How to properly care for a poinsettia so that it blooms for Christmas

It is not for nothing that poinsettia is referred to as the "Christmas Star". It is distinguished by its leaves, which burn with a bright red fire. Let's figure out what rules should be followed in caring for this plant so that it blooms for Christmas.

Flower history

Poinsettia is a flower that came to us from Central America and Mexico. It was named after Joel Poinsett, the American ambassador to Mexico. In fact, he brought this plant to South Carolina and gave the cuttings to botanists for their further cultivation.

Placement and lighting

The "Christmas star" loves a lot of light during flowering. It is advised to place it on the windowsill of the south or south-east side. But it is necessary to ensure that direct sunlight does not fall on it. If there is not enough light, then you need to put a special lamp, otherwise the poinsettia will shed its bright leaves and fade.


Poinsettia really does not like sudden changes in temperature. If you buy it in the winter, make sure it is packed very well. Avoid drafts at home, the temperature should be between 18-24 degrees. Warm the pot with different fabrics during periods when there is no heating yet.


It is necessary to water the plant regularly and abundantly during the periods of its flowering. Make sure that the soil does not dry out too much: as soon as the top layer of the earth is dry, it means you need to water it. It is better to use warm, settled water. Do not overmoisten, otherwise the roots will begin to rot. Remember to water the flower more abundantly in summer.

Air humidity is also important for poinsettia. A dry climate is harmful to its leaves, such a problem is frequent, especially during heating in houses. This can lead not only to wilting of the flower, but also to the appearance of a spider mite. Therefore, it is necessary either to regularly spray the plant, or to purchase a humidifier.

Soil and pot selection

Choose a pot that is spacious so that the roots have enough room for growth. A good drainage layer is needed at the bottom. A suitable soil mixture consists of turf, leaf, humus soil with sand in a ratio of 3: 2: 3: 1.

Top dressing and transplanting

During active growth (spring and summer), the plant must be fed. Give mineral fertilizer every 15 days, and from the beginning of autumn to the end of flowering - potassium-phosphorus fertilizer.

The plant is transplanted in May. It is necessary to prepare fresh soil and a larger pot. Be extremely careful in this process to avoid damaging the poinsettia. Pull out the flower in such a way that a good clod of earth remains near the roots and, without removing this clod, move it to another pot of earth.

Stimulating flowering

Cutting branches during transplantation stimulates well for flowering. It is necessary to carefully examine the bush: we cut off the branches without buds, the top of the central trunk, unstable stems, long shoots looking towards the side.

September is the most crucial period as flowering begins. Poinsettia becomes necessary for a short daylight hours: keep the plant in a well-lit place for 10 hours, and the remaining 14 in a completely dark space, for example, in a closet. So the kidneys will develop fully.

So, the poinsettia care is quite simple, but with its own nuances.By following these recommendations, you will get an excellent interior decoration for Christmas and New Year's holidays in the form of a wonderful bright red star.

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