"Fufanon" is an analogue of the well-known karbofos. The first developments with the latest technologies and in accordance with all modern requirements were made in Denmark. As a result, a powerful and effective drug was obtained that can be used in the garden, in the garden and even at home - it kills many pests without having a harmful effect on plants. Gardeners process seedlings, adult plants, fruit and berry crops with it and for the most part have a good opinion of Fufanon.
It is a versatile insecticidal product that is effective against garden pests. It almost destroys all herbivorous insects, but in addition to gardens and vegetable gardens, it is successfully used at home to get rid of parasites that destroy house plants. In addition, "Fufanon" refuses from bedbugs very effectively. The reviews of those who destroyed these unpleasant parasites for them confirm that, despite some difficulties in processing, bed bugs die quickly and no additional disinsection of the premises is required.
Drug action
The active substance of the agent is an organophosphorus compound malathion, known in Russia as karbofos... It blocks nerve impulses in pests, causing paralysis, after which they die. However, despite the effectiveness, reviews about "Fufanon" are not always positive, especially there is a sharp and persistent odor that causes suffocation, nausea and vomiting and does not disappear from the room for a long time.
"Fufanon" can be sold under the names "Malathion", "Taran" and others, all of them are active insecticides of a wide spectrum of action, but with some specific difference. One of them, "Fufanon-nova", is distinguished not only by its fast action and high efficiency, but also reduced toxicity and the absence of a pungent odor specific to the usual "Fufanon". This allows it to be used indoors.
The drug is sold in various versions - from ampoules to 5-liter canisters.
Preparation of working solution
In order for the drug to act as efficiently as possible, it is necessary to use it strictly in accordance with the instructions. To do this, "Fufanon" is diluted in a proportion of 10 ml per 10 liters of ordinary water (a concentrated solution is preliminarily prepared, when the drug is mixed with a small amount of water, and then this mixture is diluted into a working solution). The solution turns out to be cloudy white, slightly thick.
The liquid is poured into the spray bottle in compliance with all safety precautions.
Processing of horticultural crops
Malathion fights effectively with flies, moths, moths, ticks, aphids... It is also good to use it against pests such as:
- whitefly,
- weevil,
- shield and false shield,
- scoop,
- worms
- white women,
- mole,
- leaf roll
- raspberry beetle,
- fireman.
The drug "Fufanon" is used in different ways in the treatment of crops grown in protected and open ground.For example, cucumbers growing in closed ground are processed only once, tomatoes - no more than three. For open ground, processing is carried out no more than two times. Harvested on average 20 days after the last treatment.
Plants sprayed in calm weather, in the evening or in the morning. The solution should completely wet the leaves, but not drain from them at the same time. The effect of malathion persists for several days after treatment (from 7 to 10 days, but according to some reviews, even up to two weeks). Pests begin to die within the first day after treatment.
I have a large garden plot, it is impossible to control pests manually. Two years ago I started using "Fufanon" in ampoules. I am very pleased with the result. Dilution is simple, easy to apply, everything is written on the label. In early spring I sprayed the whole garden. None of the pests survived. I recommend to everyone - the most effective remedy!
Spray in the evening or in the morning in calm weather, completely wetting the leaves, but not allowing the solution to drain. Throughoutfor several days after treatment, the period of protective action lasts... Consumption is:
1 liter per 10 sq. m when processing cabbage from aphids, bedbugs, flies, whites, moths, scoops;
- from 1 to 1.5 liters per 1 bush when processing currants and gooseberries from aphids, kidney moths, scale insects, leafworms, per 10 sq. m planting peppers and cucumbers from aphids, spider mites, thrips, sprout flies;
- from 1 l to 3 per 10 sq. m when processing tomatoes from aphids, whiteflies, spider mites;
- 1.5 liters per 10 sq. m when processing flower crops, roses and other shrubs from aphid mites, spider mites, thrips, rose sawfly;
- 2 liters of solution for 10 bushes of blackberries and raspberries when treated against ticks, raspberry beetles, weevils, aphids;
- from 2 to 5 liters per 1 tree / bush when processing citrus fruits, grapes and such garden trees as sweet cherries, cherries, pears, plums, apples, quince, etc. from worms, ticks, whiteflies, spider mites, leafworms, moths , tick, scale insects, sawflies, weevils, cherry fly.
The largest amount of Fufanon solution requires strawberry, strawberry, melon and watermelon - 5 liters per 10 sq. m plantings in the fight against spider mites, sawflies, whitefly, weevil, melon fly, aphids, mites.
This is a moderately hazardous drug with a 3rd hazard class. It is dangerous for bees and even more for fish, but not phytotoxic. Due to the fact that "Fufanon" kills bees, it is not recommended to spray plants during flowering.
Please note that "Fufanon" by no means cannot be mixed with other drugs.
Containers from "Fufanon" can not be used for other purposes, thrown into landfills or water bodies. It must be burned in a specially designated place so that there is no risk of inhaling smoke. The sprayer must be thoroughly rinsed after the preparation. In general, the entire container that was used to prepare the solution and work with it should not be reused, it is best to dispose of it.
When using the drug, you must wear protective clothing, gloves, a respirator and goggles, in no case eat, drink or do not smoke while spraying... Working with Fufanon for more than three hours is dangerous.
- If symptoms of poisoning appear (nausea, vomiting, unpleasant taste in the mouth, headache, profuse salivation), you need to get first aid, and then immediately consult a doctor.
- If the drug gets into the lungs or gastrointestinal tract, the victim should go out into fresh air, change clothes and rinse the mouth with a 2% baking soda solution.
- If "Fufanon" gets into the eyes, rinse them, keeping them open, with running water and drip with 30% sodium sulfacyl if the mucous membrane is damaged.
If the drug gets on the skin, you need it remove with cotton or cloth and wash with soapy water. You cannot rub "Fufanon" into the skin!
When storing "Fufanon" it is necessary to ensure that children and animals do not have access to it. When spraying, it is necessary to close access for children and animals to those areas where treatment is carried out until the drug decomposes.
Also, "Fufanon" should not be used and stored near food and medicine.
Use of "Fufanon" in closed rooms
First of all, the tool is successfully used to combat pests of domestic plants and bed bugs.
"Fufanon" for the protection of indoor plants
Indoor flowers are exposed to the invasion of most of the same parasites as garden crops, so the drug has found wide application at home, especially with the advent of "Fufanon-nova". The processing efficiency is very high, in a matter of days, all the pests that destroyed the plants disappear, moreover, many note that after processing the flowers began to release fresh shoots and leaves in the place of the dead and, in general, grow more magnificently.
Struggled with aphids on Tradescantia. I bought Fufanon-nova. I note that the ampoule is plastic, in contrast to the glass ampoule of the usual "Fufanon". The preparation is white and diluted with less water than usual. But the main thing is that there is no pungent smell, this is a big plus! It worked perfectly, the aphids are no more, and how much time has passed - it does not appear!
Fighting bed bugs
But especially often at home "Fufanon" used against bedbugs... Those who have ever encountered bed bugs have forever remembered the discomfort from their appearance, their bites and the difficulties with which they are removed. Fufanon copes with them as quickly as possible. And if we consider that the price for it is very low, and along the way, besides bedbugs, it destroys an entire army of other insects - ants, fleas, flies, cockroaches - it can be noted that the drug is very beneficial, which is confirmed by the reviews of those who got rid of them safely from this misfortune.
From everything that I have tried for these bed bugs, I prefer "Fufanon". Very effective against these nasty insects. The bugs disappeared quickly, they never returned, although I had not seen the result with other drugs before. And I also use it for prophylaxis in the garden. The smell, of course, is terrible, the drug is dangerous, but surprisingly effective.
In fact, Fufanon can replace a whole arsenal of tools for pest control. In addition to apartments and houses, it can be used on a large territory - in warehouses, industrial premises and shops, etc.
Treatment of premises from bedbugs
When working indoors, the same precautions should be followed as recommended for outdoors. In addition, from the house where treatment for bedbugs is planned, it is necessary to remove all animals, including birds and fish, remove plants, and there should be no people there, except for those who conduct pest control. In addition, it is necessary to take out all the things that can be washed, personal hygiene items, food products, best of all - in an airtight package.
Furniture and other items you need disassemble into small parts, so that it is possible to process joints and dark corners in which bugs like to nest.
For the destruction of domestic bugs, it is recommended to use "Fufanon Green Belt" for bedbugs. The solution is made from one 5 mg ampoule dissolved in 5 liters of water. After preparation of the emulsion, it must be used immediately. Consumption is 50 ml per 1 sq. m on a flat surface and 100 ml per 1 sq. m on the absorbent. The effectiveness of the drug largely depends on the exact adherence to the recipe when preparing the solution.
Malathion enters the body of domestic bugs very quickly, after which they instantly die. The action of the drug lasts up to two weeks, during which time adult parasites, young generations and larvae die.
It is necessary to etch the room carefully, avoiding untreated areas.For this it is convenient to use spray guns or paint brushes... Furniture, other interior elements are processed first, first the back and only then the front sides. It is imperative to process walls, skirting boards, sills, windows, doors, floors, ceilings, process all cracks, the space behind the detached skirting boards, peeling wallpaper, inside the ventilation, under carpets.
After etching, it is recommended to close the room for a day, and if possible up to three days, then clean the room using a soda solution that neutralizes the effect of toxins. The solution should be used to treat furniture and other items. Then it is necessary to wash all things made of fabric, wash all the dishes.
Fufanon is actually the tool you can rely on. Reviews about it confirm its high performance in the fight against garden pests and domestic parasites, including bed bugs.
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