Getting ready for the new summer cottage season: 10 tips to help you save money

The next season will begin soon, and summer residents have already started buying seeds and tools. Of course, you won't be able to do without costs at all. But a few simple tips will help you save a lot.

Take inventory before shopping

You can go to the market for supplies for the garden, but it is better to purchase them in a specialized store or garden center. Before going to the store, check what you have left from last season. Suddenly you haven't used all the seeds or fertilizers, for example.

See what inventory is available and in what condition it is. Make a list of everything you need. Calculate in advance the approximate amount you will have to spend. This approach will help you avoid unnecessary spending.

Buy seeds with your neighbors

Breeders are constantly developing new varieties and hybrids. Everyone wants to try the new product. But seeds are not cheap today when it comes to good producers.

To save on their purchase will allow an agreement with neighbors in the country. If you have friendships, buy the whole thing together for two or three families. Then divide the seed evenly and compare the results in terms of yield and maintenance difficulties.

Make potting soil yourself

Many people are used to buying ready-made potting mix, but it's cheaper to make it yourself. This task will take time and effort, but it will pay off. The best composition is obtained by mixing organic matter, mineral components and a deoxidizer, which can be taken as wood ash or limestone.

Consider the soil requirements of different garden crops, especially the most capricious ones. Do not forget to disinfect the soil before planting by spilling it with hot water with potassium permanganate or holding it in the oven. This will protect future plants from diseases and pests.

Follow promotions and discounts

Shops and shopping centers often offer all kinds of promotions to reduce the cost of goods. Track all sales discounts, sometimes they reach over 50% of the original price. But they are most often found in the autumn-winter period.

Subscribe to mailing lists of your favorite shops for summer residents and do not forget to monitor them. In the spring, there are also good offers.

Save on packaging

Bright colored packages always attract the attention of the buyer and look tempting. In stores, they are located on the top shelves to be even more visible. But when choosing seeds, you should not focus on the appearance of the bag. They are more expensive in colorful packages, but in fact they are no different from seeds sold in more modest bags.

Do not trust unfamiliar companies luring you with incredibly lucrative offers.

Grow seedlings yourself

It is very convenient to buy ready-made seedlings of cucumbers or tomatoes. Then you will not have to waste time in winter processing and germinating seeds. There is no need to worry if they will sprout, and constantly care for the tender seedlings, creating the necessary conditions for them. But self-cultivation of seedlings significantly saves the budget.

In addition, when buying, you can run into an unscrupulous seller who cheats with a variety.

Use reusable seedling containers

There is no need to buy peat pots for growing seedlings every year.Use reusable plastic containers for no waste. You can even take cups left over from sour cream or yogurt.

But remember that before sowing seeds, all containers should be disinfected. If this is not done, then young seedlings will become infected with fungi or bacteria left on the dishes from the last season and die.

Repair the tool

A lot of tools and equipment are required in the country: pruning shears, forks, wheelbarrow, buckets, watering can, hoses, etc. It is clear that over time they wear out or break. And new ones will not be cheap. So don't rush to the store. Try to fix tools and things that are still recoverable, do not throw them away.

Sharpen the hoe, attach a new handle to the shovel to replace the cracked one, change the wheel of the wheelbarrow, clean the rake from rust. They will last some more time.

Don't waste your garden decoration

Of course, the beautiful garden is pleasing to the eye and the envy of the neighbors. Today, a lot of things have been invented for decoration: funny ceramic figures of gnomes and animals, fences for flower beds, solar-powered lanterns, etc. Such items will look great on any site. But for those who want to save money, we recommend using materials at hand to decorate the garden.

Plant spectacular flowers that bloom all summer. Fence the flower beds with large stones, create an alpine slide, put together a nice hedge from the remaining boards.

Buy seedlings from a private nursery

To acquire fruit trees on a personal plot, you need to buy seedlings. To do this, it is best to go not to a popular garden center, but to a private nursery. So it will be cheaper and more guarantees that the seedlings will take root normally and will delight later with a bountiful harvest.

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