Why does not eucharis bloom? Home care

Eucharis is an attractive bulbous flower. It is undemanding to care, but if you do not follow some rules, its decorative effect will decrease, and flowering will not come. Most often, flower growers have to deal with a similar problem at the stage of development of the Amazon lily.

What is the eucharis flower?

This bulbous plant has dark green, on thick petioles, lanceolate, wide leaves from 2 to 7 pieces, their width reaches 20 cm, and the length is up to 55 cm.The flower leaves have a wrinkled texture with convex longitudinal veins.

In early autumn or late summer, fragrant and beautiful flowers up to 80 cm long appear on the Amazonian lily, similar to the well-known daffodils. They are connected in umbrella-shaped peduncles at once, several pieces with a green or yellow crown.

Varieties of eucharis

In room culture, the following are the most popular types of this bulbous plant:

  • Eucharis large floweringToothed with triangular leaves. In such a lily, there are 4 leaves per bulb at once. The umbrella-shaped inflorescence contains about 6 white flowers.
  • Large-flowered. This type of echarius is distinguished by its snow-white flowers, combined in an inflorescence of 5 pieces. In appearance and shape, the echarius strongly resembles a daffodil. Taking care of him is easy if you follow the rules. It blooms in August and March.
  • Sander. This plant is slightly different in shape from others. Eucharis Sandera looks more like a lily, since it does not have such a pronounced crown.
  • White. The diameter of the bulb of such a flower is no more than 7 cm. But its ellipsoidal leaves reach 40 cm in length. White flowers in it are combined in inflorescences of 10 pieces with a green core. It pleases with its flowering, usually in February and March.

Eucharis: home care, flower photo

Watering eucharis

Immediately after transplanting, the flower needs water very carefully... However, if you notice that a new increase has appeared, watering should, on the contrary, be increased. In early spring, it is advisable to reduce the spraying of the large-flowered euharius by about 1.5 months to stimulate flowering.

At the stage of active growth, it is recommended to water the Amazon lily several times a week. Thus, it will be possible to avoid stagnation of moisture at the roots of the flower. It is best to keep the soil moderately moist during this period. But remember that excess water can harm the bulbs, so follow the rule for flower care. The plant needs abundant, but rare watering.


The Amazonian lily has a negative attitude towards direct sunlight, so it should be placed on the windowsill from the west or east side... In the summer, eucharis, a photo of which can be viewed on the Internet, must be shaded. It can be placed in the back of the room, providing sufficient lighting.

Humidity and air temperature

Caring for Eucharis at homeA plant like eucharis feels good in a room with a plus temperature of at least 17 degrees.When cultivating a flower at home, drafts and sharp temperature fluctuations are unacceptable so as not to harm the flowering.

When growing this flower in the country in the garden or on an open terrace, it should be brought into the house at night. In winter, a comfortable temperature for the Amazonian lily considered 15-17 degrees Celsius.

The charming eucharis should be located in a room with high humidity. The bush will have to be sprayed every day if there are no peduncles on the flower, and the air humidity is very high. In other cases, it is necessary to control so that there is no accumulation of water on the inflorescences and at the base of the leaves.

Top dressing of the Amazon lily

You need to fertilize eucharis at home only 2 times a month during increased growth and flowering. It is recommended to use for this liquid fertilizer for indoor plants with a reduced nitrogen content, for example, fertika-lux, agriculture and bone forte... For top dressing, organic and mineral fertilizers can be used alternately.

Plant hypobiosis

After flowering, the Amazonian lily enters a dormant state that can last up to 60 days. At this time, the plant is not fed, watered little, and the inflorescences are removed. Such a period is necessary for the flower to have time to shed old leaves on its own. In addition, its root system will rest before blooming again.

The pot with the plant can be placed for a dormant period in a cooler place with a temperature of at least 15 degrees. Similar actions with temperature and watering during growth and dormancy lead to the fact that flowers appear on lilies twice a year.

As a rule, increased growth of bulbs occurs in January, therefore, at the beginning of spring, eucharis is already forms a flower arrow... After the appearance of new shoots, you must immediately resume feeding and watering.

Eucharis transplantation and reproduction procedure

Eucharis flowersThis flower has to be planted at home every 3 years. The main sign that he needs a transplant is a large number of bulbs that do not fit in the pot, and he can even split from their pressure.

The planter for the plant should be wide enough. Eucharis is extremely sensitive to transplanting, as its roots are easily broken. That is why it is recommended to transship without damaging the main clod of earth. After these manipulations, watering is reduced until new leaves begin to grow. It is worth starting a transplant after flowering.

Propagate a flower at home in several ways:

  • By division during transplantation;
  • With the help of bulbs.

The purchased bulbs are planted in small pots. Their tops should not be completely covered with earth. Bulbs with leaves should be planted to a depth of 5 cm. The first leaves after planting are formed in the plant in about a month. Immediately after that, you can proceed to feeding it.

By the way, a young flower doesn't bloom right away. This happens only after the bulb will grow overgrown with children.

It is possible to propagate eucharis by division during transplantation when the flower is already quite adult and the daughter bulbs have already filled the flowerpot. First of all, the bush is divided into several parts, while leaving at least three bulbs in each, and they are planted in pots prepared in advance. Until the emergence of new leaves, you need to water the Amazon lily carefully, but noticing a new shoot, they begin to feed and abundantly spray.

With this method of reproduction, one bulb cannot be left in the pot, otherwise you can not wait for flowering until the pot is completely filled with children.

Pests and diseases affecting the Amazon lily

Indoor flowers eucharisVarious insects can attack the eucharis houseplant: thrips, scale insects, spider mites and aphids... These pests suck the juice from the leaves of the flower, which is why they begin to fall off, lose color and dry out.If such signs appear, then you should immediately spray all the leaves and the stem with soapy water. After that, the bush is treated with actellik or another insecticidal agent.

The main advantage of eucharis is its bright leaves and snow-white flowers. True, sometimes it pleases only with its greenery, despite careful care. Quite often, the plant does not bloom due to improper planting. In order for the bulb to bloom vigorously, it must be overgrown with children. It happens not earlier than in 3-4 years... That is why 3 onions must be planted in one pot. They will bloom repeatedly and profusely if they are pressed closer to each other.

Constant temperature drops and drafts in the room where the Amazon lily is located also lead to a lack of flowers. Another plant may not bloom due to non-observance of the dormant period. It must necessarily rest, in winter it is better to keep it in a cool place, not to feed it, to reduce watering until the earthen coma dries out. When eucharis is activated in spring, new shoots are formed. When they appear, watering should be increased.

What to do when eucharis is on the flower leaves turn yellow and die? The main reasons for this phenomenon are as follows:

  • Excess moisture or drought. In such a situation, it is necessary to adjust the watering regime so that the leaves stop turning yellow;
  • Low temperature. The temperature in the room should be checked, there is a possibility that the eucharis is cold;
  • Damage to the root system. It is necessary to carefully dig up the Amazonian lily and carefully examine its underground part, if damaged roots are found, they are cut off and treated with crushed coal. After that, the plant is transplanted into a new land.

If the bulb is rotten, then most likely the flower is affected by a daffodil fly. To get rid of it, use actellic or rogor. A solution is made from them, in which the spoiled bulbs are soaked. Simple heat treatment will also help in the fight against this pest. To do this, the onion must be dipped in hot water and left for several hours, then it must be allowed to dry. Proper flower care will help avoid this.

But the appearance of red spots on the leaves of eucharis is a symptom of a fungal disease of stagonosporosis. Rid the plant from a red burn fungicides with copper will help: Hom, copper sulfate, Abiga Peak. But first, all damaged scales and peduncles are removed, and the Amazon lily is treated with the drug.

With proper care, the delicate scent of the flower will refresh the room, and the beautiful flowers will adorn it. However, do not forget that the flower contains licorine. This alkaloid is dangerous to humans because it stimulates the vomiting center in the brain. That is why eucharis is best kept out of the reach of animals and children. In addition, after transplanting an Amazon lily, hands should be thoroughly washed with soap and water.

Eucharis plant
Eucharis or Amazonian lilyEucharis large floweringPlanting an Amazon lilyHow to transplant eucharisBlooming eucharisEucharis flowering periodHow to properly water eucharisEucharis pestsInsect-damaged eucharivEucharis large floweringBlooming eucharisHow eucharis growsHome lily eucharisEucharis amazonian lilyCaring for Eucharis at homeEucharis large flowering

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