Anyuta is a grape variety with honey-nutmeg taste

Anyuta grape is a table hybrid variety. Many growers not only cultivate it themselves, but also advise it for cultivation, noting the amazing taste, massive bunches of presentable berries, unpretentiousness and rapid growth of the plant.

The history of breeding the grape variety Anyuta

The variety was bred by the national breeder Viktor Nikolaevich Krainov, who managed to achieve excellent results in amateur grape selection. He created 8 grape varieties, among which the hybrid form Anyuta occupies a special place. It was obtained by crossing the Talisman and Radiant Kishmish. The first experiments with the variety Krainov began in 1995. In 2016, the variety was included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements Approved for Use in the Russian Federation.

Today the Anyuta variety is grown not only by amateur winegrowers, but also grown on an industrial scale.

The breeder Krainov called Anyuta his favorite for the delicate taste and mild aroma of nutmeg.

Description and characteristics

Anyuta grapes have a delicious deep pink color and large clusters. Experts note the high-quality and transportability of the variety, and consumers - the unique taste. For the southern regions, the variety is considered mid-season and ripens within 140 days, but it is noted as early in the State Register. In other areas, ripening is longer (up to 150 days).

Ripe bunch of grapes Anyuta

Anyuta grapes are considered large

The berries of the variety are very large, oval, rich dark pink color. The grape bush is vigorous. The variety does not experience problems with pollination, it has excellent indicators for sugar accumulation. Growers note the high compatibility of cuttings with rootstocks and their good rooting.

Table: the main characteristics of the grape variety Anyuta

Assignment of the varietyDining room
Ripening periodEarly
BushVigorous both in self-rooted and grafted culture
YieldVery high. It is often overloaded with the crop, and therefore requires its regulation
Frost resistance-22…-23aboutFROM
  • large (0.7-1.5 kg);
  • conical;
  • medium-dense;
  • not prone to pea
  • large;
  • size within 35x24 mm;
  • weight up to 20 g;
  • oval shape;
  • color is dark pink;
  • slightly nutmeg taste;
  • the pulp is dense, fleshy juicy;
  • the skin is completely eaten;
  • has 4 bones
Disease and pest resistanceResistance to mildew and powdery mildew is estimated at 3–3.5 points. Wasp hybrid is not damaged

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Some of the undoubtedly positive qualities of the variety have already been noted. Among the other advantages of this grape hybrid, I would like to dwell on the following:

  • consistently high yields at a minimum cost;
  • the formation of large bunches;
  • excellent taste of ripe berries;
  • elastic outer shell of the fruit, which helps it withstand long-term transportation and maintain its presentation even at elevated ambient temperatures; also a strong skin successfully protects the variety from pests such as wasps;
  • high frost resistance, which allows you to grow the variety not only in the southern regions, but also in areas with a temperate climate;
  • fast rooting of cuttings;
  • lack of peas;
  • resistance to fungal disease.

Of course, the variety also has its drawbacks. Experts note:

  • uneven ripening of berries;
  • possible liquefaction of the pulp during late harvesting;
  • the presence of seeds inside the fruit (there are few of them, but they have a negative effect on the true taste of the berry);
  • possible bursting of grapes during the period of prolonged rains;
  • overloading the crop, requiring its rationing, otherwise injury to the bushes may occur;
  • the need for shelter for the winter (despite the fact that the variety is declared as frost-resistant, with a prolonged decrease in temperature below -20aboutWith and without snow cover, the root system may freeze slightly).

At the forum of winegrowers, a survey was conducted about the grape variety Anyuta. More than 18% of those who took part in it gave the variety an excellent grade, and about 52% - a good one, noting that Anyuta is a good variety, and its minor shortcomings cannot be considered a reason for wanting to part with it.

Video: grapes Anyuta

Features of planting and growing grape varieties Anyuta

The hybrid form of Anyuta grape is a widely zoned variety, in demand by winegrowers. The plant begins to bear fruit in the fourth or fifth year after planting the seedlings. To obtain the expected results when growing a variety, you need to know and follow some of the requirements for caring for a grape bush.

Spring and autumn planting of seedlings is allowed. Spring planting is preferable because it gives the plant more time for rooting and acclimatization, due to which the vine will enter the harsh winter stronger and healthy.

Choosing the right place is important. Well-lit areas protected from drafts are preferred for the variety. The south side of a residential building or outbuilding is ideal.

Landing procedure:

  1. The soil at the landing site must be carefully dug up, removing the weeds and their roots.
  2. We need to dig a landing hole. Usually it is made in the size of 70x70 cm.If grapes are planted next to capital buildings, then at least 80 cm must be retreated from the foundation base.

    Planting grapes near buildings

    When disembarking, be sure to indent 70-80 cm from any buildings

  3. With a high occurrence of groundwater, the bottom of the planting pit should be drained with fine gravel, on top of which a layer of humus mixed with mineral fertilizers, including potassium, phosphorus and iron, is poured. The next layer should be fertile soil. A pipe is also placed in the pit, which is necessary for watering.

    Preparing a planting pit for grapes

    If there is groundwater on the site, drainage is poured onto the bottom of each hole

  4. It is necessary to pour a mound of earth in the middle of the hole.
  5. A grape seedling should be installed on it, raising the root collar 5–6 cm above the ground.

    Planting grapes

    A grape seedling is placed in the middle of the planting pit

  6. After planting, you need to water the plant. The grapes must not be watered from above with a garden hose; water must only flow directly into the soil.

    Watering a young grape seedling

    After planting, the grapes must be watered

When planting several seedlings, they are placed at intervals of 1–1.5 m from each other, since the variety loves free space.

Grape care

According to the official description, the Anyuta variety in care is unpretentious and requires absolutely standard measures:

  • regular watering, but without excessive soil moisture (soil with an excess of moisture can cause ripe grapes to crack);
  • mulching the trunk circle with organic matter;
  • timely pruning of excess shoots and normalized load distribution with an abundant harvest;
  • preventive treatment for fungal infections;
  • ducking and covering bushes in regions with frosty winters.

    Shelter grapes for the winter

    For the winter, grapes must be covered

How to protect the variety Anyuta from diseases and pests

The greatest danger to grape plantings of any variety is disease and pests. As already noted, the Anyuta variety is not susceptible to peas, it is distinguished by average resistance to the main fungal grape diseases. It is difficult to treat grapes, it is easier to prevent the occurrence of infections, while focusing on the weather conditions. It is important to understand the vineyard protection system and adhere to the timing and rules for implementing preventive measures.

Do not forget to inspect the vine in time and take adequate and effective measures at the first appearance of signs of the disease.

Table: calendar of preventive treatments for Anyuta grapes

TimingPreventive measure
At air temperature + 4 ... + 6aboutFROMThe first prophylactic treatment with a 3% solution of copper sulfate against diseases and rodents
2 weeks after the first treatment, when 4-6 young leaves appear on the vine300 g Nitrafen per 10 l of water
May, before the first flowers appearTreatment with any recommended fungicide, as at this time the vine is especially vulnerable to pests and diseases
July AugustSpraying every 20 days with Quadris or Flint Star
Treatment of vines from diseases and pests

Preventive spraying will protect grapes from disease

Plant waste, including leaves and cut off shoots, must be removed from the rows and destroyed in time.

Variety reviews

In the autumn I bought a couple of weak cuttings of Anyuta, in the spring I grew vegetative seedlings from them. Against the background of other varieties and GF, Anyuta's rooting is really very good.

Karkoshkin Vladimir

For me personally, the standard table grapes are pink-colored varieties with the taste of Muscat (Libya, Sofia, Prometheus, Radiant, Anyuta, Ruby Jubilee, Aladdin, Shiny).


Anyuta this year colored well as never before and ripened much earlier than usual, on the 20th of August. Despite the fact that it was not watered at all, it did not disappoint with the drought that was.


Good evening! The second year of Anyuta's bush, two shoulders, left four signals (the toad said - you could have left more). When the berry almost gained size, the berries cracked, lit by the sun, about ten percent. I already mentally began to sharpen the ax, but at the beginning of September, having tasted a ripe berry, I was delighted with the taste; nutmeg, honey, edible skin. It's a pity, there is no more space on the site, if everything is in one copy, I would add another bush.

Alexei 48,115.15.html?PHPSESSID=t68d29ecbsmse0ljf1r3amep34

To be with grapes every year, the bushes need to be covered. Anyuta is no exception. Anyuta is bearing fruit for the second year. Both years the appearance of the bunches is excellent. Taste with a well-perceptible nutmeg. Growth and disease resistance, it seems to me, are average.

Vladimir Vasiliev

In 2003 I tried Anyuta from the hands of Viktor Nikolaevich. Then her vine was grafted in order to get the first harvest, it seems, on Keshu-1. The impression is above average! The color and taste of the berry is the same as that of Radiant, only the berry is huge and slightly harder. I really wanted to have this variety. Until now, the impression is indelible! I look forward to the 2009 harvest. It is curious that there was no strong prune bloom then and the color was exactly like that of the Radiant, and the taste was with a bright pleasant nutmeg. I sincerely recommend it to everyone. And Anyuta herself - the granddaughter of Viktor Nikolaevich - is a beauty and a smart girl!

Maestro Evangelista

G.f. Anyuta pleases us with its wonderful presentation and taste for the third year already. There is a little bit of peas in the bunches, but this does not spoil their elegant look. Bunches of market 800–1200 g. I would like to emphasize the very high taste qualities of this G.F. We use it in hybridization.

Likhovskoy V.V.

I would like to share my opinion about this G.F.Anyuta has great vigor, average ripening, by about 10 September. The bunches were from 1.2 and more. No peeling was observed. Berries are large and very large up to 18 grams. From ovoid to oval, beautiful deep pink color. The pulp is fleshy, with a dense, but edible skin. The taste contains a light nutmeg aroma with good sugar accumulation. The vine ripened early and well. The rooting rate of cuttings is excellent. Hangs on the bush for more than a month for a long time, without losing its marketability and taste.

Prikhodko Roman

According to winegrowers, the variety attracts both beginners and seasoned gardeners, occupies a leading position among such hybrids. If you are thinking about which variety would be nice to add to your vineyard, then we advise you to focus on a promising option - Anyuta grape, which will provide your family with full-fledged and tasty berries.

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