A match inserted into the soil is a "magic pill" for houseplants

Experienced flower growers have long been using ordinary matches as helpers in caring for plants. The incendiary minerals contain some of the essential elements for flowers. Their properties solve many problems and are very cheap.

Protecting the soil from disease

Evenly stuck 10-20 matches with their heads down will help prevent the spread of pathogens. This measure is especially effective at the first signs of plant disease, as well as during the flowering period, when spraying with fungicides is undesirable. The sulfur in the incendiary mixture gradually dissolves and inhibits the growth of spores and bacteria.

Improves the fetus

In addition to sulfur, the match contains compounds of phosphorus, zinc, potassium. These trace elements additionally nourish flowers and have a positive effect on fruit plants:

  • improve taste characteristics by increasing the fructose content;
  • prevent the formation of nitrate compounds;
  • accelerate metabolic processes and maturation.

Stimulating growth

The ignition head chemicals are converted into fertilizer with a gradual effect. Dissolved salts have a positive effect on the overall growth of the plant. Phosphorus, as an essential and irreplaceable component, participates in:

  • photosynthesis;
  • the formation of the root system and the improvement of the absorption function;
  • is part of DNA and RNA;
  • participates in the regulation of plant respiration.

Zinc is required for the formation of growth hormone - auxin, as well as chlorophyll; participates in protein synthesis and carbohydrate metabolism.

Increased flowering duration

Indoor plants have a limited supply of nutrients, which are periodically replenished with complex mineral fertilizers. They contain a small percentage of trace elements that are consumed very quickly.

If an incendiary mixture of matches is used as an additional source of important compounds, then the effect will be seen not only in growth, but also in long and intense flowering. The accelerated formation of phytohormones contributes to the laying of the maximum number of buds, the color of the petals will be brighter.

Parasite protection

Indoor plants are susceptible to pests to the same extent as garden plants. This is facilitated by:

  • excessive watering;
  • excessive use of organic matter;
  • contaminated soil.

Larvae and midges, which settle in the flower and multiply quickly, are especially dangerous. At the first signs of the appearance of parasitic insects, ordinary matches will come to the rescue, which will save you from the use of an insecticide.

Your actions:

  • 5-10 matches are stuck in a circle with their heads down, stepping back from the edge of 3-5 cm;
  • the flower is watered a little less than usual so that the dried soil will accelerate recovery;
  • after 3 days, the matches are replaced with new ones.

This continues until the complete disappearance of the pests.

Matches are able to saturate the soil with useful elements, which are often in short supply in a plant. Phosphorus and sulfur are indispensable for immunity, normal growth and flowering. Do not use too many matches, otherwise an overabundance of components will cause intoxication and burn the roots.

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