solution (50 ml \ 10 l of water).


Ammonia is used to saturate growing onions with nitrogen.

When signs of nitrogen starvation appear - premature yellowing of feathers - use daily watering with ammonia (1 tbsp. L. 25% solution per 1 l of water). The resulting solution is applied to the root in the morning or evening hours. When the color of the greens becomes deep green, fertilizing watering with such a composition is stopped.

Onions after dressing with ammonia

After dressing with ammonia, onions acquire a bright green color.

Herbal infusion for feeding onions

Comfrey infusion is prepared for spring feeding. Green fertilizer can only be used at the beginning of the growing season, as it contains a lot of nitrogen, a large amount of which in a later period of development can lead to excessive feather growth and the formation of small bulbs. Comfrey also surpasses manure in the presence of potassium and contains almost the same amount of phosphorus. To prepare the infusion, 1 kg of chopped grass is poured into 10 liters of water and left for 7 days. The filtered liquid is diluted with water (1: 9) and used for irrigation.


The rich content of macro- and microelements has made comfrey a popular plant among gardeners.

All feeding should be stopped 3 weeks before harvesting the turnip. Otherwise, the ripening of the onion will be delayed and its safety will worsen.

Feeding onions with eggshells

I use eggshells as a natural fertilizer for onions. The shell of the egg is 95% calcium carbonate, which improves the growth of the aboveground parts of plants. In addition, it also contains iron, copper, phosphorus, potassium and other useful elements necessary for the formation of a high-quality crop. I add the shells crushed to a powdery state into the holes when planting onions (30 g / m2), when forming a turnip, I water it with a fertilizing infusion (ground raw materials from 5 eggs, pour 3 liters of hot water and after a week of infusion dilute with water 1: 3). Eggshells not only enrich the soil with nutrients, but also reduce acidity.


Eggshells contain a lot of calcium, as well as iron, phosphorus, potassium and other substances necessary for growing onions

Hydrogen peroxide as fertilizer for onions

Hydrogen peroxide has been used in crop production for many years. It has a fungicidal effect, aerates the soil, strengthens the root system of plants and helps the aerial part to develop.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide oxygenates the soil and improves water quality when watering vegetables

Gardeners use peroxide to soak seeds, improve water quality during irrigation, and for fertilizing. With a weekly introduction of a solution of hydrogen peroxide (2 tbsp. L. 3% peroxide \ 1 l of water) pathogenic bacteria are suppressed into the soil, beneficial microorganisms are activated, which contributes to a better assimilation of micro- and macroelements. Onions, fed with this solution, grow with a strong root system, juicy green feathers and large heads.

Large onion turnips

Timely feeding guarantees large onion turnips

Video: hydrogen peroxide is a super fertilizer for plants!

Onions are an unpretentious crop, but to get a good harvest, they must be provided with the necessary nutrients. Fertilizing the vegetable should begin already at the stage of preparing the soil for onion planting. And in the future, at all stages of the growing season, plants should receive nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium and other components. For feeding, you can use mineral and organic substances, folk remedies. The main thing is to comply with the rate of fertilization and adjust the fertilizer composition taking into account the phases of development and condition of the plants.

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