8 unusual dressings for home flowers

Top dressing is a necessary stage in the development and growth of indoor plants. You can use for this not only purchased drugs. There are 8 original natural dressings that you can apply.

Aquarium water

It can be taken for watering indoor flowers regularly. The water contains many useful components, but it is not recommended to overly moisturize the plants with it. Excess moisture can kill the crop.

Features of using aquarium water:

  1. Lower one end of the hose into the aquarium, and water will be carried out through the other.
  2. Apply feeding liquid once a week. But the multiplicity depends on the type of indoor flower.
  3. If there is sediment in the water, then first you need to dilute it, and only then apply.

Cream of tartar

This is a great way to get rid of ants that often attack houseplants. It is necessary to scatter the powder on the ground, after which the insects will quickly leave their habitat.

Baking soda

This product is used in horticulture for various purposes:

  1. Pest control - ants, slugs, caterpillars. Compared to harsh chemicals, baking soda is safe for plants and soil.
  2. Neutralization of soil acidity. Due to the alkaline environment, soda reduces the acidity of the soil.
  3. Plant feeding.

To prepare the product, you need the following components:

  • ammonia - 0.5 tbsp;
  • soda - 20 g;
  • salt - 20 g;
  • water - 5 l.

Mix all substances, and then pour over the plant liquid. This will extend the flowering time even if the buds have begun to wilt.

Suitable feeding for crops such as azalea, dahlias.


This product supports healthy plants that prefer acidic soil such as azalea, gardenia. In addition, vinegar contains many nutrients necessary for the full development of indoor and outdoor flowers.

To prepare the product, you need to dilute 1 liter of unfiltered apple cider vinegar in 10 liters of water. Use a solution to moisten the soil near the roots using a watering can or spray. It is important to ensure that no liquid gets on the plants themselves.

Cayenne pepper

It is a wonderful remedy for fighting proteins. And although they are cute creatures, they love to feast on tulip bulbs. To scare away rodents, it is enough to sprinkle cayenne pepper near the flowers. Add powder as needed.

Vegetable oil

This product serves as a reliable protection of metal against corrosion and facilitates the maintenance of garden materials. It is necessary to apply vegetable oil to the instrument so that it is easier to clean it from dust, dirt and grass next time.

You can also use the product for feeding flowers:

  1. Dissolve in separated water (1 l) 1 tsp. castor oil, mix thoroughly.
  2. Top dressing can be done in two ways: under the root or spray the leaves from a spray bottle.

It is necessary to fertilize the plants once every 5 days.

Dishwashing liquid

To feed flowers, it is allowed to use soapy water after washing the dishes. It is a wonderful remedy for reducing soil acidity. You can also pour the solution into a spray bottle to spray the plant. And this is a way to combat aphids.

Ground coffee

As a fertilizer, it is suitable for all indoor flowers. Moreover, there is no need to prepare it - mix the remaining coffee grounds with the earth in a flowerpot.

This simple technique will make the soil looser and lighter, increase the acidity of the soil, and saturate it with oxygen.

Such fertilization is useful for the following plants:

  • azaleas;
  • gladioli;
  • lilies;
  • roses;
  • rhododendrons.


Fruit to taste not only for monkeys, but also for indoor flowers. Only the banana itself is not needed by them, but the skin needs to be dried and finely chopped. You can make a powder by running the raw materials through a coffee grinder. Sprinkle it on the soil of the plants before watering.

Flowering crops respond positively to banana feeding, since the potassium contained in the peel contributes to long and abundant flowering.

With these available remedies, you can increase the immunity of indoor plants, increase the duration of flowering and give the culture a decorative look.

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