4 handy remedies for mold in pots

Mold in flower pots is dangerous for plant health. This leads to diseases, rotting roots, interferes with the supply of oxygen and nutrients. The cause of the fungus is excessive soil moisture due to too much watering and poor drainage system, which leads to stagnation of the liquid. If he has already acted, you need to take urgent measures to destroy him.

Lemon juice

Lemon juice is used to stop the spread of the fungus. The influence of an acidic environment will inhibit the growth of the disease. We need one lemon and 250 ml of water.

Squeeze the juice from the lemon and dilute it in water. Then we water the contaminated soil with this solution. It is recommended to repeat this procedure at least twice a month until the problem disappears.

Activated carbon

A good drainage system is an important part of the fight against disease due to excess moisture in the ground. To create it, we need sphagnum moss and crushed activated carbon. They have an antiseptic, filtering effect and make the soil looser.

The plant is best transplanted from the contaminated soil into a new pot with holes in the bottom. You need to put a two-centimeter layer of coal and moss there (this will be drainage).

Then add what is left of them in the ground and mix. Now we place the plant in a pot, which we will fill with the mixture we made. This will help air flow into the soil, disinfect it, increase looseness and remove excess moisture.


Fundazole is a powerful anti-mold agent. For use, it must be diluted in a proportion of 2 grams of the drug per liter of water. Water the soil with the resulting solution.

Treat the stem and leaves if necessary. The therapeutic effect is manifested within three days, and the remaining 7 days the protective function remains. It is better not to abuse this drug, since in large doses it has a negative effect on the earth.


Using garlic will cure diseased soil and inhibit mold growth. You need to take one slice and cut it into several pieces. Then put around the stem and pour over with warm water.

After the soil is dry, the garlic can be removed. For the treatment of the affected land, this method is used up to 15 times a month, and as a means of prevention - once a week.

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