The use of potassium monophosphate, consumer reviews

Applications of potassium monophosphateIn order to grow an excellent harvest, people use all kinds of fertilizers that fill the soil with useful substances. One of these drugs is potassium monophosphate. This fertilizer can be used both in the garden and in the vegetable garden, and even for growing indoor plants.

What is Potassium Monophosphate

Description of potassium monophosphate fertilizerThis mineral fertilizer, which is a concentrate, is a white powder. This drug is used as a top dressing for any plants. It dissolves easily in water and absorbed by the soil in the shortest possible time, which guarantees a quick result.

When using this kind of fertilizer, plants begin to bloom profusely and the number of fruits increases... The risk of fungal diseases is reduced.

Fruits and vegetables grown using potassium monophosphate, even when ripe, receive a large dose of sugar, which significantly improves the taste and increases the shelf life of the fruit.

Recently, very often this mineral fertilizer is used by summer residents in their gardens and vegetable gardens, as well as by lovers of indoor flowers. Such popularity of the drug is understandable. After all, this fertilizer has a large number of advantages.

Positive qualities of potassium monophosphate

  1. List of benefits of potassium monophosphateEasily absorbed into the soil and absorbed by the plant. All substances enter the plant and have a positive effect on it.
  2. The preparation contains no harmful substances. Only 33% potassium and 52% phosphate. There is no chlorine, sodium and heavy metal compounds.
  3. When any fruits ripen, they receive the required amount of vitamins and sugar. Therefore, fruits, vegetables, berries have excellent taste and can be stored for a long time.
  4. Some plants often suffer from this disease, which we know as "powdery mildew". By treating the soil with potassium monophosphate, you will protect roses, grapes and other plants from this problem.
  5. In case of light frosts, the preparation helps to keep plants from cold.
  6. If the soil in greenhouses is overdried, then treatment with potassium monophosphate will contribute to its moisture.
  7. Often, indoor plant lovers do not know how to fertilize their flowers. This mineral fertilizer is very suitable for flowering plants. The drug will help long and abundant flowering.
  8. When using potassium monophosphate, plants give a large number of shoots.

Application of potassium monophosphate

Since this fertilizer is a concentrate, a solution should be prepared from it, which will later be used for watering plants. In order to make the solution correctly, you need carefully study the instructionsthat is on any packaging.

  • Instructions for using potassium monophosphateWhen processing the soil in which there are seedlings or indoor plants, it is necessary to dissolve 10 grams of the drug in a 10 liter bucket of water.
  • If you need to use fertilizing for garden plants in the open field, you will have to take more of the substance - 15–20 grams - and dissolve the drug in the same 10 liter bucket of water.
  • To fertilize fruit and berry plants, an even larger amount of concentrate is needed. About 30 grams of potassium monophosphate must be diluted in 10 liters of water.
  • In the garden or vegetable garden, fertilizer is used in the spring when planting plants in the soil.It is recommended to water ornamental plants with a useful solution during their flowering, so the duration of this period will increase.
  • In addition to watering plants, potassium monophosphate can also be used for spraying.
  • It is recommended to process the soil and plants in the evening, so the fertilizer can be better absorbed and not evaporate immediately in the sun.
  • Many gardeners use this drug in conjunction with other fertilizers for greater effectiveness. The main thing is not to use potassium monophosphate in conjunction with preparations based on magnesium and calcium.

The drug is used not only at home. In the fields and in greenhouses, this fertilizer is also used quite often.

If you have a large vegetable garden, a lot of trees in the garden, and there are an abundance of indoor plants on the windows at home, then potassium monophosphate will be irreplaceable assistant... He alone will cope with feeding all the plants and you do not have to select your own fertilizer for each species.

You can buy potassium monophosphate at any garden store or for indoor plants. Usually the drug is packaged in 0.5 kg polyethylene bags or 25 kg bags.

Safety precautions when using potassium monophosphate

Store in a well-ventilated area. Keep out of reach of children and animals.

Use only with rubber gloves... Make sure that while working with the solution, the liquid does not get on open skin areas and especially on mucous membranes.

In case of contact with eyes or skin, rinse these areas thoroughly with clean running water. If, when working with the solution, it accidentally gets into the stomach, it is necessary make an urgent wash, for this it is necessary to induce vomiting.

Consumer reviews

Most recently, I discovered such a fertilizer as potassium monophosphate. At the dacha, my wife and I grow some garden plants. But a big harvest was never obtained. The store advised this drug.

In the spring, when planting plants, we fertilized the soil. We have never had so many vegetables. All winter they fed on supplies from our garden. Now I recommend this fertilizer to all summer residents.

Nikolay. Voronezh

For fertilizing plants in the garden, I can recommend potassium monophosphate. We have been using it for feeding for about four years now. The price and quality are good. We no longer use any other drugs.

Svetlana. Novosibirsk city

The neighbors have a huge garden. And apple trees, and pears and cherries. Every season of fruiting, I envy them with white envy. Recently, a neighbor revealed a secret. It turns out that they fertilize all trees and bushes with potassium monophosphate. Next year I will definitely buy this drug too.

Hope. Barnaul

I love indoor flowers very much. I have a large collection of violets. Everyone is surprised how I manage to maintain the abundant flowering of my favorites. And I just use the drug potassium monophosphate. That's the whole secret.

Zoya. Moscow city

To fertilize your garden, purchase potassium monophosphate, you will like this drug for its ease of use, and most importantly - high efficiency.

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