Lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener for february 2019

Despite the drifts outside the window and the thermometer creeping down, a real gardener has a lot to do in February. Are waiting for planting beds in heated greenhouses and boxes for seedlings on the windowsills; seedlings of previously planted crops require attention; some indoor flowers can't wait to move from old cramped pots to new spacious ones. In addition, the active preparation of the summer cottage begins for the spring and the revision of garden tools. In a word, there are many worries and it is better to plan them in advance in accordance with the advice of the sowing lunar calendar for February 2019 for the gardener and gardener.

Lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener for February 2019

Greens in mini greenhouses

These warm beds can be made with your own hands, but they are not suitable for all regions.

  • Date: February 1
    Lunar day: 26-27
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac sign: Capricorn

The day is not the best for gardening work, but you can devote it to preparing the soil for future plantings: disinfect it, add humus. It is permissible to plant turnips, rutabagas and celery for forcing. At your summer cottage, prune fruit trees and shrubs. Houseplants are allowed to be fed and sprayed with solutions designed to combat diseases and pests, but do not resort to abundant watering.

  • Date: February 2
    Lunar day: 27-28
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac sign: Capricorn

A good period for planting for distillation of root crops: turnips, carrots, rutabagas, celery and parsnips on the root, as well as some leafy vegetables and herbs - chard, lettuce, cilantro, dill, parsley. Tuberous begonias, dahlias, chrysanthemums are also planted for germination. Top dressing will be appropriate, but it is better to refrain from work involving destruction (pruning, weeding). If this day falls on a thaw period with a temperature of + 1–2 ° C, take a moment to once again process the tree trunks with a mixture of clay and lime, restoring frost-damaged whitewash to protect against the February cold and spring pests.

  • Date: February 3
    Lunar day: 28-29
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac sign: Capricorn

Dormant period for plants. If you wish, prepare snow containers at your summer cottage, clear paths, fill bird feeders, prepare pegs for tying and pest belts, inspect gardening tools for repairs.

  • Date: February 4th
    Lunar day: 29-30
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac sign: Aquarius

The rest period continues. You should not loosen the ground, weed or huddle the plants so as not to damage the root system, but it is allowed to treat indoor flowers for diseases and carry out large-scale pest control in the garden, finding and eliminating their nests in the forks of branches or folds of the bark.

Dry leaves on the tree in winter

If possible, do not leave such leaves, pests can hibernate in them.

  • Date: February 5
    Lunar day: 30–1–2
    Phase: New Moon
    Zodiac sign: Aquarius

Any excavation work is contraindicated.

  • Date: February 6
    Lunar day: 2–3
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Pisces

Almost all prohibitions are lifted: it is allowed to loosen the soil, thin out seedlings, weed, huddle, dive seedlings, transplant indoor flowers. Planting in a greenhouse or on windowsills of garlic, onions on a turnip and parsley on the root is welcome; sowing lettuce and sweet pepper seedlings.You can lay potatoes for germination. Indoor flowers will take watering and feeding well; and the trees on the site are getting rid of old dry branches and winter grafting.

  • Date: February 7
    Lunar day: 3-4
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac: Pisces

Do not miss the favorable time for planting. Sow sweet peppers, eggplants, tomatoes and other crops with a fruiting aerial part, as well as annual and perennial flowers on seedlings. Loosening, weeding, hilling will be appropriate, but watering and feeding are especially valuable, since now the plants grow well and need nutrients.

  • Date: February 8
    Lunar day: 4-5
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac: Pisces

All work of the previous day is allowed, to which you can add soil preparation for seedlings, treatment of plants from pests and transplanting indoor flowers into new pots. Watering is still helpful. The seeds laid down today for stratification will delight in the future with good germination, and garlic, dill, parsley, cilantro and onion planted for forcing greens will give an excellent harvest.

  • Date: February 9
    Lunar day: 5-6
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac: Aries

You can start planting legumes (peas, beans), white cabbage, cauliflower and Chinese cabbage, corn, zucchini, eggplant, spicy herbs - basil and parsley in greenhouses. In general, the day is extremely successful for harvesting and sowing seeds, picking, replanting, loosening. The introduction of mineral and organic approvals into the soil, watering will be safe. Trees in the summer cottage are allowed to be cut, grafted, processed from pests.

  • Date: February 10
    Lunar day: 6-7
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac: Aries

Refuse feeding - you risk burning the plants. Watering is also unlikely to be beneficial, as is an attempt to thin out seedlings or prune dry branches on trees: this procedure is especially traumatic for green pets during this period. But you can continue to sow zucchini and eggplants, bell peppers and legumes, salads and greens for seedlings, lay potatoes for germination and bulbous for distillation.

Bulbs and pot of soil

Bulbs planted for forcing on this day will be disease resistant

  • Date: February 11
    Lunar day: 7-8
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Taurus

During this period, the aerial parts of the plants grow well, so it is not forbidden to return to feeding if there is a need for it. There are no obstacles to carrying out any work related to the soil from loosening and hilling to transplanting plants, which today can easily survive this procedure. The day is successful for sowing eggplants, tomatoes, sweet and bitter peppers, white cabbage for seedlings. On the garden plot, it's time to shovel snow into prepared containers in order to stock up on melt water for irrigation by spring.

  • Date: February 12
    Lunar day: 8-9
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac: Taurus

Plants absorb nutrients well, but their root system should be protected, so focus on watering and feeding, temporarily giving up loosening, picking and replanting. Sowing of eggplants, tomatoes, perennial flowers is allowed. At the summer cottage, fill the bird feeders, cover the beds sown before winter with an additional layer of snow. Preparation of components for future compost heaps can begin.

  • Date: February 13
    Lunar day: 9-10
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac: Taurus

Loosening, weeding and other works that can affect the roots of plants are still prohibited. Sow seeds of annual flowers, water indoor flowers and treat pests and diseases. Examine the trees in the garden again to get rid of the nests of harmful insects and restore whitewash if you did not do this at the beginning of the month. Recall that it makes sense to whitewash the trunks only during the thaw.

  • Date: February 14
    Lunar day: 10-11
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac: Gemini

Today, everything that weaves and has a mustache is at the forefront: melons, watermelons, pumpkin, squash, strawberries, peas, beans, as well as curly, creeping and ampelous flowers. In addition to these crops, you can plant parsley on the root and lay potatoes for germination, but gardeners who have devoted a day to ennobling the landscape on the site will achieve special success. In particular, today it promises to be successful in formative and sanitary pruning, as well as winter planting of large trees and shrubs in holes prepared in the fall.

Planting a tree in a hole in winter

It is the large, frost-resistant specimens that are planted on this day.

  • Date: February 15
    Lunar day: 11-12
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac: Gemini

For the care shown on this day, the earth will repay a hundredfold. Loosen, weed, water, cut through and feed the plants with mineral and organic fertilizers; fight diseases and pests; dive seedlings, replant shoots of indoor plants, pinch and propagate by cuttings. Almost anything is allowed except trimming. But laying tubers and sowing seeds is not worth it, the only exceptions are annual flowers.

  • Date: February 16
    Lunar day: 12-13
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac: Cancer

The recommendations of the previous day remain relevant: cultivate the soil, take care of the seedlings, deal with indoor flowers. Spicy herbs sown today (basil, mint, marjoram, parsley, cilantro), leafy vegetables (chard, watercress, spinach), carrots, cabbage, tomatoes will give a good harvest. You can plant onions on a feather and tackle annual and perennial flowers.

  • Date: February 17
    Lunar day: 13-14
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac: Cancer

The advantage is for undersized plants - melons and gourds, leafy vegetables, herbs. It is they who should be given attention in the first place, but it is not forbidden to soak cucumber seeds before planting, sow all types of cabbage, tomatoes, bell peppers, celery, lay potatoes for germination. Loosening, watering, feeding is permissible.

  • Date: February 18
    Lunar day: 14-15
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac: Leo

It is possible to transplant plants that have strong formed roots - in particular, indoor flowers, watering, feeding and treatment from pests are allowed. It is better to temporarily abstain from sowing seeds, with the exception of sunflower. In the garden area, clear paths, shake off snow from trees and greenhouses, and revise garden tools. It will not hurt to loosen the ground in a heated greenhouse.

Girl shoveling snow

Dedicate some time to outdoor work this day

  • Date: February 19
    Lunar day: 15-16
    Phase: full moon
    Zodiac: Leo

Day of rest from gardening work. Think over your plans, make a list of necessary purchases, start slowly sharpening your garden tools, prepare pegs for tying, fill containers with snow.

  • Date: February 20
    Lunar day: 16-17
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac: Virgo

The time of creeping and mustache plants, tuberous and bulbous crops, herbs, annual flowers - all this can be planted and sown today, however, without relying on a very bountiful harvest. Feed indoor flowers and seedlings, water.

  • Date: February 21
    Lunar day: 17-18
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac: Virgo

An extremely fruitful day. Watering today will be superfluous, but all other types of work will be successful: weeding, loosening, hilling, adding humus, spraying and fumigating from pests. If you are going to soak or sow cucumber seeds, do so today. In the same way, you can plant hot peppers, herbs, climbing crops (peas, beans), root vegetables (radishes, rutabagas, celery root). From flowers, give preference to vines and plants with aerial roots.

  • Date: February 22
    Lunar day: 18-19
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac: Libra

The focus is on root and tuberous crops that can be planted and sown, but it is better not to deal with the roots of plants already growing.So give up weeding and loosening, and instead remove the dry leaves of indoor flowers and cut off the excess branches of bushes and trees on the site. This is all the more important in the southern regions, where spring comes early and in March, the movement of juices is already possible, which means that pruning will soon be banned.

Pruning trees in winter

Pruning trees in the middle lane and northern latitudes is done not earlier than March

  • Date: February 23
    Lunar day: 19–20
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac: Libra

The time of root crops continues: carrots, beets, radishes, daikons, turnips. You can lay potatoes for germination, plant bulbous flowers. In addition, the day is suitable for sowing seedlings of zucchini, eggplant, legumes, corn, horseradish. It is better to refuse watering, but it is possible to feed home and greenhouse crops and winter grafting of trees at their summer cottage.

  • Date: February 24
    Lunar day: 20
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac: Scorpio

Leafy greens, legumes and nightshades (zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes) are on the agenda. If you soak the seeds today, the plants that have grown from them will give a rich harvest, but with the sprouts that have already hatched, you should behave as delicately as possible so as not to damage the root system. Clean the trees on the site of lichens, tamp the snow in the holes, outline the places of future compost heaps.

  • Date: February 25
    Lunar day: 20-21
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac: Scorpio

In general, the day is neutral. You can loosen and huddle the ground in greenhouses, transplant indoor flowers, dive seedlings, or you can give yourself a day of rest. Plant onions on a feather, sow radishes, watercress, mustard, leeks, zucchini, eggplants, hot peppers on the seedlings. Not a bad time to plant annual flowers. Spraying against diseases and pests will be successful, but abundant watering will become superfluous.

  • Date: February 26
    Lunar day: 21-22
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac: Sagittarius

Sowing and planting of herbs and medicinal herbs, sunflowers, all types of cabbage will be successful. Almost all types of work with the ground and treatment from pests are recommended, however, it is considered excessive pruning - any damage during this period will be given to the plants hard.

  • Date: February 27
    Lunar day: 22-23
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac: Sagittarius

Working with the soil is possible, but undesirable - the roots will perceive any interference painfully. Dedicate a day to pest control, feed and water indoor flowers, prepare cuttings for spring grafting at your summer cottage. The crops sown today are unlikely to please with friendly shoots, but you can try your luck with asparagus, red cabbage, different types of onions (onions, onions, chives, leeks, lettuce), legumes, sunflowers. Plant the parsley on the root and add the potatoes to germinate.

Sprouts in cells on the windowsill

Planting tomatoes and cucumbers will be unsuccessful today

  • Date: February 28
    Lunar day: 23-24
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac: Capricorn

Double day. The crops sown today will develop slowly and not too amicably, but they will be resistant to the vagaries of nature. Give preference to root crops: potatoes, daikon, radishes, beets, turnips. Sow parsley on the root, plant onions on a turnip, reproduce flowers by cuttings. It is also possible to harvest cuttings for the stock at a summer cottage, where it will not hurt to inspect the trees for damage from frost, add snow in containers on top of the settled layer and check whether the beds with plantings are well covered before winter.

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