12 effective ways to permanently get rid of midges in flowers

Midges are a common problem for those who have flowers at home. Their presence is not only annoying, but also harmful to the plants themselves. You can get rid of uninvited guests using ordinary and very inexpensive means.

Laundry soap

To make the solution, you will need 20 g of soap per 1 liter of warm (boiled or settled) water. To speed up the process, use a grater with a cleaning agent. So it will dissolve faster. When the product is completely homogeneous, pour it over the flower and treat the surface of the plant. Spray leaves, stems, and other parts. Remember that the soap should be free of impurities and fragrances.


Tobacco is used in dry form and for making a solution. The dried leaves are buried in the soil. Their smell scares away, and makes midges leave their favorite plant forever.

For the solution, tobacco is taken from a pack of the strongest cigarettes. This amount is diluted with 0.5 liters of water. Place the mixture in a dark place for 5 days. Treat only stems and leaves with a solution; it is not required to pour into the soil.


Sulfur repels and kills midges and larvae. To get rid of insects from a flower, insert 5 matches into one pot with the heads down. Make the distance between them the same. Water the soil with a little water to spread the sulfur. The substance is quickly absorbed, so repeat the procedure daily until the pests disappear. The approximate time of deliverance is 1 week.


The plant destroys the larvae living in the ground and scares off adults with its pungent odor. Both garlic itself and a solution based on it are used against pests. To cook the last one:

  1. Chop 3 heads with a knife or garlic.
  2. Pour 1 liter of boiling water.
  3. Leave it on for 4 hours.
  4. Strain the tincture.

The solution is used to treat flower leaves and soil. The leftover pulp can be mixed with soil to double the effect. Fresh garlic cloves are buried in the ground. For the extermination of midges in the 1st pot, the 1st head, divided into 3 parts, is enough.

Don't worry about the bad smell. Feel free to use garlic in the fight against insects. For humans, it is invisible, but unbearable for midges.

Wood ash

This is a simple and effective way to cultivate the soil. Sprinkle ash over the top to get rid of insects. She will destroy the midges and their larvae.

Hydrogen peroxide

Use a 3% peroxide solution to prepare the mixture. For 0.5 liters of water, 1 tablespoon is needed. It can work the soil and flower. Peroxide not only removes pests, but also improves the condition of the earth.

Potassium permanganate

Be careful with this tool, too much concentration will harm the plant. The solution should be weak and appear transparent in the palm of your hand. Also, do not use it often, once a week is enough. The course of processing is 1 month. Use potassium permanganate on the leaves and soil to protect the plant.


Midges do not like the smell of dill, so using it to treat the plant is a good way to get rid of insects. For the pests to leave the flower:

  1. Take pieces of dried dill (stems or umbrellas).
  2. Arrange them around the perimeter of the pot.
  3. Change the dill every 2 days until the midges are completely eliminated.

The insects will disappear within a few days.

Orange zest

The peel of the citrus fruit not only protects the plant from pests, but also perfectly fertilizes the soil. You don't need to cook anything. Cut the zest into strips and dry in the way you like. Bury the pieces in the ground and the insects will leave the plant.


Cinnamon has a pungent smell, and gnats don't like it. In addition, it slows down decay, and, accordingly, deprives insects of their main source of nutrition. Use the spice dry: sprinkle it on the soil, and the pests will disappear. Or make an infusion. Dilute the cinnamon powder with boiled water. You can use it every time you water.


Dilute celandine in a proportion of 100 g per 1 liter of boiling water. The solution is infused for 4 hours, after which it can be used to treat plants. Apply this product on the lower parts of the flowers closer to the ground. Do not forget to strain the solution before use.

Velcro for flies

This method will not get rid of the larvae, only the adults. Use purchased tape to bait gnats or build one yourself. For a homemade trap:

  1. Cut a small yellow square out of the cardboard.
  2. Stick it on a stick.
  3. Lubricate the cardboard with honey.

The trap is ready. Insert it into the ground and wait for midges to fly to the sweet bait. After getting on sticky honey, they can no longer free themselves and die.

All these methods will help get rid of insects easily and without harm to plants. Flowers will continue to delight you with their beauty.

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