How to prepare tomato seeds for sowing seedlings

The success of growing tomatoes depends on the quality of the planting material. It is at the stage of preparing seeds for planting that the foundations of the future harvest are laid. Experienced gardeners begin sowing tomatoes for seedlings from the first days of March, having necessarily carried out preparatory work: culling seeds, disinfecting them, soaking them in nutrient solutions, hardening. With the help of such procedures, it is possible to accelerate seed germination, increase their resistance to pathogenic bacteria, and activate all subsequent biological processes of plants during the growing season.

Methods for preparing tomato seeds for planting

It should be remembered that inlaid, pelleted seeds are not subjected to pre-sowing treatment. They can be distinguished by the bright color of the shell of nutrients and stimulants, which creates reliable protection of the seedlings at the initial stage. Plasma seeds treated in a special gas environment cannot be soaked either.

Inlaid tomato seeds

Inlaid tomato seeds are treated with Tiram, they are sown dry

There are many ways to prepare ordinary seeds at home, it is not necessary to use them all at once, 2-3 procedures are enough.


For sowing, not all seed material is used, but only the most viable one. To select quality seeds, it is necessary to sort them. To do this, dip them into a jar with 5% saline solution and mix. After 3 minutes after getting wet, small seeds will emerge - they are rejected.

Seed sorting

Seeds floating on the surface when soaked are not suitable for sowing

The heavier ones, which have sunk to the bottom, are used as seed material. After filtering the saline solution, the selected seeds are washed twice with clean cold water and must be dried to a loose state.

Full-bodied tomato seeds

Full-bodied tomato seeds are used for growing seedlings

Video: pre-sowing seed sorting (tomatoes)

Disinfection of tomato seeds

Untreated tomato seeds can transmit pathogenic microorganisms that cause fungal and viral diseases. To prevent outbreaks of disease, seed material is disinfected in disinfectants.

The most popular remedy is potassium permanganate. Seeds, wrapped in gauze, are immersed in a 1% pink solution for a quarter of an hour, then washed with water and left to dry.

Seed dressing in manganese solution

Before sowing, tomato seeds are disinfected in a manganese solution

Often used as an antiseptic 3% hydrogen peroxide (1 tbsp. L. \ 500 ml of water). Seed material is dipped for a day in a container with a peroxide solution.Then, after washing with water, it is dried and sowing is carried out. The use of hydrogen peroxide, providing an antiseptic effect, simultaneously promotes the awakening of dormant cells and the rapid germination of seeds.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide solution is used as an antiseptic

To destroy pathogenic microorganisms on seeds, a mustard solution is also used. 1 tsp 200 ml of warm water is poured into mustard powder, stirred and the seeds are placed in the resulting solution for 3–6 hours. Then they are washed with cold water and laid out on a clean saucer to dry.

Mustard solution

Mustard inhibits seed pathogens

You can treat the seeds with baking soda, which kills microbes and fungal spores, which often contaminate the seed fund. The seeds are soaked in 1% soda solution a day before sowing.

Baking soda

Baking soda has antibacterial properties

But the most effective treatment of seeds in a solution of Fitosporin. They are soaked in liquid (100 g of powder or 4 drops of concentrate \ 200 ml of water) for 2 hours. The bacterial agent has an immunostimulating effect on tomato seeds, increasing the resistance to infections.

The drug Fitosporin and its purpose, instructions for use and user reviews:


Fitosporin is a wonderful drug for the prevention of diseases, not only when the seeds are soaked, but also with the further growth of tomatoes.

Fitolavin also has a bactericidal and fungicidal effect. Pre-sowing soaking of seed for two hours in a solution (10 ml / 5 l of water) prevents the development of root rot, bacterial wilting. The active substances of Fitolavin easily penetrate into the seeds and, by suppressing pathogenic microorganisms, allow plants to resist the introduction of pathogens into them for a long time.


Fitolavin is a systemic biological product that prevents the development of root rot in tomatoes

Warming up

You can also disinfect seeds by heat treatment. This is especially useful when storing seed in a cool place. The seeds can be heated using the heat of heating radiators. The seeds are tied in cheesecloth and suspended from a battery or simply laid out in bags on a cloth substrate on a radiator. This heat treatment is carried out for 2–3 days.

Heating tomato seeds on a battery

You can warm tomato seeds at home on batteries

I heat the seeds over a table lamp, which I place at the bottom of the bucket. Above the lamp I install a wire frame, I put a sieve with seeds on it, while the distance from them to the top of the light bulb (40-60 W) should be about 10 cm. I cover the bucket with a lid, leaving a gap for ventilation, and warm it with a blanket. A 3-hour heat treatment at a temperature not higher than + 60 ° C is sufficient, since heating in a too hot environment, on the contrary, reduces the germination of seeds.

Short-term exposure to high temperature also allows the seeds to awaken and start biochemical processes in them.

Video: heat treatment


If the disinfected seeds are planned to be immediately sown in the nursery, they do not need to be soaked - they are sown in a loose state. But before using stimulants, the seed should be wetted.

Soaking tomato seeds

When soaking seeds, you must monitor their moisture

The seeds are placed in a bag made of cloth or gauze, placed in a jar and soaked in settled tap water. It is even better to use herbal infusions: chamomile, nettle (3 g or 2 sachets) are poured with hot water and infused for 15 minutes. Chamomile stimulates seed germination, while nettle nourishes them.

Camomile tea

Chamomile infusion stimulates seed germination

Many summer residents were convinced from their own experience that the use of snow water gives earlier shoots, and the yield is higher. If there is no snow, you can use the water frozen in the freezer when it thaws and warms up to room temperature.

The seeds are soaked in liquid for 2 days, be sure to change it every 12 hours. As soon as the seeds begin to swell, they must be sown.

How to plant tomatoes for seedlings: seed preparation, container selection, sowing methods and seedling care


Germinated seeds germinate faster and can be harvested earlier. In addition, sprouting increases productivity by 30%. In this case, certain rules must be observed, otherwise the seed material may simply rot. Germinate tomato seeds on a saucer in a damp cotton cloth, protecting them from drafts and maintaining the temperature at least +200FROM.

Germinating seeds

Germinate seeds in a damp cloth at room temperature

Constantly make sure that the fabric with the planting material is wet. The seeds are periodically opened to provide them with oxygen. After the appearance of the loops of the sprouts, the seedlings are sown. Germinated seeds germinate in 3-4 days, while grains without soaking sprout only in 10 days.

Video: how to germinate tomato and pepper seeds

I use a hydrogel to germinate seeds. Pour the dry crystalline substance into a container and add warm water. After swelling, a jelly-like mass is formed, on which I spread the tomato seeds. I cover it with a plastic bag. Very soon the seeds begin to sprout. I sow them in seedling containers along with pieces of gel, which absorbs water and gives it to the plants when the soil dries up.

Hydrogel for seed germination

The hydrogel is poured with water and prepared seeds are spread on the swollen crystals

After how many days do tomato seeds sprout, what is their shelf life and how to check their germination:


Tomatoes are heat-loving plants, so that they quickly adapt to the vegetable garden and are less dependent on the vagaries of the weather, it is necessary to harden the planting material. Seedlings from such seeds are more stocky, strong, less dependent on the vagaries of the weather. On the bushes of tomatoes grown from hardened seeds, inflorescences appear earlier, the fruit is tied by 30% more.

Hardened Seed Tomatoes

Tomato bushes grown from hardened seeds do not get sick and bring bountiful harvests

Tomato seeds are exposed to cold exposure. At night, the seeds that have nailed are sent to the refrigerator with a temperature of + 2 ° C. Then the temperature environment is drastically changed, keeping them in a warm room (+ 20 ° C) during the day. It is necessary to carry out 2-3 cycles of such hardening.

Seeds in the refrigerator

Tomato seeds are exposed to cold exposure by placing in the refrigerator overnight

Seed biostimulation

The use of biostimulants allows increasing the seed germination energy. With their help, it is possible to reanimate seed material with weakened germination, to awaken dormant seed embryos.

Industrial drugs

Nutrient solutions can be prepared from finished products.

Table: preparations for seed biostimulation

Drug nameConsumption rateDuration of processing
Baikal EM15 drops \ 200 ml1-2 hours
Humate1 g \ 2 l6 h.
succinic acid2 g \ 1 l18 hours
Zircon1-2 drops \ 300 ml6-8 hours
Boric acid0.2 g \ 1 l10 h.
NV-1012 drops \ 1 l0.2-1 hours
Horse orgavite10 g \ 1 l, leave for 12 hours30 min.
Epin extra1-2 drops \ 100 ml4 hours
Heteroauxin50 mg / 100 ml6 h.

Photo gallery: seed biostimulants

Before using a stimulant or natural substance, it is necessary to soak the seed in water at room temperature for 1–2 hours. The seeds, saturated with moisture, will not absorb the excess amount of the solution with the stimulating substance. After treatment with growth regulators, the seeds do not need to be washed. They are dried and sown for seedlings.

Video: processing tomato seeds before sowing

Folk remedies to accelerate seed germination

Industrial drugs can be replaced with equally effective folk remedies. Nutrient solutions made from natural ingredients are very popular among gardeners when preparing tomato seeds for planting.

Aloe juice

This plant has a complex effect on seed material. It stimulates growth and, having bactericidal properties, also acts as an immunomodulator. Soaking in aloe juice not only helps to shorten the germination of seeds, but also to disinfect them. The juice of plants more than 3 years old is used.

Aloe juice

Aloe juice stimulates seed germination and at the same time protects them from diseases

The lower leaves are cut off, wrapped in a dark bag and placed in the refrigerator for 1-2 weeks. Then squeeze the juice, dilute with water 1: 1 and soak the tomato seeds tied in a bag. After processing for 10-12 hours, the wet seeds are dried. It is not necessary to wash the seeds from the juice.

As a growth biostimulator when treating tomato seeds, I use infusion golden mustache... I put the seeds in trays on a gauze substrate and moisten the plants with water infusion. Under the influence of a natural biostimulant, on the second day, seeds germinate by 2 mm, while those simply soaked in water - by only 0.5 mm. When processing with an infusion of a golden mustache, the appearance of shoots after planting occurs 2 days earlier.

Golden mustache

Golden mustache is a unique plant: it is a powerful antiseptic and stimulator of biological processes


Bee honey will help accelerate seed germination and achieve 100% germination. It contains biogenic stimulants, and also has an antibacterial effect. Honey (1 tsp) is dissolved in warm water (100 ml). A napkin is placed on a saucer and seeds are poured onto it. Moisten them with 3-4 teaspoons of honey solution. Roll up a napkin with an envelope, drain off excess water and leave for 1-3 hours, adding liquid with honey if necessary.


Honey has long been known for its beneficial properties

Video: tomato seed growth accelerator in honey solution

Mushroom infusion

Mushrooms are rich in proteins, trace elements and amino acids. The organic substances contained in the mushroom infusion are a vitamin supplement necessary for the development of future plants. Dried mushrooms (1 tbsp. L) are poured with a liter of boiling water and left to cool. The tomato seeds are kept in the strained solution for 6 hours.

Soaking mushrooms

The infusion obtained by soaking dry mushrooms is rich in nutrients

Potato juice

Processing in potato juice enriches the seeds with nutrients, which helps to increase their growth energy. Raw potatoes are placed in the freezer, then thawed, cut into pieces and squeezed out. Soak tomato seeds for 12 hours.

Potato juice

Potatoes, the tubers of which contain a whole complex of vitamins and minerals, is the strongest activator of growth processes

Ash solution

Wood ash is a source of potassium, phosphorus, calcium and other trace elements needed to activate seeds. 2 days before soaking the seed, ash (2 tbsp.l.) pour 1 liter of water and insist, stirring occasionally. Then the seeds are filtered and the seeds are dipped into the prepared liquid for 3-5 hours. After this treatment, they are dried and sown on seedlings.

Ash solution

Ash infusion contains useful substances necessary for seed germination

Infusion of onion peel

Onions are an excellent natural stimulant and antiseptic. For the solution, use onion peel (1 handful), which is poured with boiling water (500 ml) and 1 tsp is added. ash. After three days of infusion, the liquid is ready for use. The seeds are soaked in it for 4 hours.

Onion-ash infusion

Onion-ash infusion is a good growth stimulator

Bubbling tomato seeds

It is possible to accelerate seed germination and obtain mass seedlings as a result of bubbling - oxygen saturation in an aquatic environment. For the procedure, you will need a bubbler, which is easy to make at home from a liter glass jar and a compressor from an aquarium. The jar is filled halfway with water and the compressor is lowered into it. Then the seeds are added.

Bubbler at home

The bubbler is easy to build from an aquarium compressor and a glass jar

The seed volume should be one fourth of the water volume. The optimum temperature of the aquatic environment is + 20 ° C.

When the compressor is running, there is a constant circulation of air in the water. The seeds, floating in such a cocktail, are saturated with moisture and oxygen at the same time. For tomatoes, 12-18 hours of such processing is enough. You can enhance the bubbling effect by adding a growth stimulant to the water.

Tomato seed sparging

When bubbling, tomato seeds are saturated with moisture and oxygen

After bubbling, the effect of growth inhibitors in the seed coat of tomatoes and preventing seed germination is reduced. As a result, there is an early and massive appearance of shoots, the growth of seedlings is enhanced at the initial stage, and the ripening of fruits is accelerated.

Video: preparing tomato seeds for sowing


First, I soak the seeds in a nutrient solution (a tablespoon of wood ash per 1 liter of water) for 12 hours, then for a day in clean water in a warm place, then put them wet in the refrigerator for 1-2 days and sow immediately after that.


With seeds, everything is easier for me: I only disinfect tomato seeds in a strong solution of manganese, and then if the seeds are collected from my site in an unfavorable year. To improve the germination of some seeds, I carry out "shock treatment": I alternately dip them into hot and ice water, but more often I sow the seeds into the soil that I just spilled with boiling water - the germination capacity improves significantly.


We take seeds from the best, for example, tomatoes. I soak them in a solution of potassium permanganate. Then I dry it. And I plant it. With tomatoes, interestingly, even the seeds that float will still germinate.

Lilit0310 miraconda

Before planting, I soak almost all the seeds overnight in a solution, for 1 liter of water 1 g of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate), 1 g of boric acid and a tablespoon of wood ash.


Now on sale there are growth stimulants, soaking in which increases and accelerates germination, increases resistance to diseases. I use "Epin" and "Immunocytofit", there is also "Zircon" and "Prostok". The seeds are soaked in the stimulant for several hours ... But I would not recommend to wet the seeds for several days, even while waiting for the seedlings.


Experienced summer residents know: you cannot get a good harvest of tomatoes without preparation. Everyone has their own proven methods of seed treatment before sowing. Novice gardeners can take advantage of our advice. The main thing is to follow the sequence of procedures and carry out disinfection and biostimulation after soaking the seeds. And remember: sprouted seeds are planted only in moist soil. Observing some simple rules, it is quite possible to grow healthy and highly productive tomato bushes.

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