A vineyard in the Moscow region: practical advice for gardeners on arrangement

In Central Russia and in the Moscow region, delicious table or technical grapes for making juice or wine have long ceased to be exotic. It is grown in greenhouses, greenhouses or open ground. Here are the grape varieties for open ground and the criteria by which they are chosen, will be discussed in this article.

Needed - not needed

Using the example of the famous Isabella variety, we will analyze why this grape is not suitable for growing on a personal plot in the Moscow region. A variety of this plant is chosen according to characteristics that must correspond to the climatic conditions of the growing region.

The main characteristic when choosing a grape variety for the Moscow region is frost resistance. Isabella is fine with that. Its frost resistance is up to -40 ° С. Its other characteristics are also pleasing:

  • suitable for fresh consumption and for making juices and homemade wine;
  • self-pollinating - does not require the presence of another variety of grapes on the site, blooming at the same time;
  • not very dense clusters of medium size, weighing 140 g;
  • berries of pleasant taste with a pronounced strawberry aroma;
  • increased resistance to fungal diseases;
  • high humidity does not affect the growth of the bush and the setting of berries.

It would seem that everyone is good about Isabella, but ... For the ripening of the harvest, this grape needs 31,000 ° C in the sum of active temperatures (SAT).

The sums of active temperatures above 10 ° C

Map of sums of active temperatures above 10 ° С

The duration of the period when the air temperature does not fall below 10 ° C should be up to 180 days (6 months). Isabella grapes ripens only in mid-October - early November. In the Moscow region in the second half of October, weather conditions are unlikely to allow the harvest to ripen. The second most important characteristic by which a grape variety is chosen for cultivation in the Moscow region is the ripening period of the berries. The period from bud break to harvest should not exceed 120–140 days.

The duration of the period with a temperature above 10 ° С

Period duration map with temperatures above 10 ° С

One more criterion for choosing litter you need to think about before buying seedlings - will the gardener have the opportunity to shelter adult grape bushes for the winter. This is a rather time consuming and costly process. Covering or non-covering way, you can grow some kind of grape does not always depend on its frost resistance. The peculiarities of the root system and the structure of wood were taken into account by breeders when breeding varieties that do not require warming for the winter in Central Russia.

For example, Charlie (Anthracite) grape bushes can withstand temperatures of -25 ° C without shelter. Of course, this indicator indicates that the variety is a covering, but shelter for the winter in most regions of the vine needs the lightest possible:https://iflower.desigusxpro.com/en/yagody/vinograd/vinograd-charli-opisanie-sorta-foto.html

Some of the hardy grape varieties - table

Variety nameTerm
Winter hardiness
(° C)
Berry colorThe weightFeatures:
Russian corinka95–105— 26golden with tan1021,5–2lack of seeds;
sugar content 22.0%;
acidity 7.0 g / l.
New Russian95–105— 34pink250 — 3503,5 — 5disease resistance above average;
sugar content 20–22%;
acidity 5.8 g / l.
Far East Muscat110–115— 30amber white1002–3bright taste of nutmeg;
sugar content 22-24%;
acidity 6–7.5 g / l.
Rusven110–115— 27light pink350–5505 — 6taste - sage nutmeg;
sugar content 18-22%;
acidity 7-9 g / l.
Cubattik105–115–27°dark red-violet7054–5diseases are affected in an average degree;
sugar content up to 17%;
acidity 5 g / l.

Frost-resistant grape varieties in the photo

Some of the early grape varieties - table

Variety nameTerm
Winter hardiness
(° C)
Berry colorThe weightYield
(t / ha)
Aleshenkin's gift *110–115up to -25amber with white bloom5524–58,5increased resistance to disease;
sugar content 16.0%;
acidity 8.7 g / l;
requires shelter for the winter.
Long awaited105–110-23yellow780To 1020,2disease resistance is average;
sugars 15.4%;
acids 5.8 g / l;
requires shelter for the winter.
Pearl Saba110–115-26golden yellow100–2001,76,0- 12,0poor resistance to disease;
nutmeg aroma;
sugars 14-18%;
acids 6.5–8.5 g / l;
does not require shelter for the winter.
Kishmish Cocktail **110–115-25amber3532,5–3,532,2disease resistance is average;
sugars 16.2%;
acids 7.0 g / l;
requires shelter for the winter.
Moscow sustainable130–135 ***-30light green97from a bush 3.5 kgnutmeg aroma with a pineapple flavor;
disease incidence 40%;
spider mite damage 60%;
sugar content 18.9%;
acidity 9.0 g / l;
does not require shelter for the winter.

* Often referred to simply as Alyoshenkin.

** Kishmish - there are no seeds in the berries (their rudiments can be found only in certain berries).

*** Mid-early ripening period.

Anyuta grapes have a delicious deep pink color and large clusters. Experts note the high product and transportability of the variety, and consumers - the unique taste:https://iflower.desigusxpro.com/en/yagody/vinograd/vinograd-anyuta-opisanie-sorta-foto-otzyvy.html

Early grape varieties in the photo

Some of the uncovered grape varieties - table

Variety nameTerm
Winter hardiness
(° C)
Berry colorThe weightFeatures:
Donskoy agate116–120— 26dark blue400–5004–5high resistance to fungal diseases;
sugar content 13-15%;
acidity 6–7 g / l.
Sukrib95–105— 30white150–1903,5–4,0high resistance to fungal diseases;
weak nutmeg aroma;
sugar content 16-19%,
acidity 5-6 g / l.
Zilga105–110— 29300–5003–4light strawberry aroma;
high resistance to fungal diseases;
sugar content 20–23%;
acidity 6–7 g / l.
Spartan Seedlis— 31200–4002,5–3with a pineapple flavor;
good resistance to fungal diseases;
sugar content 18-22%;
acidity 4.5–5 g / l.
Valiant130 — 138— 40the black1001,5–2,5strawberry flavor;
resistant to disease;
sugar content 19–20%;
acidity 5-6 g / l.

Non-covering grape varieties in the photo

There is a society of nature testers (MOIP) in Moscow. Established back in the 19th century at the Moscow Imperial University, it still operates today. Its participants grow garden plants of various varieties on their backyards in order to determine which of them develops and bears fruit better in the climatic conditions of Moscow and the Moscow region. Georgy Pruzhinin, deputy head of the viticulture group, and Alexander Sopin, one of the experienced members of MOIP, systematized data on the cultivation of grapes in the Moscow region. Their labors compiled a list of varieties recommended for the Moscow region.

Grape varieties for the Moscow region

List of grape varieties for the Moscow region

The Zilga grape, universal for its purpose, ripens in 100-110 days after the leaves bloom on the vines. This form of grapes is resistant to cold temperatures down to -25 ºС, infection with real and downy mildew and gray rot:https://iflower.desigusxpro.com/en/yagody/vinograd/vinograd-zilga-opisanie-sorta-foto-otzyivyi.html

Agrotechnics of grapes in the Moscow region

Alexander Ivanovich Sopin is a former physicist who was engaged in laser technology. Now he is retired and has become one of the best winegrowers in the Moscow region. Aleksandr Ivanovich lectures at the Moscow Institute of Natural Sciences and writes articles about grapes. He grows and tests more than 60 varieties of grapes on his personal plot in the Northern Moscow Region. A. Sopin's publications on grape cultivation convey his personal experience gained over years of practice.

Sopin Alexander Ivanovich

Photo of Sopin Alexander Ivanovich

AI Sopin writes that he plants already vegetating seedlings in a pre-prepared place in the spring, when the threat of return frosts has passed. To do this, in February he plants the seedlings purchased in the fall in containers, which he installs on the southern window of the apartment. Such seedlings continue to grow in the open field until autumn and in winter they leave with well-ripened vines, which guarantees the frost resistance of the plants. It forms shrubs with a large accumulation of old wood. This makes it possible to get larger berries and heavy clusters from plants older than 4 years.

According to Alexander Ivanovich, the most important thing in caring for grapes is the fight against diseases. He spends 4 sprays per season:

  1. When opening bushes or before budding on non-covering varieties with 3% solution of ferrous sulfate.
  2. In the phase of 3-5 leaves on fruiting vines with Topaz.
  3. After flowering with Ridomil Gold.
  4. Three weeks before harvest with Horus.

If an outbreak of the disease occurs during a period when the berries have already begun to stain, then the treatment is carried out with a 10% solution of baking soda or a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate).

From spring to July 15-20, once a week, Sopin carries out root dressing - 5 liters of nitrogen fertilizer solution for each bush, both mineral and organic. From the second half of July until the beginning of the autumn yellowing of the leaves, it feeds only with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.

Focusing on the characteristics of grape varieties that are successfully grown in the Moscow region by experienced winegrowers, a person who decides to plant this plant for the first time on his personal plot will not be mistaken with the choice of a variety and will be able to grow berries that are not inferior in taste to those brought from the south.

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