Fungicides, namely Previkur Energy belongs to this category, are intended to fight fungal diseases and bacteria and to treat various crops. This tool is used at various stages of growing plants - directly during sowing seeds or seedlings in the ground, as well as for processing already mature plants in order to achieve the highest yield.
The drug "Previkur Energy" was developed and produced by the "Bayer Garden" company (Germany) and is a two-component drug. It contains the active substances of propamocarb hydrochloride and aluminum fosethyl. The drug "Previkur Energy" is an innovative product with pronounced protective and biostimulating properties.
All About Previkur Energy
Description of the "Previkur Energy" means, features and benefits
This drug is highly concentrated liquid with a neutral hydrogen index. As mentioned above, the drug contains two active chemical components, the combination of which gives a general fungicide formula that can suppress plant diseases.
A feature of this tool is not only to protect horticultural crops from various diseases, but also to effectively stimulate the growth of tops (shoots), strengthen the plant's root system, which makes it a universal drug. Previkur Energy combats most of the known fungal diseases and gives long-lasting effect of use.
It should be noted that depending on the degree of concentration of the diluted fungicide, it can be used by gardeners for spraying, drip irrigation of plants or simple watering at the root.
Appointment, forms of leave
The drug "Previkur Energy" is intended for the destruction of peronosporosis and the causative agent of root rot. It actively fights against putrefactive bacteria, such as Peronospora, Phytophthora, Bremia, Pythium ... Increases plant immunity to various diseases and infections, effectively stimulates the strengthening of the root system, shoot growth, flowering and fruiting.
Previkur Energy is sold in bottles with a capacity of 1000 ml and small containers of 10 ml... The fungicide is available as a water-soluble suspension. The content of the active substance of propamocarb hydrochloride is 530 grams, aluminum fosetyl is 310 grams per 1 liter of the finished substance. The concentration of propamocarb fosethylate in 1 liter of the product is 840 grams.
Mechanism and duration of exposure
The action of the drug is based on the properties of its active ingredients. The chemical action of propamocarb is based on preventing the formation of a membrane of the fungal cell, suppressing the growth of mycelium and the formation of spores. This can be done very well by spraying the plant or pre-shedding the soil.
A feature of the drug is its ability to move and spread throughout the plant: from bottom to top (acropetally) and top to bottom (basipetally). Moving in this way along the plant, fosethyl reaches the desired organ and completely saturates it within 60 minutes. After such treatment, the plant acquires systemic resistance to microorganisms (SPU).
Bayer Garden guarantees 14 days of plant protection after each treatment.However, following the instructions, there are several important factors to consider:
- Climatic conditions, humidity;
- Concentration of fungicide during processing;
- The degree of plant infection.
The degree of plant habituation to the fungicide "Previkur Energy" is rather low, since the active substances act in a concentrate associated with inhibition of metabolic processes in the cells of different types of fungi and are not the same. affect plant metabolism... Therefore, resistance is practically reduced to zero here.
Previkur Energy: application, safety
The first time the agent is used to pour soil immediately after planting the seeds.
- When the seeds germinate and are ready for transplanting into open ground, they do the second processing of the seedlings. This is necessary in order for young plants to easily endure the moment of "moving", to be stronger and healthier.
- The third treatment with Previkur Energy is carried out approximately one week after the young plants have passed the recovery period of homeostasis.
- All subsequent treatment with a fungicide should be carried out every two weeks, with a diluted solution under the root of the bush. If the plants have fungal lesions, it is allowed to spray the affected vegetative organs as they appear.
Previkur Energy is diluted according to the instructions until fully mixed. 10 ml of fungicide is enough for 5-7 liters of water, depending on the method of processing plants, their variety and degree of infection. The agent is applied to moist soil so that the active substances can penetrate to the root system of the plants.
Means "Previkur Energy" belongs to the third class of chemically hazardous compounds. When working with this product, it is necessary to observe basic safety rules: do not drink, do not eat, do not smoke, work with a respirator, wear rubber gloves, overalls, boots and goggles. Avoid contact of the fungicide in the eyes, on exposed areas of the body and do not inhale the vapors when spraying.
It is necessary to take into account the proximity of fishery reservoirs, bee hives, livestock farms, poultry houses, nurseries and other sanitary zones. And also take into account when processing weather conditions, wind direction, groundwater runoff, location of wells and wells with drinking water.
Reviews about the tool "Previkur Energy" mostly positive... Gardeners note the good work of the drug at the prophylaxis stage, when preparing the soil for planting seeds. They also share the accumulated experience of using the fungicide and the features of its use on various types of plants.
“My cucumbers got sick and died. Most likely, the microorganisms caused root rot. I was advised by Previkur. It turned out not to be cheap, and you can't find the right one everywhere! You need no more than a drop per liter, I did everything according to the instructions. By the way, everything is written very clearly. Judging by the description on the packaging, this tool does not easily destroy all fungi, and also enhances the growth of plants and root crops, what is not less important. I did not transplant everything, but simply did watering for each root. The tops immediately freshened up and new healthy cucumber ovaries appeared. After that I thought that the drug was not so expensive, the price was justified! "
“Once Previkur burned the shoots of Petunia. Now I have become smarter, I chose my own concentration of fungicide for spraying. Now I treat it with Previkur just before planting, and then a couple more times after 10 days. "
“When sprayed with Previcur from above, at a concentration of 10 ml of product per 10 liters of water, lightly ignites the young foliage. Obviously, you need to choose the right ratio more carefully and individually. "
“Regarding the remedy, Previkur Energy heard from the authorities - it is a good stimulant for the growth and formation of young roots, thanks to succinic acid.I tried tulips at the concentration indicated on the package. With young seedlings - I'm afraid to burn... Just before disembarking, I spill soil. "
“I am convinced and verified from my own experience that Prekikur cannot be used on an ongoing basis, but only as a prophylaxis or in extreme cases (dampness or cold) that can cause various diseases or root rot in plants.”
“Previkur Energy is convenient to use as a starting agent, as it is good for preparing the soil before planting and then gives permanent strengthening of the plant root system. This is important in the spring for the survival of overexposed seedlings. And then you can combine it with other plant protection products. "
“I read a lot of positive things about Previkur and tried it on peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers. The result is this! Not one lost bush from root rot! But last year there were many. The result is obvious, although you shouldn't overdo it - it's a chemical, it's also a chemical in Africa. "