Instructions for use and reviews of the drug Actellik

Actellic is an insecticide that helps in the fight against insects in everyday life. It helps to get rid of such pests as the moth, tick, aphid, sawfly, moth, thrips, false scale insect, whitefly, scale insect, weevil and others. Available in 2 ml ampoules.

It is used to ensure the safety of fruit trees, ornamental plants and indoor flowers from all sorts of pests. Often this drug is used in grain storage areas, as it also saves from barn insects.

Actellic has fumigating properties, evaporating, the liquid penetrates into the respiratory organs of insects, and poisonous vapors kill the pest.

Advantages of Actellic

  • Low cost of an insecticide.
  • The ability to simultaneously get rid of a large number of pests.
  • Saves from different types of insects, including ticks.
  • Can be combined with any pesticide other than alkaline preparations.
  • Ease of use.
  • Does not adversely affect the beneficial properties of plants and their fruits.
  • Copes with the task quickly. Insects begin to die just a few minutes after applying the drug.
  • Not only gets rid of pests, but also guarantees the prevention of their reappearance.
  • Can be used in hard-to-reach places.
  • Subject to proper safety measures, it does not have any harmful effects on a person.

Instructions for use

How to use the drug2 ml of the product, that is, a whole ampoule, dissolved in 2 liters of water... If the number of insects is large, then the volume of water is reduced to 1 liter. Then you can start spraying the places where pests accumulate on the plants. It is best to carry out this procedure in dry and calm weather. The air temperature should not be lower than +12 ⁰ C and not higher than +25 ⁰ C. Try to treat all insect-prone leaves. The procedure should not be carried out more than once every six months.

The amount of the preparation and the time of its use is regulated depending on the type of plant and when the harvest is planned.

When working with vegetables, you need 2 liters of solution, which is sprayed on 10 square meters of open ground or 1 liter in closed ground on the same area. You can harvest the crop 20 days after processing the plants.

When processing berry bushes (strawberries, currants, gooseberries) for 10 sq. m is sprayed with 1.5 liters of Actellik solution. Work is also carried out 20 days before picking the fruit.

For one peach tree require 2 to 5 liters of insecticide... The procedure should be carried out 1.5-2 months before harvest.

Cabbage and carrots should be processed one month before the planned harvest. Use 1 liter of solution.

Safety measures when using Actellik

  • What security measures should be providedThe product has a high level of danger (class II), so it is necessary to work with this drug with care.
  • Work in special work clothes with individual household gloves, respirator, mask and glasses.
  • Do not use cooking utensils in which you will make the solution.
  • The drug is harmful to fish and bees, therefore it is impossible to treat plants with a solution during their flowering and near water bodies.
  • Store in a dark place, at a temperature of -10 - +35 ⁰C. Out of the reach of children and animals.
  • An expired insecticide cannot be used; it must be buried in a place far from the water source.
  • Indoor plants are best taken out into the open air or on a balcony during the procedure. If you are processing flowers in the office, then do it before the weekend and thoroughly ventilate the room after the procedure.
  • After using the solution, remove protective clothing, wash, wash your hands thoroughly and rinse your mouth.
  • If the solution comes into contact with the skin, wash it off with warm water and soap. If the drug gets into your eyes, you should immediately rinse them with running water. In cases where the solution gets into the mouth and further into the body, you need to immediately drink a lot of liquid and take activated charcoal tablets. Be sure to induce vomiting. With such poisoning, a doctor's supervision is simply necessary, so you will have to call an ambulance and go to the hospital.

Consumer reviews about Actellik

For prevention purposes, I try to treat my indoor plants once a year with Actellik. Procedure I spend before flowering plants... No insects start. I have been using this tool for five years now.


I am a beginner gardener, a couple of years ago I bought myself a summer cottage. I have several trees. The peach does not bear fruit, and the leaves constantly curl into a tube. The store advised to treat trees with Actellik in the spring. I thought this tool was expensive, but it turned out not at all. And now I look, the leaves are not folding now, we will wait for the harvest.


Previously, my grapes suffered from aphids all the time, and the neighbors did not know about such a misfortune. I saw a neighbor sprinkling something on the plant. I asked her: "What is this miracle remedy?" He speaks, Swiss drug Actellic... I also processed my bushes with a solution. True, it helped. The aphids were gone.


Low grass grows on the lawn in the yard, this is where the expanse for the kids is. Now they often talk about ticks, but they are dangerous. I went to the store and they offered me a remedy for ticks - Actellik. We've processed the grass, and now I think our children are safe.


I use Actellik to treat indoor plants from pests. I like. Only need to be sprayed with solution outsideotherwise all pairs will remain in the room and the plants will die.


The drug Actellik has long established itself on the good side. This is evidenced by the numerous positive reviews of summer residents, gardeners and indoor plant lovers.

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