7 ways of pre-sowing seed treatment at home

High-quality planting material is the key to a rich harvest. It does not matter whether purchased seeds or self-collected, before sowing for seedlings, you need to perform a number of preparatory steps. This will activate the growth of plants and allow them to develop correctly in the future.



The procedure is carried out using a saline solution.


  1. Dissolve 30 g of table salt in 1 liter of water.
  2. Dip the seeds in the solution and wait 10 minutes.
  3. Bad specimens will float to the surface, and quality ones will remain at the bottom. They must be removed and rinsed with clean water.
  4. Dry in a warm and well-ventilated area.


Several methods are used:

  1. Heat 3% hydrogen peroxide to + 40 ° С. Place the seeds there for 7-10 minutes.
  2. Dissolve 5 g of baking soda in 1 liter of warm water. Leave the planting material in the solution for 1 day.
  3. Soak the grains in a 2% solution of potassium permanganate. Processing time is 45 minutes.
  4. Alternate seed treatment with hot and cold water. Hot temperature should be + 48 ... + 53 ° С. The procedure takes 15-20 minutes.


It involves placing the planting material in the most favorable conditions. Stratification contributes to:

  • high-quality distribution of nutrients inside the embryos;
  • increasing resistance to temperature extremes;
  • accelerated germination;
  • getting healthy and strong specimens.

The seeds must be soaked in water until they swell, then mixed with sand and kept in the refrigerator for 30-120 days.


The procedure is carried out to increase the cold resistance of the seed and adapt it to planting in open ground.

Hardening consists of the following steps:

  1. Arrange the seeds in cloth bags.
  2. Soak in warm water (+ 20 ° C) and stand for 6-12 hours.
  3. Transfer the seeds to the refrigerator and keep there at a temperature of + 1 ... + 3 ° С for 12 hours.

Warming up before sowing

Place the seed in dry gauze bags and hang them near a radiator or other heat source.


This procedure is necessary for:

  • checking the material to see if it can germinate;
  • enhancing growth;
  • disease prevention.

It is necessary to prepare a low container and cheesecloth. Lay the seeds on the bottom of the container in a thin layer, cover the top with gauze, which must be periodically moistened.

Fortification with nutrients

The procedure allows you to saturate future sprouts and young plants with microelements at an early stage of growth, which will have a positive effect on productivity.

The seeds must be soaked for a day in a special solution, then dried and sown. Suitable as a nutrient solution:

  • manganese sulfate (0.05-0.1%);
  • potassium permanganate (0.5-1%);
  • copper sulfate (0.001-0.005%).

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