How to properly water seedlings to keep them strong and healthy

Growing vegetables is not easy. For seedlings to grow into strong and healthy plants, they need proper care. Proper watering is one of the main conditions for the growth and development of seedlings.

What should be the water for irrigation

Do not water young tomatoes, cucumbers or peppers with tap water. It contains chlorine and other harmful impurities that negatively affect the condition of the seedlings. It is best to use for this purpose melt or rainwater, which is close to the natural environment. If this is not possible, pass the tap through the filter and let it stand to warm up.

The recommended temperature is no less than 20 and no more than 25 degrees. Cold water should not be used as it often causes root rot. But it is also not worth boiling it, since this is a loss of oxygen.

Watering frequency

Its frequency will depend on the stage of seedling development. Before the first shoots appear, moisten the soil in containers once a day. Do this with a spray bottle to avoid crust formation on the surface. After the seedlings have sprung up, the film shelter is removed from the boxes and watering is stopped for a couple of days. This will give the seedlings a little strength. After hilling and thinning, the sprouts need moisture once a week. When 2-3 true leaves appear on the bushes, the need for water increases.

All layers of soil should be soaked, to the very bottom. A wooden stick, which is stuck into the ground, will help to verify this.

The amount of moisture will also depend on the type of garden culture. So, cucumbers and cabbage need it more than peppers, eggplants and tomatoes. Their sprouts need daily watering.

How to water seedlings on a windowsill

Keep containers of seedlings by a south-facing window. Watering must be competent, because future yield indicators largely depend on it.

Avoid excessive waterlogging of the soil, as it provokes the appearance of diseases in seedlings (the black leg is considered a common one). It is best to have a drainage layer at the bottom of the containers to prevent stagnation.

But do not let the soil dry out either. Such a mistake will lead to dire consequences. Young plants will become frail and weak, and their growth will slow down.

How to water seedlings in a greenhouse

Saplings in the greenhouse are watered at the root. This recommendation is acceptable for tomatoes, eggplants and peppers. Falling drops on the leaves causes late blight. Under each bush, it is necessary to pour at least 2-3 liters of liquid once a week in the spring and 2 times a week in the summer. Do this in the morning or evening when there is no scorching sun. After the soil is loosened, it is recommended to ventilate the greenhouse.

Watering seedlings after picking

A pick is the seating of grown seedlings in different cups. This procedure is very stressful for them. Plants must take root in a new location. Therefore, after picking, they are not watered for 5-6 days. This will allow the roots to grow better in search of moisture. Then watering continues according to the scheme.

Watering seedlings before planting in the ground

Landing on the beds is a serious event. Watering is stopped a few days before. But a couple of hours before transplanting, the soil is abundantly moistened. This will help prevent damage to the root system.The risk of injury is high enough during removal from the cups. The planted bushes also need to be watered abundantly. The soil is mulched to slow down the evaporation of moisture. The next watering is done only 10-15 days after that.

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