10 mistakes in the care of a columnea, because of which it does not bloom

This lovely flower is popularly called goldfish. The beauty of the columbus is quite unpretentious in care, but in order for the plant to bloom regularly, some basic rules must still be followed.

Neglecting high light requirements

The columnea you keep in the apartment needs enough light. In addition, the lighting should be diffused. When the plant blooms, it needs even more light, so you need to think in advance how to help it.

The direct rays of the sun have a negative effect on the columnea. In the summer, you should not carry the flower outside, especially since it is also afraid of drafts.

Growing not on a windowsill

Natural sunlight is vital for the columbine. But at the same time, the sun's rays should in no case fall directly on the leaves of the plant. You will have to seriously consider the issue of lighting, for example, place a flower on an east or west windowsill or build a thin curtain scattering light from available tools.

Although the columnea is very beautiful, it is impossible to put it on a balcony or an open veranda for the same reasons.

Lack of temperature control during active growth

In spring and summer, it is better to have a special warmth, preferably about 23 - 27 degrees. In any case, the temperature should not drop below 20 degrees Celsius. During this period, the columnea is actively growing. Do not forget about air humidity - it must be high enough.

In autumn and winter, the plant is best kept in a cool place - with a temperature of 16 to 18 degrees - to ensure new buds are laid.

Resting period too long

The dormant period in indoor plants is usually associated with the season. It also happens that it occurs immediately after active flowering.

Columnaea has a rather short rest period, it lasts only about a month. As soon as fresh leaves and buds begin to appear, it is necessary to increase watering and make the necessary fertilizing. Too long dormancy does not allow the plant to bloom normally. To stimulate further development, the columnea can even be transplanted.

Temperature drops

Columnea reacts very negatively to temperature changes. That is why, in order for a plant to bloom regularly, it is necessary to ensure its stability in this regard.

It is desirable that in the summer it is about 25-27 degrees, and in winter, early spring and autumn - about 20 degrees.

Air is too dry

Lianas growing in the tropics, in their natural environment, are constantly in an atmosphere with high humidity. Therefore, the columnea needs to be constantly sprayed from a spray bottle or buy a household humidifier in the apartment.

You can also put a layer of pebbles in a wide tray, pour a little water and place the pot there so that the bottom does not touch the liquid. Thus, the plant will be constantly refreshed.

Frequent watering

But it is not worth watering the soil often. You can water the plant again only when the top layer of soil in the pot dries out a little.

Moreover, you can use extremely soft water. After watering, you must wait a while, and then be sure to drain the excess liquid from the pan.

Wrong water

Lime has a negative effect on the columnea, so ordinary settled water is not suitable for watering it. For these purposes, it is advisable to collect rain or melt water.

You can also boil tap water, let it settle a little, and pour the drained top layer from the container into the container for some time to saturate it with oxygen. Filtered water can also be used.

Unsuitable soil

For young and adult plants, use the same potting mix. First, you need to make a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot. Then cover with suitable soil.

In a specialized store, you can buy a mixture for Gesneriaceae and ready-made soil for ampelous plants with a slightly acidic reaction. As a last resort, you can prepare the substrate yourself. Just combine 4 parts each of leaf and sod soil, 2 parts of peat and 1 part of a mixture of sphagnum, sand and charcoal.

Excess fertilizing

In the summer season, the kolumnea must be systematically fed: usually, complex fertilizers are used for this, which can be found in the store. The mixture is diluted in water and the plant is watered very carefully.

At the same time, try not to let the top dressing get on the leaves. It should be remembered that an excess of mineral fertilizers negatively affects the flowering of the columnea. Therefore, the flower should be fed much less frequently than other plants, which are usually fertilized once every 2 weeks.

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